Nightmare x Skeleton! Reader pt.2

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Requested by KayMay26

Once we got back to our house I used a bone attack to break Sans' cuffs. He hugged me and I hugged him back, happy he's ok.

"Thank you Y/n," he slightly whimpered. "It's ok Sans, I'm just glad your alright," I said. Papyrus later came in relieved as ever that Sans was home.

Sans might have been ok, but I wasn't. I was utterly heartbroken. My best friend, and even hate to say it now but the guy I loved but was too scared to tell him, wasn't even my friend anymore.

"Y/n, talk to me, I know something's wrong," Papyrus persuaded. I looked at him with teary eyesockets and looked back down at the floor.

Sans must've told him because he came over and hugged me. "Y/n, I'm sorry you found out about Nightmare that way," he said trying to comfort me, it didn't help.

"I didn't think he'd ever change that much, to be honest I was more afraid that when I saw him again he'd have a girlfriend," I slightly laughed but not for long.

"I guess that was the least of my worries huh," I added. I walked upstairs to my room to try to sleep a little bit of this off.

Except I couldn't sleep, no I was up looking at old pictures of me and Nightmare. Us just hanging out, being absolute dorks and having fun, it seemed like it was never possible that these were real.

I unknowingly began crying, once I noticed a m/c (magic color) tear fall on my hand. I can't believe this, I'm crying over someone who could care less about me.

I for some stupid reason I went looking through a box with our pictures in it. Inside was a purple locket necklace with a picture of us in it. It was a picture from we took after being friends for 5 years, what dorks we were.

I slightly began smiling. There were also pictures of the day we spent trying to climb the brother's tree without magic, that was the day I broke my  left humerus. Nightmare never left my side the day after that.

And pictures that Dream had took from when we had a water balloon fight, we were absolutely soaked. The happy memories started flowing back. To bad they'd never happen again.

I sighed and put the box back under my bed.

No I need to know what happened to Nightmare, my friend is still in there. I ran downstairs and yelled "if you need me I'll be in Dreamtale," and was gone, also confusing my brothers.

I finally found Dream and had him explain what happened to my friend.

Once he finished I was mortified. He did this because of all the negativity towards him. I was the only positivity he had. Once I was gone he...
This was my fault. I'm the villain here, not him.

"Where is Nightmare," I demanded. Dream was extremely hesitant to tell me but knew if anyone could help him, it was me.

I teleported outside of his castle. A guard opened the door and requested I say why I was here.

Ha nope, I ran right past him into the throne room. He was still on my tailbone but stopped when he saw where I went, I guess he figured I was insane.

"Nightmare," I yelled catching his attention. I walked over to the throne and he got up to meet me at the bottom. "Dream told me what happened, I'm sorry," I apologized.

"It's not your fault, I was weak," he replied. "N-no you weren't, if I hadn't wouldn't have done this to yourself," I said trying to stay strong, I knew it was my fault no matter how much he argued.

"I'm sorry Nightmare. I promised that I'd...that I'd always be there for you, I-I lied to you. I'm the bad guy here," I said with tears gathering in my eyesockets.

After seeing the tears he pulled me into a hug. "Don't you ever say that about yourself, your not at fault, please don't blame yourself," he whispered.

"N-no it is my fault, and to make matters worse I even said I didn't want to be your friend anymore. Wh-what kind of best fr-friend am I," I stuttered out.

"Stop. You are an amazing girl, I know I'm not who I used to be but I never stopped loving you, but I'm sorry I didn't have the courage to tell you," he said comfortingly.

"N-Nightmare. I can't change what happened but I swear I won't leave you again," this time it's a promise I'll keep.

"And about what you said, I never stopped loving you either," I continued.

One of his tentacles raised my chin to look at him, where after he grabbed my waist and kissed me. For the beast he had become, he was sweet and gentle.

He pulled away with love in his eyes, even if it was hard to see. "I'm sorry about earlier, I won't ever hurt you or your brothers again," he swore.

"Thank you, now we got years of catching up to do," I said. He slightly smiled and picked me up and walked back to his throne, sitting me on his right.

That's what we did too. I described everything that has recently happened in Underswap and he was naming the members of his team, and that the one that threw me on the ground was Dust, and boy was Nightmare mad.

After calming him down we agreed to tell my brothers about everything later. We just wanted to take things easy for a bit.

"I'm happy to have you back Nightmare. I missed you," I said, "I love you."

"I'm more than happy that you can still say that even after all I've done," he began, "I love you too Y/n, I always have.

AU Sans X Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now