I Like You on My Team

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Once again, I was sent back to my room after a long day filled with tests.

A knock on the door caught my attention as I was reading. "Yeah?"

Clint popped his head into the room, "Can I come in?"

I rolled my eyes and put the book down. "What do you want?"

"I figured since we're going to be stuck together for at least a week or two, we should get our issues out of the way."

"Okay, I agree. What's your fucking problem, then?

Taken aback, he stuttered for a second. "Nothing, I can put my issues aside to make sure you get the best help I can provide."

It was my turn to be shocked," I- uh- okay. Thank you. Sorry for snipping at you."

He held up his hand up as if to say, 'don't'.

"Okay then. Good talk, Barton," I said out of sheer awkwardness. "What is your problem with me though?"

He stood to leave and turned back, "you get under my skin, Y/L/N, but I like you on my team, so I'll do what I can."

"Thank you," I squeaked out as he left the room and laid down to sleep. 

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