~Chapter 19.~

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I was sitting in the back of the class room in detention while a few others were in the front goofing off. The only thing I'm doing is trying to get my homework done or try to go to sleep.

"Hey slut! Get over here!" One of the guys say as the others chuckled. I gulped in fear.

"Um, okay." I got out of my chair and went close to everyone.

The guy pushed me into the desk making me to fall on my side causing a squeal escaping my lips.

"Stop, leave m-me alone." I tried getting up, but somebody kicked me in my ribs.

Tears started streaming down my cheeks as they continue and the bad part was the teacher was in the same room as this was happening to me.

As people kept on kicking me I started coughing up blood. I was on my hands and knees my hair covering my face.

The teacher watched and so did the kids. I don't know why my life is like this. I just wanted it to end. In the middle of the empty class room, I try to get up with my legs shaky I collapsed. I sobbed, I didn't know what to do. I just wanted to go home.


Waking up to the familiar room, I sighed. No one was here for me, the teachers obviously don't care so why live? I go into Mikey's bedroom one last time and go onto his laptop while mittens lays next to me. I knew it wasn't a good idea to go on the schools most popular social media site, but I wanted to.

P= person K= karli

Karli White has now entered the chat!

P: Eeww wtf is this slut doing on here? Looking for guys to send nudes to?
P: Yeah ikr? She's a freak
K: That's not true....
P: Hoe go kill yourself! You're not worth it suicidal bitch!
K: please, stop
P: Go cry to your mom! Hopefully she likes you...probably because the condom broke.

I had enough of this bull shit. I'm not wanted, I'm worthless.

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