Chapter 21

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Like the doctor said, I was out of the hospital by lunch time the following day. All I really wanted to do was see my daughter, I hadn't seen her since the morning we had breakfast at Clara's and I was suffering from with-drawls. I was sitting on my hospital bed waiting on the discharge papers and of course Cameron, who insisted on picking me up and taking me home. Home, I still didn't know where that was at this point in time.

"Momma!!!!!!!" my head snapped to the door in time to see it fly open and a flash of blond jump straight into my arms. I immediately stood up, once I caught Bella and spun her around, feeling my negative behaviour being lifted by the sounds of her delightful squeals. I had missed her dearly and now all felt right in the world now that she was in my arms.

"I missed you momma!!!" She said, looking up at me with those innocent green eyes.

"Momma missed you so much more baby," I said pulling her for another hug and placing a kiss on her head. I was aware that Cameron had entered the room but I couldn't care about how he made me feel right now. All I cared about was the missing piece of my heart that had just been found when my bundle of joy entered the room.

"Are you better now momma? Can you come home?"

"Yes baby, I'm all better now. We can spend the day together, How was the night at uncle Cammy and Clara's?"

"It was fun mommy. Can we stay at uncle Cammy's forever? He let me stay up and watch movies!" she exclaimed excitedly.

I tensed and narrowed my eyes when I saw Cameron stiffen from the corner of my eye. I did not appreciate knowing that my daughter didn't follow the rules I had set for her. I did not allow her to stay up because she gets cranky and irritable but I let it go for now, I had just gotten out of the hospital, I didn't need to go back in on the same day.

"That place is not our home Bella Marie, why do you want to stay there?" I asked curiously, it was rather strange for Bella to ask such a question so something must have happened.

"I heard uncle Cammy on the phone last night, telling a person that we would stay with him forever!"

I didn't think it was possible, the temperature in the room dropped as the tension raised. On the outside, I was frozen, I didn't know what else to do. On the inside I was seeing red, I was thinking every bad word possible and directing it towards Cameron, I think those sailors would be either proud or stunned at the words that flashed through my mind. I thought Cameron would have had more common sense than that to watch what he says around Bella.

I knew he was staring at me, he knew I was angry. I never agreed to living with him and now he had MY daughter thinking his house was our new home. He cringed back into the wall so I assumed my anger finally showed up on my face.

"That is not our home Isabella," I say softly, trying to keep my cool.

She tilted her head to the side, "Where is our home momma?"

"Next door to Maggie's, It's always been our home."

I cringed when I saw the flash of fear in her eyes but what I had said was true, his house wasn't our home, "Momma I don't wanna go there, I wanna go home."

"Where do you think our home is Isabella?"

"Home is with uncle Cammy!" she said excitedly, not picking up on the steadily rising tension and anger in the air.

"Isabella Marie!" I started, my voice rising slightly, "That is not our home!"

"It is mommy! Uncle Cammy said so!!"

Mommy Dearest *Completed but Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now