Chapter 18 - Leaving

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*For best results, listen to Kissing in Cars by Pierce the Veil while reading
*For best results, listen to Hell Above by Pierce the Veil while reading

--Tessa's POV-

It was early Saturday morningwhen my alarm blared in my ear, making me jump. Today was the day. As today got closer and closer, I'd gotten more and more anxiety about the tour. Not about myself, but about Michael. About leaving him. John offered to personally escort him all the way to my brother's house, plane ride and all, but I couldn't help but interject my motherly concerns. And then a few about me. What if I over-estimated myself? What if I got there and I saw all of them and I just...I shook my head and got up, pulling on a pair of tights and a big t-shirt. I went to wake Michael up, my unbrushed hair falling to my sides. "Michael, honey."I said quietly, sitting on the side of Michael's bed and rubbing his arm. "It's time to get up. I know it's early, baby..." Michael yawned, groaning a little and rolling over. "Moommm...." He whined, rubbing his big blue eyes. I smiled. "I'll make you pancakes..." I tempted. He
looked at me, pausing a moment before getting up. I helped him pick out an outfit last night, so all he had to do was get dressed and brush his hair. And eat. Michael always loved pancakes in the morning; it was my trick to get him out of bed.

I ran the brush through my hair, swimming in my own worries and anxiety. What if, what if, what if...It couldn't be helped. I was going from barely being able to order at McDonald's to living with 5 men who I had a complicated and anxiety-filled history with for five months. Two of them had abused me, one of them knew about the abusing and laughed about it, one of them knew absolutely nothing about it, and the last one...Jinxx. I couldn't help but be a little angry with Jinxx. He knew about the pain I was going through, he saw the bruises and understood, but he didn't do anything. I shook it off. He was there for me more than anyone else was, and I should be thankful for that.

"If you wanted to set me free, why the fuck wouldn't you say something,
See I was just over seventeen,
Made of poison, cave in free,
Oh no please don't abandon me,
Mother Father, I love you so,
But this is just me disguised as me,
I'm the killer who burned your home."

(Credit for lyrics goes to Hell Above-Pierce the Veil) I pulled my earphones out of my ears, but slowly I analyzed how those lyrics reminded me of Jinxx. How alone I was when he left, abandoned, me. How I couldn't cry to him then, I had no one to vent to or anything. I need to stop thinking about this. They've all changed, relax. Turning off my iPod, I went to make Michael's pancakes.

--Andy's POV-

"Are you guys ready to go?" Our tour manager, Ethan, asked. "Yep!" Jinxx shouted. "Almosht." Ashley called with a mouth full of food. "I think we're all good." I said, looking over next to me at Jake and CC. Jake had been distant lately, and I couldn't pin point why. He stared down at his feet, seemingly lost in thought. I wondered what he was thinking about, what was running through his mind. I looked over to see Ashley wiping his mouth and getting up from the table. "Lemme just brush my teeth, and we can go." Ashley said. I still haven't told them about Tessa. What was I going to do? Hey guys, surprise, Tessa's sharing a room with Sammi. "When Ashley's here, I should, uh, tell you guys something." I fessed. Ethan already knew, he was the tour manager of course. "Okay...Ashley, take your sweet time up there brushing your teeth! We can wait all day!" Jake called sarcastically. "I'hm trshyinn..." Ashley replied, toothpaste foaming his words. "We still have to pick up Sammi and Tessa, right?" Ethan said. Everyone in the room shot their heads towards me, putting on a mechanical glare. "Tessa?" Jinxx asked sternly. "Tessa." I said plainly. Well, this is not how I wanted them to find out. "Tessa's coming?" CC asked, almost excitedly. "Yeah." Jinxx gave me a look of disgust while Jake said nothing at all. He just stared. "Can I talk to you in the other room, Andy?" Jinxx asked, venom lacing his voice. "Yeah." I replied, knowing I was in for a long chat. Why was Jinxx so protective over her? He had a girlfriend; he needs to let Tessa make her own decisions. "Who decided she was coming?" He asked in an aggressive whisper. "She did, I tried to get her to stay but she signed the contract herself." I replied in an equally hostile tone. "Why would you let her do that? She's not stable enough for this, and you know it!" I glared into his eyes. "It was her choice. Why are you so concerned about her!? You have a girlfriend, Tessa is an adult now." I couldn't be talking about this myself, with how protective I really was of Tessa. But I tried to keep it down and not let it show. Jinxx was silent. "Whatever. Let's just try to keep her stable, okay? Make sure CC doesn't flirt with her, make sure she doesn't go to any of the parties." Jinxx said, defeated. "Okay. Now let's go." I headed out to see Ashley standing, talking to Ethan. Ashley looked pale, and I figured Ethan was telling him about Tessa by the glance he shot at me.
--Tessa's POV-

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