Chapter 18

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Jaida how can you be so stupid? Of course he doesn't like me like that! What was I expecting for him to confess right then and there! Stupid Jaida! 

If it wasn't for Bella I'd probably go back home and hide in shame. I headed into the bathroom to check on Bella. Taking a deep breath I smiled a fake smile so I wouldn't worry Bella, "Little miss, it does take that long to wash your hands," I said feeling my fake smile turn real, "Go on to the room next door, I'll come change you." 

"Yes momma," she said with a bright smile before running off with a giggle. I shook my head and watched her go, if I left her in here she probably would have flooded the bathroom. 

I glanced over at Cameron's closed door and shook my head. 'Focus Jaida, you can't let Bella see you crying.' I blinked away the tears that were threatening to spill out and washed my face.  

Taking a deep breath I walked out the bathroom, into the guest room to get Bella changed, "So uncle Cam's lending us his t-shirts because they're pretty big so it'll cover you nicely so let's hurry and get changed so we can have dinner."

"Bella take smaller bites, I don't want you choking on your food," I said suppressing another sigh, I decided to eat dinner at the table instead of in front the television as usual but Bella's choosing to be difficult tonight. 

"Yes mommy," she said with a pout. 

I smiled and cut her burger into smaller pieces before kissing her cheek, smiling as her eyes sparkled. 

I knew when Cameron came into the room before he even said anything, I instantly became aware of his presence. I looked up at him and gave him a fake smile that I think he knew I was faking but I didn't care, I was hurt.  

"Hey," he said softly, I almost didn't hear him. 

Instead of answering him with a hey of my own, I just told him where his food was and went back to watching Bella and nibbling on some of my fries. 

I watched as he grabbed his dinner and sat down opposite me. He looked like he was in deep thought about something. I wasn't sure if he knew I was watching him or not but I didn't care, I watched as he ran his hands down his face and his eyes got this remorseful look in his eyes. He probably knew how I felt from how I reacted, he probably saw the hurt look on my face so he was probably trying to find a way to break it down easier for me that he wasn't interested. This is exactly why we shouldn't live together. 

"Momma can we watch a movie tonight?" 

I glanced down at Bella as she slid off the chair and glanced over at Cameron who was so lost in thought, "Not tonight baby, momma doesn't feel well but I'm sure if you ask uncle Cam he will, if not come straight to bed" I slid off the chair and threw away Bella's rubbish before placing a kiss on her head and heading to the guest room. 

Lying in the dark I thought over what happened the past two days and yet that five minute talk with Cameron has affected me the most and hurt me the most. Then it hit me the reason why I'm like this is because I liked Cameron, alot more than I originally thought. I probably won't have him now that he's interested in someone else. Cam isn't a player so when he's interested in a girl he's really interested, in for the long run. I briefly wondered who the lucky bitch was then I mentally scolded myself for being bitter, I had no right, all that should matter was that Cameron was happy. I felt hurt that Cameron never mentioned he was interested in someone, I always thought we were really close, he was the only person I got close to in university, I thought we were like best friends but I guess I was wrong and that thought alone had me in tears before I eventually fell asleep. 

Mommy Dearest *Completed but Not Edited*Where stories live. Discover now