She's in Love

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*Camiloxfem reader


*Word count-1119

*Summary- Reader is always known as the one to never be head over heels over boys one day her three sisters start noticing something different about her what could it be?

Song- She's in love- Little Mermaid Musical

Sister's names- Eva, Ella, and Evelyn

Modern au

You walk past your three older sisters sighing while giving them a small wave. You had a look in your eye that Ella couldn't pinpoint. "Have you noticed something different about Y/n lately?" Evelyn who hadn't looked up from the tv just shrugged. "I have noticed something a bit off..."

"She's dizzy and she's dreamy, her head's up in some foam."

Evelyn turned the tv off facing the two other sisters. "You know I've noticed that she wasn't talking today during breakfast or yesterday during dinner." Ella took in the information.

"Her eyes have gone all gleamy it's like there's no one home."

Ella said as an add-on to what Evelyn said. "Girls have you seen your sister? She was supposed to get me a patch of apples an hour ago." The mother looked at her three girls with worry. They aren't the only ones to see different behavior in her youngest daughter. "Oh she just left a few minutes ago we can go check on her." The mother smiled and muttered a thank you to her eldest child. "Make sure you bring the apples back!" The girls nodded their heads while walking out the door.

"She floats away the days Mopn' in the town center."

The three girls watched as their youngest sister walks right past the apple stand and into the woods. "Where do you think she's going?" Evelyn questioned as she watches you disappear more into the woods.

"You ask her where she's going she giggles like a fool."

The scene changed to dinner time. The whole family was eating down making small talk while you sat there looking into the distance. "So Y/n where'd you go today?" Ella looked at her sister with a questioning glare. Y/n looked over to her before letting out a couple of giggles "oh, I went nowhere today!" She let out a couple of more giggles while a smile made a permanent stay on her face.

"Is she ill?" The three girls watched as you left the house in a hurry. "Or insane I mean when do you ever see her act this way?" The two other girls nodded at Eva's statement. "What has gotten into her?" Evelyn started pacing back and forth trying to figure it out. "It's the flu!" Evelyn turned rapidly towards the older girls. "Yea definitely because the flu makes you act like you've lost your head." That's when it clicked. "Oh, wait!" Evelyn looked at them in disbelief. "Oh, dear!" Eva was the next to get it. "Good grief! It's clear.."

"She's in Love! She's in love! Pounding heart! Ringing bells!"

An hour later they watched the girl come back with a big smile on her face. "What are you so excited about?" Y/n shook the bag in her hand. "Papí allowed me to buy a new dress!" She ran up the stairs to go try it on. "Mana, have you've noticed something different about you-know-who?" Evelyn looked towards her mom. She quickly nodded her head. "You mean Y/n? I'll say! She acts like she doesn't see me. She doesn't even speak!"

The scene cuts to your mother knocking on your door. "Mí amor do you have any laundry-" "NO MAMA!" As quick as she walked in the room is as quick as she left. "I heard her on the phone up until 3 the other day. She swoons and she sighs and she even hums little tunes." Ella chimed in "Even has a sorta glow!" Their Mother nodded earnestly at the statement. "What on earth could it be? That sigh! That glow! Oh, no!

"She's in love! gotta be loves she's in!"

"But who? She never talks to anybody." Evelyn turned towards her sisters. "Remember how she went into the woods yesterday? Maybe she meets up with them there!" Ella nodded before jumping up. "Next time she heads out let's follow her." And that's when the plan was formed.

Around 3:30 you walked towards the door."I'll be back soon!" The door closed and the three other girls rush to put on their jackets as they try to follow the little girl. The scene cuts to when they finally were in the woods. "Y/n and someone kissing in a tree! K-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Evelyn sang the tune over and over. "Would you shut up?" Eva said looking at her. Evelyn just shrugged while singing the tune lower.

"There she is!" They watched as you walked across the flowers to someone they couldn't make out the face though. Till he turned and faced the smiling girl. He held a bouquet of dandelions smiling goofy towards the girl. "No way is that.." "oh, dear that's Camilo!" The girls watched the two share a kiss before sitting in the grass holding hands.

"She's caught her cheeks could flush pinker!"

"MAMA!! You wouldn't believe who Y/n was with!" The Mother looked between her smiling children. "Who is it mí amor?" Eva laughed before saying "Camilo Madrigal!" The Mother's face went into an upright curl. "OMG!!!"

Later the night....

You stumbled into your house drunkenly off of love. You turn to walk up the steps to be shocked to see your sisters sitting on the couch. "Oh, my you scared me!" Evelyn couldn't help but smile at her sister. She was so happy to see her happy it almost brought tears to her eyes. Ella was the first to speak "we saw you out today." Your face went red. Your secret was no longer a secret. You just dropped your gaze to the floor. "And I just have to say that I think you and Camilo are adorable!!" You looked at how excited your sisters were for you and could help but smile. "We've only been together for a month but he makes me feel like a fool!" She put her face into her hands.

"She's in love! She's in love! Plain to see! No mistake!

The girls spent the whole night chatting and eating snacks while talking about your newfound relationship. It made you feel special to know your sisters cared so much.

AHH!! Three books in one day wow I'm on a roll! I was finished with the books today but I heard this song and I felt inspired! Tell me if you wanna see more of Ella, Eva, and Evelyn!! love you all!!!!

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