Chapter 4

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Well the last thing I expected to see when I woke up this morning was Earl walking into the apartment after getting the morning paper with Jaida holding a baby trailing behind him, "Jaida, sweetie? You want to explain what's going on?" 

She looked at me with a pained expression before sighing deeply "Um yes, just give me a minute" 

I glanced over at Earl, who looked just as confused as me and nodded my head, "You go freshen up dear. Would you like me to hold the baby?" 

She nodded gratefully and gently passed the baby to me and walked to the spare bedroom we had. I turned to Earl when I heard the door close, 

"What the hell happened?" I whispered to him, careful not to wake the baby. 

"I don't know, she was just sitting on the steps outside holding the baby when I went to get the paper, she didn't say anything." 

I glanced down at the sleeping child in my arms and mumbled gently, "What's your story baby? Where did you come from?" 

I headed to the spare room to check on Jaida only to find her asleep on the bed, 

"Poor thing must be exhausted."


I woke up disoriented, it took me awhile to realize that I was in Maggie's spare bedroom, then the events from earlier came flooding back to me. 

"How the hell am I suppose to raise a kid Samantha? You of all people knew how hard I struggle and how hard I work." I sighed deeply and got up to freshen up in the bathroom, it was time to tell Maggie and Earl what had happened. 

I was grateful for it being Sunday but that also meant I had class tomorrow morning, I needed to figure out what I was going to do and fast.  

I walked out into the living room to see Maggie and the baby, she looked up when she hears me enter, "She's Samantha's isn't she?"  

I nod my head, not trusting my voice and blink rapidly to keep the tear at bay. 

"What's her name?" I look up in surprise that Maggie just understands that it's difficult to talk about what happened earlier, I walk over to them and take the baby from Maggie, 

"Isabella Marie" 

I whisper,  "Such a pretty name" 

"She's the splitting image of Samantha" 

"What's going to happen to her?" Maggie asked, genuinely curious, 

"She's.......mines, Samantha....placed her in my care" 

"Why don't you put her up for adoption if you can't handle it?" 

I stare at Maggie wide eyed as if she's crazy and pulled Isabella closer to me, "I can't and won't do that!!!! Sammy trusted me to take care off her!" 

The thought of adoption hadn't even crossed my mind, it wasn't going to be an option. I knew no matter how hard it will be, I would raise this baby. 

"Jaida you can barely support yourself, you are still in school!!! How are you gonna manage a baby as well?!?!" 

I looked down at Isabella in my arms and hugged her close to me, looking up at Maggie, in the strongest voice I could manage,  

"I'll manage... I'll get two jobs if I have to, I'll do extra credits at college so I can graduate early so I can support her better, I can do this Maggie" 

"And where will the kid be while your doing this? When are you going to have time to play mommy? A baby needs love too!" 

I knew Maggie was just looking out for me but I started getting overwhelmed again, I wanted to just run away, leaving all my troubles behind. 

"Maggie!!!" Earl's voice shouted from behind me, leaving a tension filled atmosphere to settle amongst us, "You are overwhelming her, alot has happened already," 

Maggie sighed heavily in defeat, "I trust she is capable Earl, I am only concerned but we will support you anyway we can, you can count on us" 

she said with a soft smile on her face, that reassured me that I was making the right choice. 

I walked up to her and awkwardly hugged her with isabella in my arms, 

"So what do newborns eat?" 

I asked sheepishly.


another chapter fixed :-) 

give me some feedback people, is this better than the original?

picture of Maggie :-)

vote,comment,fan and share :-D

till next time people!!

Mommy Dearest *Completed but Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now