Chapter 27 - Plans

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--Andy's POV-

Jinxx and I stood outside, him cowering under my glare. "What the fuck was that?" I asked, trying to keep my voice down. "That was waking her up to your real intentions, Andy. I see right through you!" Jinxx shouted. "See right through me? I love her! I'm not just trying to...ugh! You're so fucking annoying sometimes!" I retaliated, running my hand through my hair in frustration. I love Tessa more than anything in the world, it kills me to know she thinks otherwise. "Whatever. She's not staying in the staff bus anymore." Jinxx said. "I know, I'm going to get her out of there soon." I said. "No, I mean she's really not staying there." Jinxx corrected. That caught my attention. "What? Where's she staying?" I asked, my tone becoming more assertive. I had to go talk to her. "I don't know. I just went to go find her and she wasn't there, the manager said she moved busses." Jinxx said, avoiding my eye contact. "You're lying." I hissed, clenching my jaw. "When you left, who did you go talk to!? What did you do?!" I shouted, clenching my fists so hard I almost drew blood. "I'm not lying." Jinxx said plainly, looking up at me. I relaxed my uscles. Why would Jinxx lie about something like that? I must be going crazy to think he was lying. He would never do that.

-Tessa's POV-

I woke up early the next morning and immidately felt my forehead. No sweat. That means I hadn't talked in my sleep at all. I smiled a little. I looked over at Vic in the bunk next to me. He was awake and on his phone. Catching me looking at him, he looked at me and smiled. "Good mornin'." He smiled, getting up to get my medicine. "I can get it." I said politely, trying to stand up. "Nah, I got it. You did enough walking yesterday." I looked at him curiously. "How did you know I was injured?" I asked, remembering I hadn't told him anything. "Jinxx told me about it." I nodded. I knew Sammi was close with Vic, maybe Jinxx was too. Vic returned a minute later with a pill for me. I took it with some water from my bottle, cringing as I swallowed, but I was getting better. "Black Veil Brides has a concert today, I need to go and write about it. I have to head out by 2." I said. Vic nodded. "We have one at 10:45, but you can stay here until you have to leave."

--Jinxx's POV-

I waited until Andy went inside and dialed Vic's number. It rang a few times before he picked up. "Jinxx?" His voice asked. "Yeah. Hey Vic." I said, checking the window to make sure Andy wasn't listening. I thought maybe I saw the shutters move, but it was just a fly moving out of the corner of my eye. "Hey, she's staying with us now. Is everything okay?" Vic asked. "Yeah, everything's good. I was just checking. Don't, uh, tell her that I asked you to invite her." I said, checking the window again just in case. "Okay...This feels more like a kidnapping than a favor. Is there something you're hiding from her?" Vic pushed. "No, of course not." I said shakily.

--Andy's POV-

"Don't, uh, tell her that I asked you to invite her." Jinxx said. I stood just outside the door, listening. Was he talking about Tessa? I assumed so. Vic spoke a little, and Jinxx checked the window. I moved aside just in time. "No, of course not." Jinxx said, his voice wavering. Vic spoke more, and I wished I could hear what he was saying. "Okay. Make sure not to let Andy in or anything, he and Tessa aren't on good terms." That was it. That was the golden sentence. I moved back to my bunk area. I'd go and visit her after the show today, set things out. I looked outside. It had begun to rain heavily, and I hoped that wouldn't upset any concerts. Best not to call Jinxx out on his sneaky plan, or else he'd get Tessa to move out. I bit my lip, a wave of anger rushing over me. How dare he? Tessa, this entire time, under the impression that it was a choice where she could go, when really it was just Jinxx setting her up to end up where
she was. Whatever else he told Vic-I had to change it. I heard the door open and relaxed my muscles. Tessa Bluins, here I come.

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