Without You

825 7 3

*YandreCamiloxfem reader

*Angst (abuse is mentioned)

*Word count- 1258

*Summary- Reader is an orphan and is abused to which when Camilo finds out things don't go too well.


My parents first left me when I was four. They dropped me off and the next thing I knew I was living with all these other girls. The first few years were great everyone was nice and our keeper, Miss Blake, was very nice. Till I turned ten. She started depending on alcohol as her source of happiness and she took all her anger out on us. She'd make us clean the whole house and would starve us for periods. If you were to misbehave she would force you to clean or maybe sleep in the backyard. A lot of my time I spent in fear because of her.

When I turned 15 I met Camilo. We met because one of the younger girls had fallen while on the walk home from school and he insisted that I take her to go to his Tía. Of course, I went to see his Tía because I didn't want to see the little girl in tears, and ever since then he always hung around me. If I had any chores in town he would accompany me or during lunch when I was alone he'd always sat next to me. He was a great friend, but he was falling in love with me and the part I didn't know was I was falling in love with him too.

He didn't know about what was going on at home. Why would I ever tell him in the first place? He wouldn't wanna be my friend and I was already so accustomed to having the boy around. Miss Blake had one daughter, Anna, around my age. She was a few months younger than me, but that didn't stop her from being cruel. She often would criticize my hair, weight, and just my looks. I grew self-esteem issues and it was hard to love myself when I had someone constantly tearing me down. She had developed feelings for Camilo and while at school she'd often try and swoon the boy who would barely bat an eye in her direction.

Camilo had grown feelings towards Y/n and he knew he wanted her to himself. He knew she lived in the orphanage and he sometimes stop by to give Miss Blake something from his Abuela. He noticed something off when he saw two girls cleaning around the house. The house was spotless what were they cleaning? He noticed some girls looked like they hadn't had a proper night's rest in years! He only ever noticed how you looked like that other girls when you started wearing sunglasses to school.

You had made Miss Blake mad for doing a "lousy job" making them dinner. She was drunk and had grabbed you while rushing you towards your bedroom you hit your head on the wall. It left a nasty bruise around your eyes and you didn't want people second-guessing you at school. Miss Blake often threatened what would happen if someone found out. She had shoved the glasses towards me when I was on my way out. "Wear these and if someone finds out about that bruise I know where to go you hear me?" I had gotten to school a little later than usual because I was dropping off the other girls at daycare. I felt the looks walking in the class, and all I wanted to do was shrink up and die.

Camilo's stare had never left me when I had gotten to class it was like he could see right through the glasses and saw the ugly bruise that resided under my eye. When the class had finished and the bell rang for recess I was the first one out the door. I couldn't face Camilo at least not like this. "Where are you going?" Camilo had caught up to you. He wasn't dumb he knew you were hiding something under those glasses. He just wanted you to come clean and say it and it not him yanking it off your face. "Nowhere I just wanted to walk." Camilo grabbed your arm harshly before yanking you towards him. "Cut the bullshit what the hell happened to your face?" He wasn't playing around he yanked the glasses off your face. His eyes widen as he saw the big bruise. "Who the fuck did that?" His voice deepened and became loud. You tried pulling your arm away but it was no use. "DO YOU FUCKING HEAR ME HUH? WHO THE FUCK PUT THEIR HANDS ON YOU?" He started yelling at you and tears started welling in your eyes. "Please stop yelling I'm sorry. I had gotten in trouble and Miss Blake accidentally hurt me." Tears at this point were rolling down your cheeks. Camilo's grip loosened and his eyes grew dark. "You're not going back today." It was the first time you felt scared of Camilo, but it wasn't the last.

At the end of the school day, you had rushed to get out. You knew you had to go back not for your sake, but the other girl's. You got the little girls from school and headed back to the house near the center of the town. You neatly placed all the book bags on the rack and headed to the kitchen to make some food for the other girls. While in the kitchen the doorbell rang, but you thought nothing of this. You placed the last bowl of mac and cheese in front of the little girl and turned around to be faced with Camilo and his little brother. His face held no emotion "Antonio has a school project with one of the girls here. Just wanted to drop him off." You nodded softly before smiling at the little boy. "She's in the room to the left waiting have fun!" You watched as the little boy vanished up the stairs leaving you alone with the angry boy. "What did I tell you?" the bruise on your eye had been healed after Camilo force-fed you an Arepa con queso. "That you wanted me to go to your house." It came out like a whisper. He scared you because he was acting like the very person who scares you, most-Miss Blake. "Which one is your room." It wasn't a question more of a demand. "The first one when you walk up the stairs." He quickly marched towards the doors and opened your room. He walked over to the closet and grabbed a bag. He started throwing clothes into the bag before finishing off and grabbing your hand. He made his way down the steps before turning towards Miss Blake's room. "Y/n will be accompanying me to my house for the remainder of the time she will be under your care." Before Miss Blake could protest, you were being pushed out the house, and to the house on the hill little way from the town. One thing happened that day. You no longer are being controlled by Miss Blake, but in her place came Camilo.


Hey guys!!!!! Lately, I haven't been feeling good so sorry for the slow updates. Hopefully, I'll be able to get back to writing more chapters for you guys. I wanna say expect something but I don't know how I'll feel so just be on the lookout!! Till next time love you all!!!

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