Once upon a dream

539 8 2

*Camiloxfem reader


*Word Count-1054

*Summary-Y/n is raised in the forest by her loving mother. She never leaves the comfort of her home and only leaves to adventure into the forest. On one of her adventures, she runs into Camilo.

Song use-Once upon a dream


Camilo angrily stomped into the woods. After a petty argument, he had with his sister and his cousin, Isabella he decided to get fresh air. He only indented to be gone for 30 minutes then turn around, but all of a sudden he got lost. He was deeper than he ever has been before and couldn't figure out how to go back home. While debating what he should do a voice came through his ears. He didn't recognize it but it sounded like a girl. He followed the sound until he ran into a beautiful sight.

"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar, a gleam."

The girl majestically twirled around the trees while singing a song it was like the song was hypnotizing and drawn Camilo in. He couldn't take his eyes off the girl dancing.

"Yet I know, it's true, that visions are seldom all they seem, but if I know you I know what you'll do you'll love me at once the way you did once upon a dream."

She switched singing for humming but stayed dancing. Camilo couldn't help but be taken away by the girl's beauty. It was like time had stopped and he and this mysterious girl were the only two that mattered. He reminded himself to thank his family for making him so mad that he had to come out into the forest. He went out of his hiding spot and made himself known to the girl.

"But if I know you I know what you do-!" She quickly hid behind the tree in front of her. "Oh, oh!" She had never seen anybody else besides her mother before she had only gotten a glance of the boy on the other side, but the glance was enough to leave a light blush on her cheeks. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you!" The girl peeked her head out "it's not that it's just that you're- well you're a-" Camilo cut her off "a stranger?" She nodded "Mhm and a boy. Is it true you never shave?" Camilo looked at the girl and laughed "well, I do some might not though!" The girl went back to hiding before letting out a laugh "mama was right!" Camilo laid a little on the tree "you know we've met before." The girl looked at him confused "we have?" "Well, of course! You said so yourself once upon a dream." Camilo offered the girl a hand. Which she took gladly. Camilo twirled the girl before he began dancing with her and singing the same song.

"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream. I know you the gleam in your eyes is so familiar, a gleam.

The two looked at each other for what felt like an eternity. Just the two of them, no one else. Eventually, they both sat down and started talking. "My name is Y/n what's yours?" Camilo was seated in front of the girl "Camilo. You have the loveliest eyes." The girl quickly blushed "You should meet my mama she would like you! And she'd bake you all types of delights!" The girl smiled at the boy. She didn't want him to leave. The boy smiled "You should come to meet my tiá she makes treats too!" The girl clapped her hands "And we can stay together right?" Camilo nodded at the girl she seemed so excited at the thought of meeting new people. "I made a friend all on my own without mama today! She'll be so happy!"

They talked for what seemed like hours before anyone knew it the moon was out. "Oh, my it's late you probably have to leave now." The girl's head hung low. Camilo quickly lifted it "I'll come here tomorrow and maybe your mother can give me one of her treats! Would that sound good?" The girl smiled brightly "that would be wonderful! Do you need help finding your way back?" Camilo nodded and the girl quickly started leading them both to the opening of the forest. "Here you go!" She smiled as she saw the town. Everyone was already inside enjoying dinner. Camilo looked and saw a faint body it was his mother. "Why is she out? Anyway, it was amazing to talk to you and I can't wait to see you tomorrow!" The girl jumped into the boy's arm. "You're my first friend! I can't wait to see you tomorrow too!" Camilo held tightly onto her hands while she explained to him what they were to do together tomorrow.

Pepa stood there with a cloud on top of her head. She was out looking for Camilo and she finally found him, but with a girl!" Her cloud wasn't of anger it was of sadness. Her little Camilo was all grown up. She watched as he kissed the girl's hand and how Camilo came towards the town and the girl turned towards the forest. She raced home to beat the boy. She rushed into the house scaring half her family before quickly seating on the sofa near the door. Camilo entered the house with a big smile "So, Milo where did you go?" Camilo looked towards his mom. Nobody could take that grin off his face. "Oh, I went into the forest." He sat next to his mom. Pepa hugged the young boy. Abuela and Dolores walked into the room "stop babying him!" Dolores rolled her eyes. "Aye, my little Milo isn't so little now! He met someone!" Camilo's head shot up. "How do you know?" Pepa smiled "I saw you guys! Who is she I wanna know everything!" Camilo only laughed and explained everything. He couldn't wait to when he can show Y/n his family.


I know I said I wouldn't be able to post, but my plans changed so now I am. I posted twice today so you guys have a book of today and one for tomorrow. I hope you like this one!!

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