~Chapter 24.~

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It's been a few weeks and I was still asleep. I discovered a few things since Luke was here telling me that he loved me.

Calum and Ashton came back from vacation and discovered what happened so came here as fast as they can.

"Is Karli okay?" Ashton asked Luke as he came in.

"Yeah, but she's still in a coma." Ashton came and kissed my forehead.

"W-When is she waking up?" Luke slowly sat down and put his hands over his face.

"I-I don't know." Luke started to tear up. I sat closely by him.

"Hey, can I come in or?" Calum said as he opened the door.

"Uh yeah, you can." Luke said as he sat back into the chair.

"How long has she been asleep?" Calum asked.

"A few weeks or so." Ashton sighed.

"Is that All the doctor said?" Luke looked at Calum and got up.

"No, the doctor said that if she doesn't wake up soon they'll-" Luke looked at the ground and tears streamed down his face.

"They'll what?" Ashton freaked out.

"They'll disconnect the machine..."

So if they disconnect the machine that's keeping me alive, I will finally be dead? Why not? I have no family, everyone thinks I'm a screw up.

"No, they can't!" Calum said unexpectedly.

"Yeah they can." Luke went up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Well if the doctors do that, then they're going to kill the baby as well." Ashton said.

"I bet they don't care, they'll just do an abortion." My breath hitched the back of my throat.

Tears coming out of my eyes. I didn't really know what to do when he said that. I do want to die, but I don't want them to kill the baby.

*Michael's POV*

"I-I hope she wakes up soon." I said to my dad as I was sitting on the couch.

"Michael, I don't even know why you actually like my daughter.

That girl is such a screw up." Karli's mom laughed.

"Listen, I don't fucking care if you like her or not! You're her daughter and you're supposed to be there for her when she needs you! Not making her feel like shit and hit her! That's one of the reasons why she tried committing suicide!" I yelled.

I was furious because I was the only one there for her.

"I've been there for Karli because now she's apart of my family and I only met her 5 months ago." Her mom was speechless and I was proud of myself for standing up for Karli.

"Please, please wake up." I was laying on her chest. As soon as I got up I put my hand on her stomach.

"You're going to be okay." I started to cry as I held her hand.

"I-I love you." I closed my eyes for a while until I heard her voice.

"I love you too Mikey." I kissed her on the lips.

"Oh my god Karli!" She smiled and held my hand.

"Mikey?" She looked at me.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"Since when did you dye you're hair again?" I chuckled.

"Are you really going to ask me that now?" She shook her head.

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