Jealousy, Jealousy P3

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*Camiloxfem reader


*Word Count-1953

*Summary-Euphoria x Encanto! P3 To clear confusion: Grace-Mirabel Abby-Y/n (that's you!) Ella-Elena and Carlos-Camilo


Elena accepted the love she thought she deserved. She'd date anyone in the hopes someone would notice.  she picked on early that Y/n saw her more of a mother figure than a friend. She knew she had power over the girl and she tried to use it, but I think she didn't see that she grew jealous of the girl. In her mind, everyone gives attention to the girl because her mom isn't there. Her father is and everyone sees how hard he tries and how much Y/n loves him. She wished sometimes only sometimes that her mother would disappear too. She was young at the time and didn't understand the feeling, but she soon was too. She lay in bed at night and wondered why didn't Camilo see her instead of Y/n. She never liked Camilo but more of the thought of having him. When Camilo had pushed her off of him she went home and cried not because she felt bad, but because she knew she was becoming a terrible person.

After everyone had left Elena's house everything went back to normal sort of. At school, we were having an annual play and I decided I wanted to make my own. I had no material but like I said I'm an observer. I watched how everyone around me acted and if it was something interesting, I put it in the play. I had finished writing the play before the Elena and Y/n drama so it never made it in. I had some second-guessing about the play like what if everyone hated it or what if something were to freak out, but Y/n told me multiple times that nobody would act that way.

The day of my play came and I was shaking like a leaf. I opened the curtain a little and I saw my whole family sitting in the front row. I saw Y/n and her dad and saw the glances Y/n and Camilo sent each other. Pepa had hit Camilo's shoulder as a way to tell him to stop turning so much while Y/n let out a chuckle. I noticed I wasn't the only person looking at the two, I saw Elena staring at them well, staring at Y/n. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I saw that it was time to go. "God may nobody take offense." I smiled to myself before heading on the stage.

"It was the summer before I started ninth grade. Back when we thought we'd all be friends forever." Music cues while I took my seat on a chair "there were four of us, me, grace, and my cousin, Carlos." The camera shows Camilo "his new crush, Abby." The camera shows Y/n. " And her best friend Ella." The scene flips and shows Elena "this is life. Not everyone's life but Our Life!" Y/n smiled a bit before seeing Camilo turn around towards her "is this play about us?" Camilo smiled and shrugged.

The crowd clapped like wild and I walked off stage. "They love it!" I smiled at my friend who smiled back before sending the next queue. The scene shows me, Abby, and Ella in the locker room. "Some guys prefer smaller boobs." Abby tried helping the girl "I mean if you and I could trade bodies I'd do it in a heartbeat." Ella said looking at the girl "to be honest I'm the person who doesn't want to be known for their body." Ella rolled her eyes while Abby smiled. I walk away from the scene and look at the audience "But I also didn't want the troubles that came with it." the scene flips back to Abby and Ella sitting in the bathroom. "I wasn't even looking at him I swear." The girl smiled faintly at Y/n before leaving to finish her phone conversation. It switched back to the play. Abby looked at me "wanna get ice cream?"

"I think we should try to become cool you know." The scene was Y/n eating ice cream with Mirabel "Like different cooler people." The scene goes back to the play where Abby and grace sit next to each other. "No, I don't think we need to be cooler." I looked at the girl "But what if people judge us" Abby smiled "My mom tells me that just means they are jealous." Abby laid back on the floor while I stayed up. "Abby was the first person that made me feel okay about not being cool." The camera shows a smiling Y/n. "We talked for hours that night I miss those days it was before Abby's mom left and before Carlos and Abby got together. It was before the silent battle that went on between Ella and Abby." The scene shows a dancing Y/n and her mom dancing around the house. Y/n watched the scene while tears fell from her eyes. Her dad brought her into a hug which she gladly accepted.

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