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*Camiloxfem reader


*Word Count-

*Summary-Your parents are trying to impress the Madrigal and a talent show is going on at your school. Often known as troublemakers you and your siblings do what you do best, cause trouble.

Song-My butt has a fever-Bob's burger


"You three listen to me." Your mother was running around trying to look her best. "No funny business I mean it your father and I are really trying to get on the Madrigal's good side." Your little sister, Ella, Smiled at you, "mamá you have nothing to worry about." Your brother, gene, nodded his head "um you kids said that last time and almost got expelled from the only school here." You laughed at the memory "that was a funny prank Miss Beth just can't take a joke!" She looked at you before you stopped laughing "Y/n I'm being serious as the oldest I need you to be a good example today. Hey, maybe that Camilo boy might be there." She said in a sing-song voice. A blush crept on your face before you pushed her away "mamá!" Ella laughed before grabbing your and gene's hand. "We got to get there early so see you there!"

You all arrived at the school your siblings getting ahead of you. "Hey, Y/n!" Camilo said cheerfully. "Hey!" You said back with a smile "my grandmother is going to be here I need everything to go well so I can break the bomb on her." You smile softly at him before hugging him "everything is going to be fine I promise." He smiled and accepted your hug, "you don't have the best reputation with her." You smiled "I haven't gotten in trouble in the last two months. That's a lot for me!" He laughed before seeing Mirabel "I got to go promise me you won't do anything dumb?" You smiled at him "promise!" You watched him run to catch up with his cousin before turning to see your siblings "Why'd you lie to him?" Ella asked. You rolled your eyes "like you haven't lied before. I know this message thing is important to Gene." Gene smiled "we're telling a story people it will work out I promise!" You sighed before walking towards backstage "it better I've got people to impress." Ella laughed "yeah for her boyfriend." Gene started laughing while you just kept walking.

"Hello, L/n's!" Your mother turned around to be faced with a smiling Pepa and Felix. "Hello!" Alma looked at them with a smile "your children have been on their best behavior lately haven't they!" Your mother nodded "I think it was just because of the move they felt a little rebellious now they are all settled in!" Your father nodded at the smiling parents. "that's good! Afterward, we'd like to invite your family over for dinner!" Your mother nodded "we'd love to!" The scene switched to you and your siblings backstage. You got nervous and started thinking about Camilo's words. "Okay, L/n's it says your doing a song." Mr. Brown said as he read something on his board. "Big-time!" Gene said while waiting for the act to be finished. "Nothing changed since practicing?" Gene looked puzzled "we were supposed to practice?" Mr. Brown sighed "good so you know the rules, nothing inappropriate, or disrespectful, no smashing fruit," He paused and looked at you and you only looked away "no simulated or unsimulated groin kicks, no toilet talks, and no monologues from pulp friction." Ella sighed "we know Mr. Brown we're professionals." You looked at the crowd and saw Camilo and Mirabel heading toward their family.

"Good luck!" The girl said heading off the stage. You smiled while your heart started racing "get ready Antonio," Ella said into a walkie talkie "the school is okay with this right?" Ella nodded her head before speaking into the walkie talkier "yes." Antonio spoke, "You know I was thinking me hiding under the stage might be frowned upon." Ella spoke quickly, "right, right love the feedback. Just press play when I stomp and the money is all yours." You started pacing back in forth while you listened to the conversation. Not only did you guys write a song that is against the rules you bribed the youngest Madrigal to play along. "This was a terrible idea." Gene shook his head "they need to know the truth." The curtain opened and you came face to face with Camilo he smiled and waved softly before you shot him a nervous glance. "Ella, Gene, and Y/n L/n singing My Blank have a Space." You mouth "I'm sorry" towards the boy who looked confused. Ella stomped two times before you started. You mimicked a phone ringing before Ella started "Hello, this is urgent care we put the urge in urgent how may I help you?" Gene started speaking "I need a doctor! A doctor gosh darn it!" Alma smiled at your parents who smiled back. "What's the nature of your problem sir?" Gene grabbed the mic hard "It's my butt!" You stopped looking in Camilo's direction Ella smiled before looking towards you "stand by I'll put you right through to the butt doctor!" You smiled before speaking "this is doctor butt." Your mother's face went pale before saying "I never heard them practice this." Your father shrugged before he smiled Gene started gasping hard into the mic before the music started going faster. "Sir calm down I'm gonna need you to describe your symptoms." The three of you jumped before grabbing your mic and breaking into song.

"My butt has a fever!" The crowd went wild and cheering was heard Gene smiled before continuing "My pants can't believe it! Keep on shaking all the change in my pockets like a seizure." You both started singing along "Someone better get a glass of water for my butt, someone better call a special doctor for my butt!" You saw your father's smile and pull a camera out and start videoing. Ella's line came in "now my feet need medicine! They need to feed them Metaphone it's like I stuck them with my EpiPen!" The crowd started waving their hands and Ella go a boost of confidence "My feet are gonna have to miss a couple of days of school." She danced around before looking at the crowd "everyone get up!" Everyone stood up but to her surprise, Alma stood up smiling before dancing around. You finally looked at Camilo who was laughing his ass off look at you and your siblings make fun of yourselves. You got into the middle yanking on your shoulders if something was on it. "Now my shoulders have a temperature!" Your siblings coming in "they're coming down with it for sure!" You danced before continuing "they're switching up in my sleeves it's freaking ripping up my favorite shirt!" You all went in sync "my shoulders gonna need a topical antibiotic! My shoulder is too close to my butt!" You sang the last part by yourself "that's how I got it." A dance break happened but was soon interrupted when Mr. Brown ran across the stage. "Band kids!" You screamed before the three of you took off running. "Get back here!" Gene turned around slightly "We're helping people!" You laughed before running towards a door and closing it quickly behind you. "Hurry guys!" Ella said.

You three ran back on stage before you started singing again "Oh, Oh, Oh do you like to move your butts! Let's grove until the fever breaks, Bam! If we all just move our butts the world would be great everyday boom butts!" You all started dancing before the curtain fell. "You three have detention Monday!" You smiled at the man before running off stage "so worth it!" You ran outside to be met with your parents smiling faces "that was interesting." Your mother said hugging you three. Gene laughed before gasping "We forgot my boombox Ella hurry!" They ran off leaving you with your parents. "So, why'd you do it?" You laughed before sitting on the grass "Gene's been having a hard time adjusting to the move, I knew it would make him happy if I did with him." You smiled up at your parents who you could see were holding fake tears in "Oh, my baby loves her brother!" She kissed you repeatedly before you stood up. "Yeah yeah!" You said backing into something hard you turned to be faced with the Madrigal's "Pay up!" You laughed at the little boy before handing him 50 bucks. "Here you go!" Camilo laughed before hugging you "you went through all that trouble to help your brother?" You smiled and nodded "it was important to him!" Alma smiled before patting your head "such a selfless heart an amazing fit for our Camilo!" Camilo's cheeks grew red. "You knew!" She laughed "we all did Cami!" You all laughed it off before Ella and Gene came back and headed towards the Madrigal's house for dinner.


Wow, this is so random but it was fun to write!! Thank you all for the reads, comments, votes, and the love. Love you all!!

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