~Chapter 23.~

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This part of the story may be confusing.

Karli's POV

"H..hello? Someone here?" I say as I look around the room. Everything was white and I was pretty sure I was dead. I was barefoot walking on the cold floor wearing nothing but a white gown. "Hello?" I heard the door open with Michael and Luke coming in. "Wait how are you guys here?! I'm dead." I say both to them, but they were ignoring me.

"Hello? Michael?" I say one more time. "Oh..karli." I hear him whisper to himself. "Yes?" I say as I was getting closer to him. He looked upset and he wasn't looking at me... "Mikey what's going on? Luke?" They were staring at the bed in the middle if the room. I tried hugging Michael, but I went through him. "Michael what's happening?!" I was freaking out until I saw myself on the bed.
My older step brother

Wait what? How can I be there when I'm here? How did I go through Michaels body? I thought I was dead. I saw Luke touch my hand and I felt it. "Um one of you has to leave the room." The nurse said unexpectedly. "Oh um I'll leave." Luke said as he walks out looking at Michael then shuts the door. Michael pulled a chair up next to me and sat down holding my hand.

"Karli...." He whispers and kisses my hand. It was weird, I could feel everything he was doing and also I could hear. "I'm...sorry for everything that happened..I..I wish that I was there with you to hold, to love on, to make you feel like a princess, but I failed. I'm sorry that I lied to Luke about how you got pregnant." Wait, what the fuck did he just say? Pregnant?! I put my hands over my stomach.

I look down at my stomach remembering that we forgot to use protection. My eyes sent wide. "Michael...." I whispered. He was still holding my hand telling me stories of when we first met on how he felt. Tears running down his eyes. I sat down next to Michael listening. I was a spirit...I'm dreaming. As Michael left later that night I looked at myself wired and patched up on the bed. I just want to know when I wake up.

My Older Step BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now