Chapter 25 - Big News

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--Jinxx's POV-
The rest of us waited outside, wondering what on earth was wrong. I had a couple ideas. Andy might have accidently scared her and sent her into an attack, or she might just be sad and having bad memories. About 10 minutes after Andy had pushed us away, I opted to go check on them. "You guys stay here." I said, opening the door and heading inside. I gently moved the curtain aside, but what I saw confused and angered me.
Andy was on top of Tessa, his face inches from hers. Tessa had tears running down her face, but she wasn't struggling or anything. They seemed like...lovers.
Andy looked over at me, his eyes widening. "What the fuck is going on?" I asked in an unintentional-shout that made Tessa flinch. Andy was supposed to be protecting her and helping her get through all this, and if he tried anything with her it would just result in memories and pain for Tessa.
--Tessa's POV-
Jinxx stood in the doorway, locked in a murderous stare with Andy. "Can we talk outside?" Andy finally asked, lightly pushing himself off of me. "No, no no let's talk in here." Jinxx said, his voice stern and commanding. Andy straightened up and locked his jaw. "Let's talk right in front of her, let's see what she thinks." Jinxx pushed, moving towards Andy as he spoke. I attempted to sit up, the pain in my stomach worsening the more I tried. "Jinxx, it's ok-" I began to say, but Jinxx cut me off. "No, it's not okay! You have a son! A goddamn son, and look how you run around like, like a little, like a little slut!" Jinxx shouted. Andy glared at him upon those words, clenching his fists. "I-I...." I didn't finish my words. Maybe Jinxx was right. "Same one who raped you, beat you, and completely used you for three years and in two weeks you're in his pants?" Jinxx pushed on. "Jinxx, that's enough." Andy
said, standing between me and Jinxx. "No Andy, I don't think it's enough." Jinxx shoved Andy aside, closening to me. My anxiety shook me a little. Here was a man shouting and coming towards me with quite a threatening stance, and that really spiked up my PTSD. "Jinxx, you're scaring her." Andy said, looking down at me. "I don't care. You just watch, Tessa, he's using you to get in your pants. As soon as he fucks you, he'll leave. I guess you wouldn't mind that, you little whor-" Jinxx was cut off by Andy's fist finally connecting with his jaw. I cringed back, scooting against the wall next to my bunk. "Don't you dare fucking talk to her like that!" Andy shouted. Jinxx brought his hand up to his mouth, which was now bleeding. Andy knew he wouldn't have the guts to hit back. "Get out. Get out now." Andy said, shoving Jinxx towards the curtain. He turned to me, a bit of blood on his knuckles. "He didn't mean
that, Tess. I promise he didn't, he was just caught up in the-" As Andy tried to touch me, I flinched and held my arms up in defense. Andy inhaled sharply with surprise, retracting his hand. He turned away and sat down on Sammi's bed. "It's okay to stand up for yourself, Tess." Andy said quietly. I felt his eyes search me. I didn't know what to say. "Are you still staying with me tonight?" I asked shyly. "Do you want me to?" Andy asked. His blue eyes were like daggers all over me. I nodded once, and he approached me again. "You don't have to be scared of any of us. Of anyone here." He said, sitting on the bed next to me. He didn't lay down. I nodded again. I heard as the rest of them came inside, and Andy got up. "I'm just gonna tell them you had a bad dream. Nothing else." He said reassuringly. I layed back down, facing the wall.
--Andy's POV-
I sighed, running my hands through my hair standing in front of the curious group. Jinxx was nowhere to be found. "It was just a bad dream about some...bad things that that happened to her a while back. I'm gonna stay with hertonight to help calm her down." Everyone nodded except Sammi. "Okay, what the fuck is going on here? Did one of you date her or something? Because we could hear Jinxx and that was NOT just a bad dream. Tell us the truth, Andy." She said demandingly. "That is the truth." I said, although I'm not the best liar. "Yeah Andy, sorry but things with her have been pretty weird. Can you just tell us what the hell is really happening?" CC asked in a quieter tone. I couldn't tell them. "Look you guys, we can talk about this later. I have to go be with her." I said sternly, turning away and heading into Tessa's room. Even I wasn't sure of what was really happening. Jinxx was nowhere to be found, Tessa was holding
back tears...We needed to just tell them. "Tess..." I said softly, tapping Tessa on the shoulder. She didn't turn around, but quietly said, "Yeah?" I heaved a sigh. "We need to tell them about everything." She turned around quickly. "No Andy, please don't make me tell them...Please, I don't want them to know." She begged. I stroked her arm gently. "Babe, we have to tell them. They heard Jinxx a little and it's getting out of hand." She shook her head repeatedly. "Andy, we can't tell them. Please don't make me!" She whimpered. "I'll tell them, okay? But it's time they know." She didn't speak. I got up, preparing to drop the bombshell.
--Sammi's POV-
We all waited in the kitchen with crossed arms. The other guys looked gloomy....Did they know what was going on? CC didn't, so maybe the others didn't either. Suddenly, Andy appeared from the curtains. He looked heavy-hearted. "Sit down, guys. It's time we tell you."
--Jinxx's POV-
I folded my arms across my chest, hurrying across the lot. I could not let this happen to Tessa, to anyone. Andy would hurt her. I knew the way he desired her, the unromantic way he wanted her. I saw it in his eyes when he looked at her, full of lust. It could just be a film over his love for her, but it was strong enough that it could overrule. I found myself in front of the Pierce the Veil tour bus. I had never been too close with them, but Sammi was a good friend of their's and I'm sure they wouldn't mind me asking them a favor or two.
--Andy's POV-
They all sat on the small couch, watching me intently. I sighed and began to speak. "When I was at that...low point, you all know of...I was addicted to exactly 26 different drugs, alchohal, and I was just confused about life. Tessa had just moved in with me when my best friend that I was extremely close with died, and I didn't handle it like I should have. I took it out on Tessa." I said, looking up to meet their eyes. Ash and Jake (and Jinxx) already knew, but this was news to CC and Sammi. CC was looking down at his shoes, a guilty expression on her face. Sammi's hand cupped over her mouth, her eyes full of emotion. "It got worse as I got more and more enthralled with my addiction. I sent her two the hostpital twice." I didn't want to say the next part. "So is that was she-" Sammi began, but I cut her off. "I-I'm not done." I heaved a sigh and looked up at them and painfully said, "I raped her." Sammi let out an
unintentional gasp and tears formed in her eyes. "How-Why didn't she...?" Sammi gasped. "She-She found out she was pregnant with my baby and...she ran away to keep him safe." Sammi wiped the tears away from her eyes, and held back whatever she was planning on saying earlier. It was hard to live with this. It was hard to know I ruined her life like that. I have to fix it, and maybe Jinxx was right about me staying away from her. I should tell her I can't be with her. I should tell her I don't love her. But I do, more than anything else. It would be so much easier for her if I didn't love her. "Excuse me." I said in the lowest, quietest mumble my voice could muster.
--Jinxx's POV-
I knocked gently, and the door to the tour bus opened. Vic Fuentes stood in the doorway, a guitar in his hand. "Whattup Jinxx? We're leaving for a show soon, pardon the rush." He said, setting the guitar down. "I need to ask you a favor." I said.
--Andy's POV-
I opened Tessa's curtain to reveal her, laying on her side. She wasn't crying, but she looked upset. "I told them." I heaved. "You did?" She sniffled. My heart grew heavier and heavier the more I saw her. I had to end this. "Yeah...Tess..." I began, unable to say the words. "What Andy? Is something wrong?" She tried to sit up, clutching her stomach. "I don't love you."

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