~Chapter 17.~

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Waking up on a Friday morning was exhausting. I couldn't go to school because of my concussion. In plus I didn't want to go anyways.

I forgot that I was in the cold basement, but for some reason it wasn't that cold than what it usually was. I finally sat up and looked around my room and saw a heater beside my dresser turned on high.

Michael must of bought me one when I was asleep. I finally got up and put on some sweat pants and my All Time Low band tee.

I went upstairs to see what was in the fridge for breakfast. I mean the smell traveled all the way down here, so Michael must be cooking. Instead it was my mom cooking pancake, eggs, and bacon.

"Finally cooking?" I asked him as I sat at the counter on the stool.

"It's not for you, its for me and you're step dad, you can make yourself something karli, you're not five." I rolled my eyes and went to the fridge like I was planning to.

I got more eggs out and cracked them into a bowel. I saw a suitcase beside them as they were eating.

"Going some where?" I asked.

"Yep, you're going to be alone for a week." I instantly smiled.

A week with out my mom? Fuck yeah.

"Don't get to excited, Michael is also going."

"Wait, what? Why?" I run into his room, but he wasn't in there.

"He has to anyways." My mom smirked.

"What why?" She looked at me, but didn't say anything.

"Im making him." I don't know why my mom was so rude go me.

If only Michaels dad knew everything. A few hours later Michael finally came home and smiled to me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" I hugged him.

"I was, but you were asleep so yeah." I honestly didn't want him to leave. I loved him.

"Karli, I have to you're moms making me." He rubs my back and hugs me tightly.

What was his problem? "Michael why is my mom making you?" He sighed.

"If I don't, she'll kick me out and I won't see you again-" My chest hurt of the thought.

I was angry at my mother, no wait I was furious with her. She hits me, dies drugs, ignores me, breaks my stuff, make me move down stairs then makes Michael leave me for a week? What the fuck was wrong with her?

Michael holds me gently rocking me back and forth.

"Its going to be okay." I went into his room and watched him pack. I didn't know people who you love can leave you could hurt you so much.

"When ever you want something of mine you can come in here." He smiles warmly. I sighed.

"I don't think I can live with out you for a week." I say staring at the floor.

"Karli you're making it sound like I'm dying." He chuckled and closed his suit case.

"I don't care." I mumbled.

I skipped Saturday

It was a Sunday morning when my parents and Michael were getting ready to leave. As soon as they opened the front door I ran up Michael to give him a hug. I didn't kiss him because my mom was right beside me.

"Karli I'll be back in a week, don't cause any trouble like usual." I rolled my eyes as they walked out.

Watching out the window of Michael getting into the car with them made my chest hurt once again.

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