~Chapter 3.~

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"Wait what? I don't even know him mom." I had to argue over this.

"Well you should we've been dating for a few years now." This is the first time she actually talked to me face to face.

"That's why we are having dinner tonight here at the house with him and his son." I don't like meeting new people and I didn't like dressing up either. I'm just going to have to meet my soon to be step brother.

I was getting ready for tonight. I didn't have fancy clothes so I just had to borrow one of my mom's. I slipped on the dark navy blue dress that perfectly fit my curves. I haven't worn a dress on so long, this feels so weird.

I took of my bandanas and took out my hair and brushed my blonde/brown locks.

I don't know about dinners but I'm pretty sure this looked to fancy for this event. I sighed and went out to the living room.

"Mom?" She turned and looked at me.

"See? Didn't I tell you look better like that." I felt heat around my face and looked to the floor.

A few minutes later my mom was setting the table and making dinner. I sat at the table and started to text Luke.

"You're not texting that Luke guy are you Karli?" She said.

"You should know this, he's my best friend." I told her.

"Since when?" This even proves she doesn't even listen to me.

I sighed and put my phone away. Karli, you're not wearing those bracelets at the table." She said as she saw my different bracelets I wear to cover my scars.

"It doesn't matter what you tell me, I'm not taking them off." I heard a knock coming from the front door.

"You better be good to your future family."

Future family? This made me uncomfortable, I just want this to end. I didn't bother to move. I just sat at the table waiting for everything to be over.

"Karli, this is Michael." My mom said as she sat down. He has blonde and blue hair, piercings, and gorgeous eyes.

He was wearing a nice shirt and black skinny jeans. He sat down across from me still silent.

"He's shy." Michael's dad said.

"No I'm not! Stop saying that to everyone." He rolled his eyes and started texting on his phone.

Wow he was kind of like me.

I was already done eating so I sat on the couch. I noticed Michael was done too. Why not talk to him, he's going to be living with you here soon anyways, I thought to myself.

Just as soon I was going for it, Michael got out of the chair and sat on the couch. I'm guessing my mom is ignoring me again anyways so why not?

"Hi." I said.

He looked up from his phone to me.

"Oh hey." He smiled a little.

"I like your hair." I said as I sat at the end of the couch next to Michael.

"Really?" He smiled all bright.

"Yeah I like how the blue looks like it exploded on to your head." I pointed it out to him.

"I'm sorry, but I have to ask, how old are you?" I leaned in on the arm of the couch.

"Nineteen you?"

"I just turned seventeen." I smiled at him again.

My Older Step BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now