I Chose You

885 9 13

*Camiloxfem reader

*Fluff and angst

*Word count-1505

*Summary-Reader is a quintuplet and is always overlooked by her parents. When invited to dinner Camilo takes a liking to her.

*Modern au


The first-ever pair of quintuplets were born in Encanto around the same time Mirabel and Camilo were born. First, came Amelia, then Alice, who then followed Adeline, and soon after followed Aurelia and of course the last of the bunch you, Y/n. Out of all the girls, you looked different. They all had brown eyes and straight brown hair while you had e/c and h/c. Your hair never seemed to sit right and was always a problem when your mother tried dealing with it.

You first met Mirabel at school. You were crying in the corner because everyone was making fun of your hair, but Mirabel wasn't laughing instead she started complimenting it. "I love your y/n I think it's pretty." Soon after you guys were the best of friends always hanging out but it was never at her house because she felt left out. Another thing you guys bonded over being the outcast of your family. You guys understood each other on a different level.

Your parents never really cared for you as they cared for your sisters. Your mother would always say "When Alice grows up she's going to be so beautiful!" or "When Adeline is older she'll marry someone so beautiful!" and "When Amelia is older she's going to be so smart!" or "Aurelia you look like a princess I'll bet you'll find your prince very soon!". But they never really mentioned anything about you it wasn't like they didn't love you it was just everyone sort of forgot about you. So it felt as it was you and Mirabel against the world sorta deal. Which you were fine with, it meant you were able to get away with a lot more stuff. And you always seemed to be able to hold your own without having to need someone, but you still wanted someone. Even though you had Mirabel you still felt alone. Well, that was before you and Camilo became close.

You grew up in front of everyone and before they could bat an eye you were turning into a beautiful young lady. They were so busy with your sisters they couldn't even appreciate your beauty. Well, Camilo did he loved your hair and the way your eyes sparkle when you find something you like. It was his idea to invite your family over for dinner he wanted to find a way to spark a conversation between you two. And the day your family was supposed to come over he made sure he looked his best. He never voiced how he felt about you to anyone so when everyone saw him getting dolled up they all assumed it was probably for Alice as she was known to be the most beautiful amongst the five girls. And with that title, she became very stuck up throughout the years. Always picking on Y/n which is where a lot of her insecurities started. The other girl would sometimes chime in, but not as much as Alice. Y/n couldn't figure out a reason why her sisters hated her so much she didn't say much to them so she assumed they just needed a punching bag and their punching bag happened to be y/n.

When it was time to go to the Madrigal's everyone in the l/n was very frantic they knew that Alma would be picking one of the girls for Camilo so they made sure every girl looked their best. Well, every girl but Y/n. She quietly got ready herself putting on a dress that suits her best, brushing her hair before putting pretty pins in, and applying little makeup. She looked beautiful she just wished her parents would bat her an eye. The family headed towards the house while having small talk. Adeline had noticed how Y/n had gotten ready and was sure to make sure she felt ugly. The four girls knew that Y/n was pretty they knew out of all of them if anything Alma would pick her. But they didn't need Y/n to know. "Y/n that dress you picked looks ugly you should've changed it." Y/n looked down at her dress she thought it looked lovely."Do you think so?" Alice nodded. "It doesn't suit your hair color." Amelia looked at the younger girl in disgust. "I'd be caught dead in such an ugly dress." Aurelia nodded at the statement. "You're trying to make a good impression try next time okay?" Tears brimmed in the girl's eyes. She thought she looked pretty this morning and now she feels ugly. Her parents had been talking this whole time not even looking to see if the girls were okay. They soon made it to the house and Dolores opened the door. She heard the prior conversation and wondered "why are they so cruel to her?" She noticed the girl's head down as they all walked into the home. She looked amazing she didn't understand why the other girls were trying to tell her otherwise.

"You look amazing Y/n! I'm Dolores!" Y/n wiped her tears away while looking at the older girl. She thanked the girl silently and walked towards her mother. Alma soon came out. "Thank you for coming! It is a pleasure to have you over and may I say, you girls look beautiful!" Mirabel noticed you and before anyone could say anything she rushed into your arms. "Y/N I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU ALL DAY!" The girl's excitement seeped into Y/n and she couldn't help but smile. "Sorry for making you wait I was waiting for my sisters to get ready." She answered quietly almost a whisper. She was very polite speaking something Camilo loved.

Everyone made their way towards the dinner table. Small talk was happening around the table while everyone wait for the food to be ready. Camilo wiped the sweat off his forehead again. It has been an hour since you came and he hasn't spoken a word to you. All your sisters have tried hitting on him and he seemed to be in his mind watching you mingle with his cousin. He wished he was able to talk to without stuttering or flushing to the face. Dinner had finished and Camilo soon realized his plan wasn't working. You had gotten up to go use the bathroom and he decided he was going to talk to you then. "Hello y/n!" He scared you a bit as you walked out of the bathroom. "Oh hello, Camilo! Was I holding up the line?" Camilo shook his head fast. "No, no you weren't I just happened to be walking by and uh dropped my hat." You looked at him like a lost puppy and he melted. "Do you need help finding your hat?" He just sighed dreamily at you before nodding. The two of you never returned to dinner instead went on a wild chase for a hat that was never found.

Camilo started getting comfortable around you and you the same as with him. It hadn't been longer than an hour when you saw your mother come looking for you. And shock is written over her face to see you with Camilo. "Oh, is it time to leave?" You asked your mother who seemed too shocked to talk back. "Um, Mom?" She snapped out of her shock before nodding at the question. "Yes, we are waiting for you in the front." You turned back to Camilo who had a sloppy smile on his face. "I hope to see you tomorrow Milo!" You got up and started dusting off your dress. He nodded following you to the front of the house. "Y/n you look beautiful today- NOT saying you don't look beautiful every day i'm just saying the dress suits you, and now i'm rambling." A light blush covers your cheeks as he complements you. You've never been complimented by someone before it felt nice to know someone appreciated you. "You think so? Amelia was telling me it didn't suit my hair. But thank you for saying that!" You smiled brightly at the boy who seemed to be stuck.

He didn't understand why your siblings were so rude. He liked you the most because you seemed to have a light heart, and it attracted him to know how kind you are even to those less fortunate. You bid goodbyes while walking out the door. Camilo did a big sigh. "Y/n said she wanted to see me tomorrow. I can't believe it!" Dolores smiled at the young boy who had hearts swimming in his eyes. She knew the love you two share was pure, but she also knew your siblings might try to ruin it. Well, that was if they could get past her of course.


Hey...... So sorry for not uploading for so long I've been busy but I got this out for ya so I hope you enjoy it! I don't have much to say but love you all!!!!

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