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*Camiloxfem reader

*Angst and fluff

*Word count-1613

*Summary-Camilo was deeply in love with you, and you in love with him. The only problem is that Alma doesn't approve of you because she believes her grandson can find someone better. You and Camilo meet in secret and talk about the future you both plan to have someday.

*Prior movie Alma



Camilo knew he was in love with you when he was ten. You always made an effort to include everyone, and you loved being around kids just like him. He didn't confess to you until you both were thirteen and that started a very beautiful relationship. The only problem is that Alma doesn't approve of you. When Camilo was eleven he had asked her what she felt about if you two were to date and her exact words were "Camilo you can do so much better than her. Don't waste your time on her." He cried that night in his room. You guys weren't together, but he had this vision that maybe someday that you guys would be. And to know that his grandmother doesn't support it crushed his little heart. By twelve he decided that he didn't care what his grandmother had to say and that he was in love with you. So when it came around that he confessed you can guys how upset Alma was. It was a restless night for everyone who witnessed the fight that went down. Camilo sat in tears as his grandmother called him a fool for following his head and disobeying her. From that point on you, two weren't allowed to have any contact, but that didn't stop you both. Now at the bright age of 14, you guys decided to meet at the biggest tree in the woods that separate the Casita from the village.

Camilo looked at you while you waved at him. His smile went ear to ear while he hugged you. How he wished he didn't have to hide you. "Y/n?" He seemed lost in thought during today's meet-up, but you didn't want to seem too pushy. "Yes?" You watched as he debated whatever he had to say in his mind. You guessed that he probably felt conflicted about something so you gave him a deeper hug. "Do you think that someday we will be able to go public with our relationship?" It did bother you that you guys couldn't go public with your relationship. You knew it bothered Camilo more though you knew it took a toll on his mental health. "I believe that someday we will be able to." He smiled at your optimism, but he didn't believe you. He knew his grandmother you didn't she'd never accept you. So that only led to one thought. "Someday could this be ordinary?" You smiled at him once more before speaking.

"You're from the perfect paradise, and I'm living on the darker side."

Everyone knew of the Madrigal's powers, and you probably guessed that Alma didn't like her because she was some random nobody from town. Camilo smiled at your words. When you two were thirteen the day Camilo was crying in your arms about Alma you had made him a little song. To help him and every so often you'll catch yourself singing it. Camilo finished the lyrics.

"Right from the start, you caught my eye and something inside me came to life."

Talking about what's going on between him and his grandmother is a tough subject for him. If the topic was brought up he usually ends up in tears by the end of it, but somehow you were always there to make him feel better he wished his grandmother could see you in the way, everyone else does.

"Ooh, I got a feeling if you get to know me."

Hearing that Alma didn't like you hurt you. I mean you haven't done anything remotely terrible so why does she not like you? All this drama probably took the biggest toll on Camilo and his mother. Pepa missed the boy Camilo was before. She doesn't blame you for what happened and she doesn't blame Alma, but she wished Alma could become more open-minded. Camilo was funny, bubbly, trouble-making, and all-around an amazing kid to be around, and ever since it seems like Camilo is just existing. He barely talks to anyone and just does his chores. He never speaks to Alma no matter how hard anyone tries. Pepa cried in her room for many days praying and wishing to get her old Camilo back, but she knew as long as Alma acted the way she did, she'd never see the old Camilo again. And that tore her.

"Someday this could be, this could be ordinary. Someday could we be something extraordinary?"

Dolores knew that Camilo snuck out to see you. She refused to say anything because she knew that was the only chance she got to see Camilo generally happy. After everything went down she was in Camilo's room soothing him. Believe it or not, it was Dolores's idea to sneak out so you guys could see each other. Camilo and Dolores talked a lot during these times, and it seemed that the relationship they shared grew stronger. He'd often go to her and ask for advice and Dolores also confided in him about Mariano. "Abuela wants him to marry Isabella. I don't know what I'm supposed to do." Camilo was with Dolores all those nights she cried, and as time went on Camilo started growing hate for his Abuela, and he wished that one day, maybe she could change.

After the movie....

After Mirabel saved the miracle it seemed like everything was back on track. Well, almost everything. Abuela realize her wrong and decided she wanted to be better. She knew how much she hurt her family and more importantly, how she has been hurting Camilo and you. She can't take back the years of pain she caused you both, but she can apologized. So she went down in town and made a pit stop at your house.  "Y/n someone is here for you!" You rushed down the stairs thinking it was one of your new packages, but as you made it down the stairs you were hit with Alma. What did she want? Was she here to hate on you then leave? You smiled softly before leading her towards the couch. Your mother stayed in the kitchen only briefly paying attention to what was happening. "Look if you're here to tell me I'm not good enough for Camilo I don't want to hear it. I love him and he loves me and nothing you can say can change that!" You stood your ground. You didn't want her to think she can come in here and break you guys up. "No, Y/n I understand what I have done to you two, I've come to say I'm sorry." You looked at her before sitting down and letting her continue. "I didn't want you and Camilo together because you both remind me of me and Pedro." It seemed hard for her to get it off her chest. "It's just I didn't want what happened to me and Pedro to happen to Camilo and you. I wanted to protect him, but in the process, I ended up hurting him. Please forgive me." You saw how sincere she looked. "I won't be able to forgive you here at the moment, but I'd like to take the steps to heal." You smiled and got up and hugged the lady who seemed to be in so much pain from keeping it in this whole time. "Thank you Y/n. Thank you so much. I'd like to invite you to dinner to surprise Camilo." You smiled brightly at her before nodding. "I'd be delighted to!"

"Two lonely hearts beat in the dark, imagine it now, they start a spark."

Camilo sat in his room reading a book. He seemed at peace with everything not being so hectic, and today he was going out to meet with you. Dolores came into the room with the biggest smile. "Dinners ready!" He seemed confused why she was so excited about dinner, but he loved his Tiá's food so he hurried down the stairs. He turned towards the kitchen to hear it overflowing with laughter. He saw his mother and a girl whose back was turned towards him. His heart fell in his stomach he knew your laugh from a mile away. You turned and looked at him before smiling and running into his arms. He hugged you back and for the first time in a long time, Pepa saw her son smile. Camilo started crying "please tell me it's not a dream, and you here." You kissed his cheek "I'm here Cami. I'm here!" It was such an emotional moment everyone who witnessed it couldn't help but cry. "Abuela invited me over she wanted to make things better." Camilo hugged the girl more before lifting his head and facing his grandmother. "Thank you." It was the first words he spoke to her in many years, and it felt like everything was finally at peace.

"You and me side by side out in the broad daylight. If they laugh we'll say we're gonna be someday." 

You and Camilo sat happily at the dinner table a smile never leaving Camilo's face. Finally, this "Someday" was today.


WOOO!!! This one came to me because I was going through Disney movies and I just had to finish it. I'm probably writing more tonight and a story will be published tomorrow. Love you guys!!!!!!

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