Always a Party

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*Camiloxfem reader


*Word count-1056

*Summary- Prankster Boyfriend x Prankster Girlfriend!

Modern au and slight kissing and mention of sex

Since the day Camilo was born he always had so much energy. He could never sit down and relax he always had to be moving. Abuela always told Pepa that "he's 2 he's going to grow out of it." And he never did it seemed as if he grew more energy the more he grew up especially after getting his gift. All that energy, eventually turned into pranking others.

If you were to ask him he'd tell you his very first prank. It was on Isabella, she had just made fun of Camilo for his height (even tho he was only eight) so he decided to put chocolate on her chair during lunch. When she had gotten up he pointed it out to where she ran away in a fuss while he laughed his ass off. That was also when he knew he enjoyed pranking others and from there on he always had something up his sleeve.

When he had turned nine he met you. You were new to town and he thought a good way for you to be introduced into Encanto was a good ole prank. Recess had just been called and he rushed out of the building before hiding in an alley near the path to the playground. He waited with a bucket of water and when you came into his vision range he chucked it at you. Now he expected you to cry anytime he played a prank on the other girls they always would cry and get his Abuela to make him apologize. But you stood there no tears, just shock. Shock quickly changed to laughter and a determined smile. "I'm gonna get you back boy just you wait!" You then started chasing him back to the schoolhouse where you engulfed him in a bear hug getting him all wet.

You two shared a big laugh before the schoolhouse teacher got mad at you both and proceeded to send you guys to go clean the classrooms. It was a great beginning of a friendship and from that moment on it was always Camilo and Y/n. You eventually did get Camilo back but it wasn't anything big. You got him to scream like a girl during a Halloween party in front of the class. If you ask him he'd say "I didn't scream like a girl it was a very mature scream." But anyone in that room knew it sounded like a girl.

It was when you guys had turned 15 when he started realizing your beauty. It was his little brother's gift ceremony and you had dressed up in the most beautiful dress. He watched as the kids surrounded you. It was like he was watching a Disney Princess. He, of course, tried to hide the fact you make him nervous. You guys had grown a name in town for your pranks which almost every time got you guys into trouble. It was when you guys had just pulled a prank on the priest where you noticed your feelings for him. The priest had threatened to tell your parents after a prank went wrong and the church walls were now pink. Camilo took the fall for it he said that he forced you to do it and you told him multiple times not to. It warmed your heart that he didn't wanna see you get in trouble and a permanent blush was on your cheeks that whole day.

"Have you ever kissed somebody?" You and Camilo we're in the church cleaning up the pink guck that was all over the walls. Even though he was the one who got in trouble (And got his phone taken for 2 months) you refused to let him clean up the pink guck by himself. "No, I haven't have you?" The conversation came up because Maribel was teasing him about how everyone in Encanto has been kissed but him. "No, I haven't. Wanna try?" You thought about it for a minute. If you kissed Camilo instead of some random boy you'd have practice and people would think you were naturally good. "Yea let's do it." You guys awkwardly shuffled around the towels on the floor before connecting your lips. The kiss was simple, but it was good. You guys stopped for a second to catch your breath. "You're good for your first time." Camilo cracked a smile before going back for another kiss. "WHAT IN GOD'S NAME ARE YOU TWO DOING?!?!"

You didn't regret kissing Camilo, but you did regret getting caught. The priest didn't believe you guys were cleaning so he headed over to watch while you guys did it. He wishes he had just stayed home. Nobody expected you guys to have feelings for each other. Yes, you guys were extremely close but it never really crossed their minds. "So are you and Y/n dating now?" Antonio had broken the awkward silence that surrounded the table. Pepa was livid you could tell by outside. "Yea milo are you guys a thing?" He looked at his mom angry cloud over her head. He didn't understand why she was so mad that he kissed you, and even though you guys got in trouble he wants to do it again. "I don't know Antonio we were just kissing." "Just kissing? Kissing then leads to just touching then it leads to-" "MAMA!" Camilo faced flushed Abuela watched Camilo's face then proceeded to laugh, she was laughing so hard the whole table broke down into a laughing fit. "Milo you need to understand where we come from you can't just kiss people in the church like that. Next time make sure it's in your room." "ABUELA!!" He threw his head in his hand. He knew his family loved you even if they were upset you guys were caught by the town. After the kiss, you and Camilo started dating and you've never been happier.

HEYYY!!!! I've been in the writing mood lately so I'm getting these books out before I gotta go back to school. You're probably gonna get one book tom but I don't know for sure. Anyhow you got two books today so that's good. Until next time Love you all!!!!

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