I Want Her

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*Camiloxfem reader

*Angst and fluff????

*Word count-1070

*Summary-Y/n the "overlooked" sister decided that she was tired of being stuck in shadow of her older sister at a young age.



"Y/n why can't you do anything right? For once think about somebody besides yourself!"

Your older sister slammed the door to your room after getting into about another one of your pranks. You admit they are a bit childish, but that was beside the point. "OH, IF I HAD A COMEBACK TO THAT I'D SAY IT BUT I DON'T!" You sat on the bed defeated. She always got what she wanted, and you never complained but the minute you decided to remotely do something that shifted the attention onto you it was an issue. You didn't care though or that's how you felt. The more pranks you did the more your parent's attention was on you, and even if you didn't know this fact everyone around you sure as hell did. You sat at your desk waiting for your mother to come in to tell you to get ready for dinner.

You guys were getting ready to head to the Madrigals. "Mama, do I look pretty in this dress?" you rolled your eyes for what felt like the millionth time. Because of your behavior, you weren't allowed to go to dinner with your family. But when did you ever let something like a rule dictate what you would be able to do? You watched as your family left to go to town to pick a few things up, and then your plan went into action. Your sister was trying to impress Alma in hopes she'd set Camilo and her up. You didn't care if they ended up together, but you did want to piss your sister off. You and Mirabel were great friends so you told her that day at school that you wanted to finish some work with her. She smiled brightly and nodded yes. She never had someone want to come over so she was beyond excited.

"Hello, Mira!" An excited Mirabel opened the door smiling at the girl. "Hi, Y/n come in!" She quickly grabbed you and dragged you up the steps. "Some family is coming over for dinner. Maybe you can stay to keep me company?" You smiled at the girl. "I'd love that!" She showed you her room before sitting motioning you to sit at her desk. "Great! Lemme go tell my mom so she can make enough food." She hurried towards the kitchen leaving you alone. You started pulling books out before a knock interrupted you. "Mira? I know I said I'd stop bothering you about math, but I suck at it! Can you please-" Camilo was cut off by looking at you. It was like love at first sight. You smiled at the bewildered-looking boy. "She's down in the kitchen she's looking for her mom." You informed him before getting back to work. Camilo stepped out of the room with red cheeks. Mirabel came rushing back up. "Camilo? Do you need something?" The boy looked at her "whose the girl in your room?" Mirabel just laughed while moving past the boy. "She's my friend and she's staying for dinner so please be nice." Camilo quickly composed himself before heading to his room and placing the book in his hand down.

"I heard you and Mirabel talking. Do you like Y/n?" Dolores randomly jumped out of nowhere. "Jeez maybe knock first?" Camilo grabbed his shirt as if his heart was gonna jump out. "You know-how Mom and Tiá keep talking about how we have a guest coming over?" Camilo sat on his bed while nodding. "It's Y/n's family and they are hoping that Y/n's sister and you hit it off." Camilo shot up out of the bed. "No, I can't marry her! It was Y/n and me and our three babies!" Dolores started dying of laughter. "Three babies? You do know Y/n is the one having them right!" Camilo stood there with tomato red cheeks. "Whatever! I'm just saying if anything tonight I'm gonna tell Abuela that I'm into her." Dolores looked that the younger boy. "Well, tell her soon because they're at the door right now." As soon as those words left her mouth a hard knock came blasting through. Camilo grasped both hands into a big fist. "God please let this work out in my favor."

Y/n smiled big "showtime!" She quickly closed her book and packed up before heading behind Mirabel. The minute Y/n was able to see down the stairs she was hit with her mother's glare. "Oh, hey mom I didn't know you guys were coming here for dinner!" Y/n watched her sister's face. Another successful plan. "Oh, that's great Y/n now you won't have to walk alone in the dark!" Mirabel smiled brightly at the little family not noticing any tension. Y/n followed the girl into the dining room before taking a seat. Camilo quickly moved if he wanted his grandma to notice anything that night it was his feelings towards Y/n. "Hey, Y/n how are you this fine night?" Camilo placed his head into his elbow before Isabella came and pushed it a bit. His head fell into the table, but he quickly recovered he sent a glare in Isabella's way before flashing you a smile. You let out a little laugh "you're such a dork it's cute." You smiled at him then turned to talk to Mirabel. "She thinks i'm cute!" Y/n's sister sat at the table with a frown. "Mom he's mine!!!" Y/n heard how upset the girl was and smirked. Finally, something in life isn't going the girl's way. The dinner ended quickly not before Y/n's big plan. As the family headed towards the door Y/n turned towards Camilo." thanks for having us!" She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then turned to leave. The look on Camilo's face was pure awe and the look on your older sister was pure disgust. "Bye Y/n!" Mirabel sent you a wave while you sent her one back. Camilo's dad shook him a bit. He sure was in love.


Okay, so I rushed the ending. Hopefully one day ill come and try to fix it but idk. Anyways love you all!!!!

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