~Chapter 5.~

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The wedding ceremony was about to begin. I was in front of my mom getting ready to spread rose pedals on the isle floor. The door opens and I saw Michael next to his dad.

This was embarrassing and I didn't want to do this, but I had to. My mom made me. As soon as I came home I took off my heels that were killing me and plopped onto the couch.

"Karli, don't do that you'll mess up the cushions." My mom and my step dad came in.

She never had a problem before. I saw Michael walk in and sat on the chair.

"Fine then I'll go to my room." I rolled my eyes and shut the door and locked it.

Is my mom really trying to pretend that she's actually a good mother to me and telling me what to do?

Oh hell no.

A few minutes later I was changed back to my regular clothes and texting Calum. Luke was busy with homework, so he couldn't text me right now. I heard a knock at the door.

"Mom go away! I had had it with you today, please?" I groaned and opened the door to find Michael standing in my door way.

"Michael? I thought you were my mom." I looked him up and down on what he was wearing.

Black skinny jeans, leather boots and a Metallica T-shirt, that shows his ring tattoos on his arm.

"No its fine, I just wanted to get to know you a little more that's all." He smiled.

"Why did our parents say so?" I leaned against the door frame.

"Yeah kinda."

"Oh, alright come in." I walked straight to my bed and sat cross legged.

"I like your room." He looked around and saw all of my band posters mostly covering up my wall.

"Thanks." I grabbed my phone and turned it off.

"So can you play anything?" He asked.

"A little bit, I play bass just like one of my best friends." I say as I got up and picked up my bass from the corner of my room.

"Wow that's cool." He smiles.

"I play the guitar, but no one really seems to care."

"Well I do, because I'm kinda just like you." I giggled.

It's been a few months of getting use to my new family. I felt a little better about not being alone so much, but I still cut through the pain. Michael hasn't even noticed about either which is a good thing.

My mom has been really rude to me ever since she got married a few months back. I was in my room doing biology homework until I heard a knock at the door.

"Please go away, I'm stressed!" I yell.

The knocking didn't seem to go away, so I decided to get up and open it.

"Yeah?" I say to Michael as he has a Xbox controller in his hand.

"Want to play?" I looked at the controller.

I never played video games before, to me watching other people play was boring so what makes a difference playing it?

"No, I have homework." I sighed.

"Have you even played before?" He raised an eyebrow.

I shook my head. "Come on it'll be fun." He smiled.

"Don't you have homework?" I asked.

"I take college classes online." He says.

"Oh, then I guess."

I mean I was stressed, but doesn't stuff like this release it all away?

"Okay." I finally said and walked into his room.

My Older Step BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now