The start

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*Camiloxfem reader


*Word count-810

*Summary- Introverted Girlfriend x Extroverted Boyfriend!



You guys met when you were five. It was the first day of kindergarten, and you were a little nervous. You hid behind your Mothers leg as she talked to your teacher. You've never seen so many people in one place before and it was all so much. Your Mother soon had to leave and you stood as you watched her wave you towards the other kids. Big tears started swelling and before you could grab onto your Mother she was out the door.

Camilo was excited for his first day. He made sure his mom didn't make it rain because he wanted it to be the most perfect day. This was his first year with his gift and he wanted to make the other kids happy. An 11-year-old Isabella and Dolores and a 9-year-old Lusia walked beside him and a little Maribel. The parents were right behind of course watching them with heavy tears in their eyes. The first year all of the children would be off to school it was a bittersweet moment. They eventually dropped Maribel and Camilo from their classes before heading to drop the rest off. Camilo noticed you in the corner with tears running down your eyes you were a perfect great candidate to make happy. He marched towards you and tapped your shoulder. "Hello! My name is Camilo and I'm gonna make you happy!"

You looked at the little boy before doing a small wave. "I'm y/n." It came out as a whisper but it was loud enough for him to hear. From that moment on you guys were the best of friends.

After school...

Camilo rushed to get his seat next to his sister. He was excited about dinner because it was his favorite Empanadas. "So how was your day at school Camilo?" Abuela looked at the little boy. He has empanadas In his mouth so before he could speak Maribel spoke "he has a girlfriend!" The table went quiet they all turned heads to the little girl. "Yes, I do her name is y/n!" He went back to enjoying his empanadas while a little cloud formed over his mother's head. "YOU HAVE A WHAT?!?!"

A few years later...

"Hello, Cami!" You gave a small smile and waved. As the years went by your shyness never went away, and it wasn't really fun having a friend who was always active. Camilo was in love with you ever since he met you. He cried when he figured out that you guys weren't married. And then he proceeded to try to get you guys married for the next year. He never lost hope you guys would get married. This is because he sort of tricked Bruno into looking into the future. But in his defense, he didn't think it would work. So by ten, he knew that you two would end up being married anyway. He didn't tell anyone only because he knew he would get in trouble. So now at the bright age of 15, he always was around you. No matter what. You had chores to do? Camilo was there. Needed to babysit your little sibling? Camilo was right there. You didn't know why he stuck around you, but you liked that he did. You didn't make many friends so anytime you and Camilo interacted it was always fun.

Surprisingly, you were the first one to confess. You guys were eating lunch together near a lake you had found. And while talking the conversation pulled up about how you might like Carlos. He was a boy in town who flirted with everyone, but you didn't like him. Camilo knew you guys were going to get married so he was just making jokes. But you took what he said to heart. What if he thought you liked Carlos? What if he never confessed out of fear you wouldn't say yes. "Well, that be impossible because I like you!" It came out so fast that you didn't even realize what you said. "WAIT WAIT I MEAN-." He smiled big at you "I like you too!" It was like the stars after so many years of waiting finally aligned.

"That's how you and mama got together?" The little boy no older than 7 asked. "Yes, we were madly in love then we finally got married and had you!" He smiled at his dad before smuggling him into bed. "That's my favorite story." Camilo smiled at his son. "It's mine too."


Hey!!! Sorry for being so inactive it's just school and stuff but spring break is coming and hopefully, I'll be able to get more stories out to y'all. Ima hopes I can get y'all a story on Saturday but who knows🤷🏿‍♀️ I love y'all byes!!!!

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