How it All Started

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*CamiloxFem reader


*word count- 1157

*Summary- You and your sister are out getting strawberries, and you are explaining the way you and Camilo fell in love


"So, how did it happen?" You stopped picking the strawberries and looked at your little sister. "What happen?" You two had been out all morning picking out strawberries for your mother. She had decided she wanted to make a pie for dessert and had asked you and your younger sibling to go pick out some for her. "You and Camilo. You guys are always together I wanna know how it happened." You thought for a bit before going back to pick a strawberry. You never thought about explaining the whole thing before. "Well, it started as a normal day...."

A Year Earlier

"I had been all over town trying to get a dress for Mama. It was like nothing I found could fit her. One dress was too flashy, too big, or bland."

The scene cuts out to a stressed-looking you. Your hair was all over your face, and you were chewing your nails. It had been a habit you picked up. You were about to give up and head the Madrigal's and ask Isabella to make you a bouquet.

"As I was leaving I bumped into someone.."

The scene cuts to a frantic Camilo. He had been practicing all day what he should say to his crush. He hasn't said a word to her, and he wanted to make a good first impression. He knew she liked a funny guy so he had been practicing jokes all over the house. Granted it was with a five-year-old, but if he can get Antonio to laugh why not her?

"When I looked up it was Camilo. He looked like something was weighing on his mind."

"Penny for your thoughts?" I smiled at the scared-looking boy before he smiled back at me. "I just need some help."

"He looked almost ashamed to be asking for help. But I was tired of looking for dresses so I told him I wouldn't mind helping him.

"Really? You don't have to if you don't want to." I only shrugged. "It's fine I'm bored anyhow and helping you might make the day better.

"He explained to me he wanted to impress his crush, and he didn't know-how. His crush was one of my closest friends, Margaret. So I told him that he should bring her a dandelion."

"Oh, she likes dandelions?" I nodded my head. "They're her favorite if you want her to like you back, you'd get her a handful of them." He took in the information before grabbing my hand. "Ok let's go see my cousin."

"We had been walking a bit when we started making small talk. The whole time while we were walking I couldn't help, but think "why does he like Margaret?" I had been so quick to help him I didn't even know why.

"Camilo?" He stopped walking before turning to me. "Yea?" He had a blush on his face and he was looking everywhere but me. "Why do you like Margaret? I mean what about her makes you like her?" He seemed lost in thought before he continued walking towards the house on the hill.

"He wouldn't answer me so I assumed something may have happened between the two that made him a little shy, and he didn't want to tell me. I was okay with that because he and I never really talked before that moment.

Camilo couldn't answer her question because he was bluffing. He didn't like Margaret and frankly, he didn't care much about her. He knew she had red hair and that was about it. He liked you, but when you guys bumped into each other he got cold feet. Now he knew he couldn't keep up with this lie forever so he was gonna try to find a way to confess without confessing.

"Wait, so he liked Margaret?" Your sister had stopped picking strawberries altogether. "Let me finish the story, please." You had sat down in front of the little girl placing the basket down. "Sorry!" you just smiled before continuing...

"When we had got to the house he led me to Isabella's room. I assumed she had been reading a book or something because she didn't seem shocked when we walked into the room.

"Hola, Isa!" She popped her head out from her bed before smiling wide. "Why hello you two! What brings you to my room?" She got off her bed then headed towards us. "We just need a handful of dandelions!" I smiled back at the older girl. She looked back and forth between us two. She saw the two of you together, so she was kinda skeptical. What did Camilo have planned to do to this nice girl? "Here ya go! Did you know that dandelions are the only flower to represent 3 celestial bodies of-" Camilo cut her off before she could finish. "Thank you for the flowers and the interesting fact, but we really must be heading out now. I smiled and thanked her again before heading out.

"Camilo still hadn't talked to his crush, and I was getting hungry. We sat in his room with the flowers for a while trying to brainstorm a way to get them to talk."

"You still haven't answered my question. My stomach growled once more I couldn't wait to head home. "That question being..?" "Why do you like Margaret? I mean she's nice and all but she can be a bit bossy and worse when she's hungry." "I like her for a lot of reasons that's all you need to know."

"I had started to believe he was lying and I wanted to find out way."

"I think your lying." I had never seen someone's head twist so fast. "Me? Lying? No, I'm telling the truth." Camilo's heart started beating fast. "No, your lying it's okay I'm not mad just tell me why." Camilo sighed dramatically before falling backward. "Because I wanted to spend time with you, and I didn't know how to make you spend time with me so I kinda fibbed.

"I started laughing hard I thought it was cute he made me spend my whole day talking about my friend when all he wanted was to spend time with me."

"So what happened after that?" My sister and I had been sitting out here for so long that we started eating some strawberries. "Well we started hanging out more and before you know it we fell in love. "Gross. I hope I don't fall in love it sounds like a lot of work." I laughed at her. "Oh trust me when you end up falling in love you'll love it." "No, I won't!!" I just sighed for getting up and dusting the dirt off my dress. "Let's go before mama starts getting mad were gone for too long."


I'm so glad I finished this on time! This one came to me randomly and I just knew I should make it a story. Idk if I will make another book this week but I'm hoping I will. But till next time love you all!!!

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