~Chapter 22.~

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Michaels POV

Sitting in the waiting room for hours, me and Luke were getting more worried by the second. I didn't care if my dad was worried about me for how long I was out...all I care at the moment was her. When the doctor finally came out I stood up and walked to him. "Well?" I said nervously. "She's fine, we bandaged her up." I was relieved, I actually thought I was going to loose her forever.

"Can I go see her?" I said. "Yeah can we?" Luke interrupted. "Wait...before I let you in she's in a coma." My eyes widened. "What?! For how long?" Luke said as he ran up here. "Possibly a few months.... Or years." My chest was in pain, I couldn't take it all in. "Wait why is she in a coma?" I was confused. "No one no's, probably stress." Luke looked hurt like it was his fault.

"Well can we see her now?" I grew impatient. "Yes, but there is one more thing you need to know." The doctor looked through his papers. "What?" Luke said. "Karli is pregnant."

"Wait what?! How?!" Luke freaked out. I was standing awkwardly trying to figure out an excuse. "Um...it happened at school." I mumbled. "Who the fuck touched her?!" Luke looked furious. I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to lie to him. "I'm..I'm not sure...s..she got raped in the bathroom.." I said it clearly. "And you didn't stop them?!" He yelled. "I didn't know, she told me this a few days ago before I left." I lied. I felt bad doing this.

Sorry its short :(

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