~Chapter 18.~

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Hours has past and I was in Michaels bedroom sitting on the bed depressed. Just staring at the wall made me feel a little better. Mittens finally came into the room and rested. I finally call Luke to come over just to talk.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey, um Luke? Can you probably come over?" I said.

"Yeah of course, I'll be there in a bit." I sighed with relief and hung up the phone.

I went into the living room and sat onto the couch. Everything felt weird and quiet. I fell back to sleep on the couch waiting for him to be here.

"Karli?" I hear a voice in my head.

"Karli?" I heard the voice again it wasn't my own either.

"W-What?" I was a half a sleep.

"Wake up, I'm here." He said as he sat down next to me. I finally woke up to see him again.

"You're here alone?" Luke said as I shook my head.

"For how long?" I sat up.

"A week." I sighed.

"So did you want to tell me?" Luke bit his lip.

"Yeah, I do actually."

"Well what is it?" I moved my hair out of my face.

"The necklace that you gave me for my 10th birthday broke-" He froze and looked at my neck.

"Why weren't you wearing it?" He freaked out.

"I took it off so I-"

"No Karli, that was special and you broke it." He stood up and messed with his hair. "

Are you actually blaming this on me? It's just a stupid necklace!" I yelled.

Luke looked torn and didn't say anything to me.

"I-I'll see you later." He walked towards the front door.

"No, Luke wait!" I said. He ignored me and walked out.

Did Luke and I just got into our very first fight? Can my life get any worse? I didn't know what to do.

Calum and Ashton weren't in town and I'm pretty sure Luke hates me now. I go into my room and find my new best friend.

I grabbed my blade and placed it on my scared wrist. I slide it across my skin and dots of blood were starting to show. I was used to the pain, I was so used to it that it kinda felt good.

It kept my mind off of everything. After I was done I placed it to my thigh.

"Ms. White?"

"Ms. White?" I heard a voice.

"Ms. White!" My math teacher yelled as I was startled from my sleep in class.

Every one was laughing.

"I'm sorry, I didn't get enough sleep last night." I said dozed off.

"Well if that's the case, detention." I groaned and didn't pay attention for the rest of the day.

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