Things He'd do When he's in love

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*CamiloxFem reader


*Word count-553

*Summary- Just little things I think he'd do while he's in love

*Modern au


-First thing I truly believe is that he'd deny it. He would realize early on, but he'd try to hide the best he could

-After a while, he'd come to terms with his feelings and try his hardest to win you over. Take you on dates, wake up early in the morning to walk you to school, and he'd probably bug the hell out of Isabella to make him a bouquet just for you.

-You would of course be flattered and take all of the bouquets he'd give you. But I think you'd only think he was trying to be nice. It makes everyone mad seeing him try his hardest to win you over and all you do is simply take his actions of affection and pass it as "oh, he's just nice!" Like girl he wants you!!!!

-He would probably end up having to say the words "Y/n I like you!" for you to understand and honestly you would accept him no question asked. And you two would be so adorable!

-You guys would take everything slow and try to work on the relationship. Camilo would be so understanding towards your feelings and I think communication is key to what would make your relationship work.

-Even though his grandmother is no longer forcing him to be perfect 24/8 he still struggles with the feeling of not being enough. I think he would confide in you a lot about how he felt during the whole casita falling and how it affected him. And you of course would be there for him and help him through his time of doubt.

-His way to show off love is physically touched 100%. He would hold you, kiss you, hug you, and just need to hold your hand all the time just to know you were still there. You wouldn't mind of course.

-When you met his family he was more worried than you. He knew how they could be sometimes and he loved you a lot so he just hope they'd accept you. Be would set everything up himself and he'd brag about you the whole day. "Camilo where should I put this vase?" "oh, Y/n would know the perfect place to put it she loves gardening! Isabella, did you hear that? Y/n loves flowers maybe you two can bond over that?" They would end up loving you and especially love how you make the shapeshifter so flushed.

-You guys would probably be one of those couples at school who everyone envies. Like you guys wouldn't display PDA a lot mostly kisses on the hand or a hug but people would dead on gush for the relationship. Posts would be like "Omg they are so cute!" "Ahhh I wish I had a relationship like this!" You guys probably post a tik tok together and it blows up. Comments would ship you guys so hard and comments would be so funny.

-All in all you guys would be the cutest thing ever and everyone would agree so.


So I've been planning on writing this chapter for a while but you know I never did but now I did so...!!! Anyhow love you all!!

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