Chapter One

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*narrator pov* 
Your back pushed up against the side of the couch.
You heard footsteps creeping through the doorway on the other side of the room.
"I'm gonna find you y/n" a voice chuckled.
You tightened your grasp on the gun in your hand.
Your finger hovered over the trigger.
You peered over the top of the couch.
No one was there.
The room was empty.
Confused, you slowly and warily stood up, not letting go of the gun. 
You edged towards the open door.
When you were halfway across the room, something creaked above your head.
Suddenly, someone jumped down from the ceiling.
"AHA!" Peter yelled as he landed in front of you and raised his gun.
"NO!" you screamed and shot a bullet at his shoulder, before turning and sprinting out the door and down the hallway.
Bullets shot into your back as you ran away. But you didn't stop.
Without looking, you fired your gun back at Peter.
When your gun had emptied, you chucked it in the direction of Peter's head.
Bucky appeared at the end of the hall.
You jumped up so he was forced to catch you in his arms.
"Doll, what..."
"Bucky save me! Peter's trying to shoot me!" you cried before he could finish. 
"Oh, well... in that case..." Bucky said.
Bucky put you down but was still hugging you from behind. Only he wasn't hugging you, he was holding you in place.
"Peter..." Bucky smiled.
"What? No. No no no no no..." you objected.
Peter grinned as he stepped closer to you.
"No. Peter don't do this" you pleaded.
His smile grew wider as he raised the gun to your forehead. 
You tried to struggle out of Bucky's arms, but his grip didn't loosen even a tiny bit.
Peter lifted his finger up to the trigger.
Peter flinched at the sound of the yell.
It caused him to pull the trigger.
But the end of the gun had moved.
"OW! Peter! Right in the eye!" you complained.
"Shit. Sorry y/n" Peter apologised.
"Language" Steve sighed, as he walked in next to a pissed off looking Tony.
Bucky let go of you, but not completely as he still had his arm around you. 
Tony marched angrily towards you.
"Would one of you care to explain why there are nerf bullets littered around my compound?" Tony asked.
"It was y/n's idea!" Peter replied instantly.
"Peter!" you moaned. "No it wasn't. I don't even have a gun!"
"Yeah because you through it at my head!"
"You shot me in the eye!"
"Okay zip it!" Tony interrupted. "Both of you need to pick up every single bullet."
"Oh but we weren't finished" you complained.
"Yes we were. I won" Peter smirked.
"No you didn't!"
"I think I did. You have no bullets and no gun. How did you win?"
"I'm not saying I did. I'm saying you didn't."
"Nope. I win" Tony quickly drew two pistols, one from each of his back jean pockets. And he shot one at Peter, one at you. He hit both of you in your chests. 
"Hey!" you cried.
"Ow" Peter muttered more quietly.
Tony smirked as he spun the pistols round in his hands and slipped them back into his pockets.
"Clean up" he ordered before walking away with Steve.
You turned to face Bucky. You bit your lip as you smiled at him.
He lifted your chin with his finger and kissed you softly.
"Help us?" you pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
"Oh no no no. This is your mess" he chuckled. "And I'm busy anyway. I'm going out with Nat."
"Oh really?" you asked. "And where are you going?"
"Why do you need to know?" 
"Well I don't want to tell you."
"Why not?"
"Fine. Don't tell me" you pushed him back and turned away from him. 
Bucky rolled his eyes at you playfully.  
"No. No. I've gotta go clean up. You, uh, you have fun with Nat. Come on Peter."
You put your arm around him and walked off before Bucky could protest.
You returned to the compound's training room, the location of yours and Peter's first shoot out. 
You gathered all the bullets you found, then headed for the kitchen. 
It was when you were on your way back to the lounge that Bucky decided to say goodbye.
You were in the doorway, and he walked up behind you.
He wrapped his arms around you from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder.
You folded your arms, acting unimpressed, while secretly trying not to smile.
"I'm going now doll" he whispered into your ear.
"Hm. 'Kay bye."
Bucky laughed lightly at your immaturity and kissed your cheek.
You couldn't help blushing, and he unfortunately noticed.
You gave in and turned your head slightly, kissing him back.
"Bye baby" you muttered.
"Bye doll" he responded. "I might be home late so go to bed without me."
"No promises."
"And try not to annoy anyone."
"Still no promises."
You went to kiss him again, but felt something bounce off the side of your head before you could.
You frowned in Peter's direction, as he pointed the nerf gun at you.
"You're not helping" he chuckled.
"Sorry Peter. My fault" Bucky smiled innocently.
He gently placed his lips on the side of your face one last time, then left the room. 
With a mischievous look painted across your face, you looked at Peter.
"What are you..." he asked cautiously.
You ran at him, knocking him over the back of the couch, and you fell on top of him.
He tickled you, causing you to collapse on the couch next to him.
You lay next to each other, laughing.
Pepper and Tony walked in.
"Oh hey guys" you sat up and grinned at them.
"This doesn't look like cleaning up" Tony said.
"We finished" you lied.
"I highly doubt that."
"Okay, I'm finished."
"Fine. For today."
"We were wondering if you wanted to watch a movie tonight?" Pepper asked.
"Yeah I'd love to" you agreed.
"Sounds fun" Peter nodded.
A few minutes later, 'Frozen' was set up on the TV in the lounge.
Tony seemed unimpressed with the choice of movie, but was sitting on the couch regardless.
The four of you watched the movie together; you and Peter sang through the entirety of every song.
Pepper got Tony to agree to a second movie.
Peter fell asleep halfway through, leaning on Tony's side with his feet kicked out on your lap.
You were trying not to fall asleep too, as you wanted to wait for Bucky to return.
But your eyes closed as the credits started rolling, and you passed out pretty quickly.  
When you awoke again, it was the middle of the night, and you were no longer on the couch. You were in your own bed. Tony had moved you.
You moaned tiredly as you opened your eyes, and you saw Bucky climbing into bed next to you.
He smiled softly at you. 
"Hey Buck" you whispered tiredly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."
"No it's fine. Did you only just get back?"
"Where were you?"
"I was just hanging with Natasha."
"Did you have fun?"
"You're not mad?"
"What? No. Is there something I should be mad about?" 
"No of course not."
"Good. 'Cause I want to go back to sleep."
You closed your eyes and cuddled up to him. He pulled you close under his metal arm.
You fell asleep once more, comforted by his presence. 

Y/n Odinsdottir 2Where stories live. Discover now