Fell x Reader

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I casually forgot to put this here after I put it up on Tumblr

The horizon never ends.

Neither does the best kind of love.

For a long time, his whole life maybe, Sans didn't think that type of love truly existed.

Love was a weakness.

If that was true, then, dammit...

You are his weakness.

He stood a few feet behind you, watching a warm summer breeze glide through your hair as the waves crashed at your feet.

This was the same beach where you'd brought him for your first date.

He loved the ocean since he first saw it, so vast and strange. Amazing.

Almost as amazing as you.


Sans was not a romantic monster at all.

He wasn't even sure why you'd stuck around as long as you have.

Which was the problem.

You'd been around long enough for him to know that if he lost you, he'd never be the same again.

You were perfect.

You put up with his bullshit day in and day out, you never let it get under your skin. You don't try to change him, you love him just the way he is.

That's not even talking about the rest of you.

Your contagious smile and laugh. Your shining eyes, a voice that never failed to put him at ease.

There wasn't a damn thing about you he'd ever change.

Except...well, there is one thing.

His hand figited with the small, black box in the pocket of this shorts.


It's time.

"Sweetheart...can I talk to ya fer a second?"

You looked away from the waves and walked back onto the softer sand to stand with him, the water erasing your footprints immediately.

"I love ya," well, that was random, "I know I don't say it nearly enough, but I do. So much."

"...truth is, I love ya so damn much, I don't know what ta do with myself sometimes. I...well, I didn't know it was possible ta feel about someone like I do about ya."

This is...odd. Sure, Sans complemented you every now and then, small things usually. But this.

This was something else.

"I love you too, Sans. I know what you mean, feelings like this are something...very special."

"That's fer sure. We are something special."

The sun was starting to set in the background, practically giving you a halo of midsummer light that surrounded you.

"...look, I know I'm tha last guy anyone would think would be talkin' like this. But when I see ya, I see forever, my everythin'. My soulmate."

Oh stars.

Soulmate was not a term the monsters used nearly as loosely as humans did. A soulmate was someone made exactly for you. It was spiritual, deep. Sacred.

"A love like ours, it ain't gonna end. It's forever, an' that's what I want us ta be," he knelt down into the sand, losing his balance slightly due to it's softness but nothing was ruining this moment.

"I'm done takin' my time an' there ain't no goin' back now...so, sweetheart," he pulled the box out of  his pocket, "will ya marry me?"

Your hands shot up to your face as tears started gathering. Your mind yelling at you to say yes until you finally got it out.

The ring was an intricate diamond with smaller round ruby's surrounding it on a golden band that shimmered in the late afternoon sunlight.

It looked even better on your hand.

Your smile made his soul soar as he pulled you into a hug, tight enough to lift you a few inches off the ground.

Now there was nothing about you he'd change.

Because all he wanted to do was change your last name.

AU Sans X Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now