~Chapter 4.~

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"I'm sorry hold on, let me get out of this dress." I say as I get up and walk into my room shutting the door.

I take off the scratchy dress and put on my favorite Nirvana T-shirt and ripped black skinny jeans. I put up my hair like usual and also wear my bandana. I walked out and sat back down.

"Much better. I sighed in relief.

"I like your style." Michael said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah you have the same style as me practically." I look what he was wearing.

"No not this, my dad made me wear this for dinner." He chuckled.

"Maybe next time, when we meet again you can see what I actually wear." He laughed and messed with his hair.

"Maybe I will." I giggled.

Michael got up and went to the kitchen, got his dad and went out of the door. He was really nice to me, but I guess he was just acting.


"So your mom is getting married then?" Ashton said as he was eating pizza.

"Yeah and the weird thing is my mom actually talked to me face to face for the first time in forever." I sat on the edge of my bed.

"Wait, what really?" Luke's eyes widened.

"Yeah-" "What about that Michael kid?" Calum said.

"Yeah what's he like?" Luke held my hand.

"He's like me kinda." I sighed.

"Is that a good thing?" Calum asked as he raised his eyebrows.

"I guess, I don't know." I eat a few bites of my pizza.

A few months passed I was getting ready for my mother's wedding and I wasn't that all excited of what I was wearing. I looked at the dress and then at the floor.

"Hey there's the flower girl." Luke said and hugged me.

"Hey." I sighed.

Luke looked really nice. "Hey what's wrong?" He said. "I'm just not ready for my mom to get married that's all."

"What are these?" He points to the dresser.

"Those go in my hair." My hair was braided a crossed my head.

"Well it looks beautiful." Luke smiles and starts to put the flowers in my hair.

"There." Luke smiles again and hands me a mirror.

"Thanks it looks great." I say as I put down the mirror.

"Karli, stop being lazy and help me get into my dress now." My mom says as she walks into the room.

"I'll leave." Luke said and walked out of the room. My mom was acting really rude.

"Mom I haven't even gotten my dress on and don't you have brides maids to do that?" I say.

"Don't be a winey bitch." I stopped and fought back the tears that was about to come out.

Lucky I didn't do my make up yet. I did as I was told and left the room with only my robe on. I bumped into Michael and I didn't even notice the tears running down my face.

"Hey are you okay?" He said.

"I'm great." I shrugged my shoulders and left.

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