~Chapter 9.~

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My eyes widened, then I pushed him off.

"What the hell was that?" I said.

"Um, I don't know." He mumbled.

Kissing him was wrong. We're siblings now.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself, you're so pretty and-" I looked at him.

"It's okay, everyone makes mistakes." I liked Michael.

He's really cute when he gets excited about the littlest things.

Michael is like a adorable fluffy kitten, yet he was insanely hot and bad ass all the other times. Wait what? Was I just hitting on my step brother?

"Can you kiss me again?" I bit my lip.

"What?" He says.

"Can you-"

He pressed his lips against mine. Michael getting on top of me still kissing, he made me lean against my pillows and head board.

"M...Mikey stop." I said as I breathed heavily.

"What is it?"

"I've um, never-" I looked embarrassed.

"Hey it's okay, I'll go slow." He smiles and kissed me on the nose.

I smiled a little bit and let Michael continue. He took off my black skinny jeans and laid me on the bed kissing me again.

My legs wrapped around his waist and my figures in his hair, I knew that I was falling for him. I took off his shirt and threw it to the ground.

I have to admit this was wrong, but I liked it. He took off my blink-182 sweatshirt and he noticed my scars all over my arms.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry for looking like this." I tried covering my arms, but Mikey wouldn't let me.

"Karli, you are beautiful even with scars. He held out my arms and kissed both of my wrists. I smiled.

Then he noticed my thighs. Yes I cut my thighs every once in awhile.

"Aww kitten come here." He pulled me up onto his lap and kissed my lips.

The kiss was heated and I can definitely tell that Mikey was turned on. He took off his jeans and went on top of me again. My hands found his back and left small finger prints. Michael unclasped my bra and cupped my breasts.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered. I felt the heat against my cheeks.

"Are you ready?" He looked at me? I nodded.

Michael grabbed a condom from the back pocket of his jeans and takes off his boxers. My eyes widened at the sight of his size and he laughed.

"Hey, its okay we don't have to do this." He rolls on the condom.

"No! Um I do."

My cheeks flushed red. He took off my underwear and placed them onto the floor. He looks at me again and I closed my eyes and nodded. My eyes filled up with tears because of the pain. He even let me get use to it, but it still hurts.

Soon the pain turned into pleasure and I grabbed his back and tried not to moan because our parents were in the other room.

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