~Chapter 7.~

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My alarm clock went off. I was to tired to see the time until my vision cleared.

8:01 a.m.

No I'm late! One more tardy and the school calls my parents. I hurried and put on my black skinny jeans, black leather boots and my blink-182 sweatshirt.

I liked the way the sweater looked on me. It was big, yet it fits. It was big enough to cover my hands and my scars with out stretching it.

I went to the bathroom and washed the blood from my wrists from last night. I finally looked into the mirror and I looked like hell.

My cheeks still had smeared makeup my eyes were puffy and red. I washed my face a few times and reapplied only mascara.

I still looked like shit, but it was good enough. I decided to let my hair down for once to show my blonde/brown highlights. I grabbed my school bag and ran into my car and went to school.

"You're late Ms. White, again." My math teacher said.

The hour was almost up, so I was walking towards my seat.

"Yeah I know I'm sorry, I promise I won't be late next time." I dropped my bag beside me.

"You said that last time." He looked mad.

I heard giggles from the back of the room, but I just ignore them. A few minutes later the bell rung and I grabbed my bag and headed for the door until my teacher stopped me.

"Ms. White, I need to talk to you." I walked towards him.

"This is your fifth tardy this month! What's going on?" He sat at his desk.

I just played with my sleeves. "It's personal-" I looked down to my feet.

"I see, well lucky your parents will explain that." I sighed and walked out the door.

I didn't find Luke anywhere. All I saw was Ashton and Calum coming my way.

"Hey what happened to you?" Calum said.

"What do you mean?" I crosses my arms over my chest.

"You look not your self today." He leaned against the locker.

"I woke up late, some how my alarm didn't go off."

"Well we'll see you in 4th hour.

"Wait where's Luke?" I tugged on Ashton's shirt.

"He's sick." He said.

"Oh." I looked at the floor.

"Don't be sad, we're here." Calum said and walked off.

"See ya." Ash said then disappeared into the hallway full of kids.

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