Chapter 45 - Amnesia

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--Tessa's POV--
My eyes opened, hazy and filmed. Where was I? I could make out white walls and pail blue chairs...was I in a hospital? I jumped awake and jumped as the chord of an IV brushed my arm. What happened? I reached up with my free arm and rubbed my eyes, trying to remember. I was fighting with Andy about Vic...But was happened? What made me faint? I blinked a couple times and grabbed the small, cream colored remote by my leg and pressed the nurse button. I tried to remember, but it was as if it never happened. A short, pudgy woman walked in with a smile. "Oh, you're awake." She said, logging onto the computer near my bedside. I nodded faintly, unsure of what to say. "How are you feeling? Any nausea or headaches?" She typed obnoxiously loud on the key board. "I'm dizzy...I can't see straight." I said, dots clouding my vision. I got dizzy spells like this often since the event. I'd begun to think I was going blind. "Okay, that's normal...Can I get you anything?" She asked, turning towards me. I took a deep breath. "I-Is the man who brought me still here?" I asked, looking around at the cheasy paintings in my room. "Let me check with the main desk." She said sweetly. "I'm Cecilia, I'm going to be your nurse if you need anything." I nodded and she left me to think. It hurt my mind to remember, but bits and pieces soon returned. Just bits of conversation. I couldn't place what happened when, I just remember dialogue. And then the memory stopped.
"Hey, I'm afraid he's left about three hours ago. Do you have any contact information to him?" Cecile said, peeking back into my room. Three hours? I'd been here for three hours? I nodded. "CCan I call him on this phons?" I asked, leaning over to the cream colored unit phone on my nightstand. She nodded with a smile. "Anything else?" I shook my head and she dissapeared. Heavin a sigh, I punched in Andy's number and held the phone to my ear. It rang so many times I thought he wasn't going to answer, but on the last ring someone picked up.
"Hello?" It didn't sound like Andy.
"A-Andy?" I stuttered, tears flocking to my eyes for no reason at all.
"Tessa?" That was definitely not Andy's voice.
"M-Mhm...Who is this?" My voice shook with every word.
"Ashley. Where are you?" Ashley sounded urgent.
"Th-The hospital." I said blankly.
"I know that, which one? What floor? Room number?"
"I-I don't know!" Suddenly, I burst into tears. "I don't remember anything! I'm so tired and...Where's Andy?" I whimpered. Cecile peeked in and gave me a questioning thumbs up. I nodded, despite my tears and returned the thumbs up. "A-Andy can't come right now. Just ask the nurse where you are." Ash sounded so desperate and concerned, but it went beyond me. "What's wrong with Andy?" I questioned, fiddling with my yellow wristband. "Tess. What room are you in?!" Ashley shouted into the phone, making me jump. I shakily pressed the nurse button and waited. "I'm asking her right now." I said. He huffed through the line, making me shiver. "Hey, you called?" An unfamiliar nurse popped in. "Wh-What's my room number?" I asked boldly, trying to hide my teary eyes. "5 101." She said with a smile. I nodded in appreciation and she left. "I'm in 5 101 at..." I looked for a hospital label. "Cedars Siani hospital." My shaking voice reported into the phone. "Okay...We'll be there soon, just hold on." I heard some sort of shout in the background. "Bye." He said shortly, hanging up. I removed the phone from my ear and stared down at it in my hands, more tears spilling over my waterline and flowing down my cheeks.
--Ashley's POV--
"Hold him the fuck down!" I shouted at CC, Jinxx, and Jake. "Don't touch me!" Andy shouted. Andy was stronger than all of combined, but it was worth a shot. "I need to go see Tessa. You two keep him mellow." I huffed, rubbing my temples. Andy clenched his fists and broke from their hold. "Don't." He growled lowly. I glanced him up and down, not giving way to how terrified I actually was. I'd seen what he does to people, and there were some things that stay with you forever. I hurried out the door, grabbing the keys on the way out. Andy's words stuck with me. Was she pregnant? It was impossible she was. Vic hadn't gotten in her...had he? Tessa couldn't remember much of what happened, what if he did? What would happen to her? I clenched my fists around the steering wheel as I thought. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. I bit my lip and tried to breathe slower. There's no use getting worked up over something I don't know yet.
--Tessa's POV--
I wiped away a stray tear and looked down at my hands in boredom. It was so anxiety-triggering, bein so oblivious to everything going on. I don't know why I'm here. I don't know what's going on with Andy. I don't even know why Ashley sounded so upset over the phone. My mind drifted to Michael. I'd been Skyping him almost every day, but about two months ago we stopped. I smiled at the thought of him having fun with his Aunt's chickens and horses, running around the farm where he could play in open space. I wondered what he was doing. He was so much like Andy, and not just physically. He was compassionate, caring, protective...All the qualities of Andy. The way his bright blue eyes had haunted me in the years without Andy, a constant reminder of him when all I wanted to do was forget. But now they were so much more.
Suddenly, the pale green curtain of my room pushed aside and Ashley peeked in, waving slightly. "Hey Tess..." He said. I could tell he was hiding something, but I brushed it off until later. "Ashley!" I said, my voice dry and tired. "How you feeling, hun?" He slipped me a chocolate bar with a friendly wink and I smiled playfully. "Oh, I-I'm okay I guess..." I sighed, holding back tears. He sat down at the end of my bed and rubbed his temples. "What-What's going on with Andy?" I asked firmly, worried. "Nothing, Tess. He's just worried for you." Ash said, smiling faintly. I had a sneaking suspicion that wasn't true, but Ash wasn't going to give me anything.
Neither of us spoke for a long while.
"Tessa, I was wondering..." Ashley began after the silence.
"Is there any possibility Vic did...y'know, get...inside you?" He asked awkwardly.
My eyes widened. Was there? The honest and true answer was I didn't know. His pills had such an effect on me, I had forgotten almost all the details by now. "I-I don't know." I said, choking on tears. No Tessa, don't cry...Not in front of him. Ashley sighed and nodded. "Don't worry Tess...You're gonna be okay." Ashley said gently, rubbing my leg. I nodded and wiped away the few tears that had settled on my jawline. "Why am I here?" I asked. Ashley paused and didn't speak for a moment.
"There's...There's a possibility you might be pregnant."

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