~Chapter 2.~

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"We're going to go anyways." Ashton spoke as he hugged me.

"I'll stay a little bit longer." Luke said and smiled at me.

"Happy birthday." Ashton and Calum yelled one more time before they left.

Luke was my main best friend. I know they all were, but Luke and I were closer.

"Let's try to get your mom to notice you." He said as he grabbed my hand and lead me to the kitchen.

"I don't know-" I started.

"Just come on." I walked into the kitchen seeing my mom and her boyfriend going all over each other.

"Um, maybe later." Luke laughed.

"Just let this go, she's never going to notice me anymore." I sighed.

"You don't know that." He leaned onto the table.

"She hasn't even said I love you to me in over a year! You should know this." I walked out fighting back tears.

"Karli-" He ran to me.

"I'll-I'll be in my room. I said as I let my make up run down to my cheeks.

Luke just stood there not knowing what to say.

"Karli-" He started, walking in to my room and then shutting the door. I turned around and broke down into tears.

"Come here." Luke said as he had his arms out ready for a hug.

I walked up to him and hugged Luke back.

"I-I don't know what to do." I rub my eyes smearing my makeup even more.

"Um, well have you tried talking to your moms boyfriend?" He asked.

"Once." I sniffed and sat on my bed.


"He just ignored me." I sighed.

"Do you even know his name?" Luke bit his lip.

"Not exactly, all I know is that his last name is Clifford."

"Is that all you know?" He asks. I nodded.

"Well he's dating your mom so you should know more than just his last name, does he have a son or a daughter?" Luke sat down next to me on the bed.

"Luke it doesn't matter to me anyways." He checked his phone and made a sad face.

"I have to go." He stood up and walked to the door.

"Happy birthday." He said And walked out.


It's been a few weeks since my birthday. I still haven't talked to my mom and it's starting to really get to me. I'm just glad its a Saturday morning so I don't have to deal with anyone's bull shit.

"Karli! Come here!" I heard my mom yell.

Wait what? Was I becoming insane because of all the pain? I don't know.

"Karli!" I heard her once more.

I walked out seeing my mom on the couch.

"Mom?" I barely spoke.

"I need to tell you something sweety." She smiles.

I sat down on the chair next to the couch.

"What is it?"

"I'm getting married!" My mouth dropped.

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