~Chapter 12.~

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Michael went to the basement to get frozen pizza's. It's been a few minutes since I told him.

"Michael?" I say as I walk slowly walk down.

I haven't been down in our basement in years. Last time I was down there, my mom beat me up and left me there when she was married to another guy. I promised myself that I would never go down there again, but I had to because of Michael.

"Hello?" I made it half way down still looking around.

"Michael please, I don't like being down here." I say as my voice was echoing into the darkness.

I hate when my mom puts all of our frozen groceries down here. I finally made it all the way down touching the cold floor.

"Over here!" Mikey said giving me a heart attack.

"What is it?" I say as I tried to find a light.

"Well I came down here trying to find the freezer and I found this door, do you know where this leads to?" He says.

"I haven't been down here in years." I put my hand on the freezing door handle and I opened it up.

"Whats in there?" Michael says as I can feel his hot breath against my skin.

"Its a room?" I looked confused.

I turned on a small lamp in the corner of the large room. I looked around trying to put the pieces together. I just don't get it.

All their was was a bedframe an old dresser and a lamp.

"I'm guessing its a old bedroom." He says. I sighed and closed the door. "Let's just cook the frozen pizzas." Michael smiled and kissed me on the nose.

I woke up before my alarm. Like my usual morning routine, I take a shower, blow dry my hair and pick out my clothes. I wore my black leggings with my usual black leather boots and borrowed Michaels idiot shirt.

I have to admit it looked good on me even though it was a little big. I grabbed my bags and my keys and headed for school.

I entered the school hallways and tried to find Luke. We always met up at my locker before school started. I finally made it and found marker written all over.

I wanted to cry, like everyday I come to school.

The words written fat, go kill yourself, emo freak, slut, bitch, slut and so many others.

Luke finally came up go me while I was sitting on the floor against the locker taking in all the pain.

"Hey it's okay." He pulled me up and hugged me.

"You came to school finally." I said as I smile a little bit.

"Of course I did." Luke hugged me tighter.

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