~Chapter 6.~

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I went to his doorway as he was getting ready to open the door. When he opened it I looked around. Michaels room looked really cool. He had all sorts of band posters just like mine all over his walls.

Had a flat screen TV hanging on the wall with his gaming systems hooked up to it. A electric guitar hooked up to amps in the corner of the room and had a stereo.

"To much?" He asked as he closed the door.

"No not at all actually." I smiled.

"Well here's the 2nd controller." He hands me it and takes off his head set.

I jumped onto his bed then crossed my legs.

"What game are we playing?" I asked as I messed with the buttons.

"Mario Kart." I chuckled.

"That's like a kids game."

"Yeah, but it's really fun. He jumped onto the bed and sat next to me.

"You ready?" He looked at me.

"Let's do it."

By the time a few games were almost over, I was at the edge of the bed laughing and yelling for how much fun I was having.

"I won!" Michael laughed.

"No, I was so close!" I yelled.

"Maybe next time." He said as he turned off the game.

I heard a loud pounding at the door. It was probably our mom.

"Quit screaming!" She yelled.

"Hold on, I'll be right back." I said to Michael and walked out.

"What is it? We're just having fun." I said.

"Yeah, and you were supposed to be doing homework! But instead I have a bitchy suicidal daughter! You're just a disappointment." She boomed.

I froze, my eyes filling up in tears. The pain in my chest getting worse. How did she know that? How could she say that? How could she be so mean? I ran into my room and locked it.

Crawling into bed, I let all my eyeliner wash away with my own tears. I threw my home work onto my messy floor. I didn't care about school anyways. I removed my bracelets and threw them to the ground.

Walking to my jewelry box I grabbed my blades and sat into the corner of my room placing the blade on to my wrist.

"One for my mom."


"One for messing everything up."


"Another just for pain"


"And one for school"


My mom was right all along, I'm just a disappointed of the family. I'm just a screw up.

No one likes me. I let my wrists bleed out, because why not? I crawled into bed once more and cried myself to sleep.

My Older Step BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now