Follow the Rabbit p3

137 3 2

*Camiloxfem reader

*angst, fluff

*Word Count-2625

*Summary- Alice in wonderlandx Encanto!


The hatter traveled with the three of them on his hat before he stopped in an empty field. He placed the three-down before looking at Y/n "you have any idea what the queen has done since you left?" Y/n looked around understanding where they were. "I know you guys want me and Mirabel to slay this dragon, but we couldn't even if we wanted to." The hatter's eyes went to Camilo "you don't slay. You aren't the same as before. You too Mirabel,  you have lost your muchness." Mirabel sighed before looking at the hatter "tell us what the red queen has done." Hatter looked around "it was here."

Hatter looked upset as he revisited these old memories "I was hatter to the white queen at the time. That's when the red queen and her jabberwocky came and wreaked havoc on all of us." Y/n was about to say something when she heard a bark. She turned around before gasping "red knights." The hatter quickly grabbed the children before running into the woods before he came to a body of water. He grabbed them placing them on his hat before looking at them "go south to trotter's bottom. The white queen's castle is just beyond!" He flung the hat over the water before turning towards the red knights "Down with the bloody red queen." The hat soon made landfall and Mirabel fell towards the tree while Camilo and Y/n were a little closer to the water. Camilo fell on top of Y/n blushing and moving quickly. "I'm so sorry." Y/n smiled standing up and offering a hand "It's okay." Mirabel came to the other side where they were. "What now?" She asked and Y/n looked around "let's hide under this hat till it's morning." The two agreed with her before they all piled up under the hat.

Loud sniffing was heard waking the children up making Y/n stand up quickly before realizing it was Bayard. "You were supposed to lead them away from us!" Mirabel said angrily. "They have my pups and kids." Y/n approach one of his paws and hugged it. "Y/n are these the Madrigals?" Camilo sighed "yes, but not the ones everyone is talking about." Bayard smiled "Hatter wouldn't have given himself up for anybody." Mirabel came close to the dog "where did they take him?" Bayard looked at her "to the red queen's castle at Salazen Grum."  Mirabel looked at Y/n "we're going there and giving him his hat." Y/n smiled but Bayard chimed "Frabjous day is upon us." Camilo looked at him "we have to go help the hatter he wouldn't be there if it weren't for us." Y/n nodded.

"You all must prepare to meet the Jabberwocky." Mirabel stepped her foot before talking "from the moment we fell down the rabbit hole, we've been told what to do, and who we must be. We were shrunk, stretched, and stuffed in a teapot." Camilo chimed in "we've been accused of being the right ones and then accused of not being the right ones when this is our dream. We should decide where it goes from now." Bayard looked at them "if you two diverge from the path-" Y/n cut him off "They are making the path." She quickly made his head fall and they all climbed on. "Take us to Salazen Grum Bayard, and don't forget the hat," Y/n told him and they were off.

The group appeared in front of a large wall that only had one way of getting to. "We have to get across." Camilo and Mirabel jumped off but Camilo turned around to help Y/n. The three crossed the river before Mirabel turned around "Bayard the hat!" Bayard grabbed the hat before flinging it. Camilo noticed a hole and pointed towards it "let's go through here." Mirabel went first and Camilo grabbed Y/n's hand before the two went in together. "That's the red queen." Y/n pointed out with her free hand. "She has a big head." Y/n smiled "so I've heard." Y/n smile got bigger when she saw someone she knew "that's my father right there!" She pointed at the rabbit who was coming their way. The rabbit's ear went high at the sight of his daughter, but his eyes went down quickly seeing her hold hands with a boy. Y/n let go of the boy's hand and ran into his arms "Father I've missed you!" He smiled down at the girl before looking at the two behind her "you all can't be seen. Eat this to grow back into your proper size. Go around the back you might be able to sneak into the queen's throne room from there." Y/n hugged him one last time before taking the cake out his hand and grabbing the two kids and going around.

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