
438 4 3

*Camiloxfem reader

*Angst and fluff

*Word Count-1347

*Summary-Starfire powers x Camilo



"These children survived a sickness that was rapidly taking the lives of children in America. They survived yes, but no longer are the same. When these children were given to me I assigned them each a color that corresponds to their disorder." Pepa smiled for what felt like the millionth time. Recently a scientist decided to make a base home to protect children with gifted minds away from people who were out to get them. Camilo seemed no need for them to need to tour the place but was quickly told he'd be touring one of the children at his school.

"Blue means Telekinetic abilities, gold can manipulate electricity, red is the most destructive, orange is mind control, and lastly green, energy projection. We only have one girl with this power, and she is the one this bright young man will be helping." The man smiled at Camilo before showing up in front of a room. He quickly hit a few things before a girl who looked like Camilo's pulled up. "She is stuck in solitary due to the uneasiness of her powers. Most people can control their powers while her powers control her." Two men came into the room grabbed the girl and brought her towards the door. "I'll lead the two of you towards the meeting center where you'll be able to converse with the girl."

We waited some time till a girl with short hair brought the girl in. Her eyes were a green that wrapped around her whole eye. I couldn't tell if the girl was blind or not. She had long red hair and she looked to be in high spirits. "We will be motoring the conversation behind the wall over there. Please do not try to tamper with the restraints on her wrist." The girl looked at Pepa with a smile. She attempted to wave but seemed to have a hard time. Not much talking was done since the girl was unable to communicate.

The girl walked behind us earnestly but seemed upset at the fact she couldn't talk with us. She stomped her foot two times as a way to get our attention and my mom turned and smiled. The girl smiled back before looking at me and coming forward and kissing me. Her lips felt amazing but it was cut short by her. "Thank you! I'm Y/n I have the ability to learn any language by the kissing." My mom looked more amazed than shocked while my face froze. We continued walking before we made it home. It was past dinner and Y/n had a small room near Camilo's.

Camilo was getting ready to lay in bed before he heard rapid knocking. He opened the door quickly to be hit by Y/n "We are under attack!" The girl eyes around the room before hiding under the bed. "What are you talking about?" The girl stayed under the bed refusing to come out. "Outside look at the sky!" Camilo went closer to the window to smile. A shooting star was all you could see "It's called a shooting star it won't harm us." Camilo went near the bed and bent down before putting a handout. "Trust me." Camilo's warm smile made the girl feel safe as she came out "Are you sure earth's not under attack?" Camilo let out a laugh while plopping on the bed "positive." Y/n held her chest while letting out a sigh. "Do you miss home?" Camilo questioned the girl "Very much my planet is very different from this one." Camilo looked at her funny. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not from here. My family came here right before the sickness people say I survived it but I never got sick in the first place." Camilo's eyes were wide the whole time "So what is your gift?" The girl smiled "I have many gifts too much to name but if the time ever were to come I'd be able to defend myself." The girl looked at the door before standing up "someone is here." She opened the door before the person could knock Pepa appeared.

"Oh, I just wanted to say get to sleep a big day ahead of you two." Y/n smiled before heading to her room. The next few months went by fast. I grew a sort of feeling towards Y/n I couldn't explain. Yes, I knew I like her but there was another feeling. I just wanted her safe even though she could protect herself and this whole town on her own. She often went back to the facility for the training she told me "I don't want to get rusty what if something happens to you?" One day she didn't come home around her normal time so Mirabel and I went to go get her.

Laughter surrounded the building as we tried to find her. "She's right there!" Mirabel pointed out a girl, but when she turned around it was Y/n." The girl had the same features as Y/n but she wasn't her. She had long black hair instead and was wearing purple. "Y/n?" Mirabel asked carefully the girl let out a big laugh "Like I'm that little girl I'm Blackfire the better fire." Her eyes lit purple when an annoyed Y/n walked into the room. "The better fire?" Blackfire kept on laughing while looking at Y/n "you didn't even tell them about your real name? You really are troq. Her real name is Starfire but it seems she can't even tell the people here that." Y/n hit the girl "I don't go by that name and you of all people shouldn't be calling me a troq." Y/n grabbed both our wrists "go back home Blackfire you are no longer needed here." The girl scoffed "Seeya Star!"

The walk home was quiet till Y/n kicked a rock "she wouldn't like it if I came to her base and messed everything up but she only cares for herself. A spoiled little brat." Mirabel hugged her "She's your sister? I understand they can be annoying." Y/n sighed "why did she call you a troq?" I asked but she seem to freeze "It means nothing and should never be spoken." Mira shrugged and I gave up the topic. Blackfire soon left but Y/n still felt uneasy. She was jumpy and she didn't want to come home some nights. "I need to train." She told me this almost every night I got worried. "Y/n we need to talk." I finally caught her doing nothing in her room "about what?" I sighed while bringing her to my room. "Ever since your sister came here you've been jumpy. And she called you a troq which I still don't understand." Y/n looked away before looking at me. "I told you it means nothing. When my sister tells me that she means I'm worthless a nothing." I hugged the girl "Y/n." She sighed "She is right I've gone soft." I look at her "Soft? You? Y/n you literally could take down the whole town if you wanted to she's just lying to you."

"Remember when we met I kissed you to understand your language?" I nodded "I didn't have to I could've just learned by listening. I just wanted to kiss you." She stood in front of me "That's why she said I went soft because I fell in love with you." I looked at her before standing up and kissing her. This time the kiss lasted longer and we got a bit carried away, but all I know is that I love this girl.


Heyyyyyy!! I want to thank you all for the views and the votes and the love. Writing this book I didn't expect anything really and every one of your comments bring a smile to my face. I hope you guys enjoy this one and have an amazing Saturday. LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

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