~Chapter 10.~

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I woke up the next morning feeling really sore and tensed. I didn't even want to go to school this morning anyways. My mom would always work when I'm at school so when I miss days I'm home alone.

I heard a slight knocking at more and it opened with Mikey coming in. He was shirtless and was wearing a snapback.

"You didn't go to school?" He leaned against my wall.

"Nope, I don't want to anyways." I stuck my head into my pillow. All of a sudden my cat, mittens jumped onto my bed and curled up next to me.

"Aww when did you get a cat?" He smiles and runs up to her.

"I've always had her, she just hides a lot."

"She's so cute!" He picks her up and my cat meowed and he meowed back. I started to laugh.

I never knew he had a heart for cats. I got out of bed only in Michaels T-shirt and my lace underwear.

"You look really hot right now, you know that right?" He adds while still playing with mittens. I blushed at his comment and brushed my hair.

Mikey went behind me and grabbed my waist and pulled me in onto the bed. I screamed and landed onto the other side laughing. I never felt so happy before. I stared into his eyes. His eyes were green, but I noticed that his one eye is half blue half green.

"I love your eyes." I whispered.

He smiled and kissed me on my lips. I felt his back and it felt like he scratches it up.

"What happened?" I say as I looked at his back that was still kind of bleeding. He smirked.

"What do you think it was princess?" He sat back onto my bed with his and behind his neck and raised an eyebrow.

"Ohh, okay." I blushed once more.

"Do you know how to play guitar?" He asked.

"Kind of I'm still learning." He smiled and got up. "Good, I want to show you something."

Michael shut the door behind me and locked it. I sat down on his bed while he grabbed his acoustic from underneath his bed.

"Here." He sat behind me and helped me get the chorded right. I giggled.

"I play bass, trust me this is easy." I stroke the chords one more time.

"You sure?" He put on a shirt.

"Yeah I am." I smiled and focused on what I was doing.


"Where were you today?" Luke said as he came through my door.

"Home." I sighed.

"What was wrong this time?" He said as he sat down next to me.

"Depression, anxiety, sore muscles." I looked to the ground.

"Wait why were you sore?" I paused trying to think of an answer.

"Um remember, I got shoved into the lockers?" "

I wasn't there that day."

"Oh." Everything was silent.

Then my mom came into the house.

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