Chapter 5

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It had been a month since Samantha died and if it wasn't for Maggie and Earl I honestly didn't know how I would have managed. Maggie offered to watch her while I was at school and on the nights I work at the diner, which thankfully was only three nights a week. Clara, the owner of the diner, also helps me out with Bella when I work on a Saturday since those are day shifts. Clara and Maggie are also really good friends so it all works out for me that someone I trust is helping take care my kid. After a week I will admit it was a little weird referring to Isabella as 'my kid' but I got over whatever fears I had. Samantha wasn't coming back and I needed to accept that and take care of her baby, she believed I could do it and I can't let her down. 

Today was Sunday and I was getting ready to take Bella to the park but first I had to video call my best friend from back home, Genny. She's the only one of my friends and relatives that knew about Isabella, not even my parents and siblings knew. Genny has been so supportive and has practically adopted Isabella as her own, they've met on the few times I've video chatted with her and the best part is Isabella adores Genny just as much. It warms my heart when I see her eyes light up in happiness when she sees Genny. 

"Genny Bean!!!"  

"Hey sweetie!!! Happy Birthday!!!!"  

I stared at her confused,  "What?" 

"Oh My Gosh!!! You forgot your birthday?!?!?" 

"But today's not the......" I trailed off as I stared at the calender, "Oh God!!! Genny today's my birthday and I forgot!!!" 

"I realized" she shook her head at me in disappointment.  

"So my dearest friend what is on the agenda for you and my child?" 

"I was gonna take her to the park and that's about it but I guess," I mumbled thoughtfully. 

"You work too hard Jai!!" she scolded. 

"Not hard enough Gen," I sighed heavily,"I mean Bella is never deprived of anything she's got food, clothes, toys and medical supplies but I'm still a bit tight on cash, I just want us both to have a comfortable lifestyle."  

"Don't worry when I arrive, things will get easier." 

Genny and I had this amazing plan to share an apartment and work, as soon as she's finished in college she's moving to come stay with me and Isabella. 

"Gen...." I trailed off, "What am I going to do about christmas?" I asked. 

"What about it? I'm confused" she asked with furrowed eyebrows. 

"My parents don't know about Bella, I can't bring her home with me but my parents will be suspicious if I don't come home this year and it's all the drama with my mom because you know what she's like." 

She sighed heavily and got this thoughtful expression on her face, "Well how about leaving her with Maggie and Earl for Christmas week and go back the day after New Year's or New Year's day itself" 

I pondered on her words for a moment, "I guess so, but it's Isabella's first Christmas and I'm going to hate myself for missing it." 

"I know honey but it's just this year and it's not like she's gonna remember it anyway." 

A noise coming from the baby moniter by my bedstand interrupted our conversation, "Not the point and you know it but I gotta go, Bella is waking up, we'll call you later. Love you and miss you Genny." 

"Ok Jai, give my child a kiss for me, love you and miss you more." 

I ended the call and walked into Isabella's room, heading towards the crib. 

Mommy Dearest *Completed but Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now