Chapter Thirty-Five

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*narrator pov*
You woke up, comfortable, lying down in a bed.   
You had no chains around you, no restraints, but you felt the device still around your neck.
Other than that, there was nothing holding you down.
You sat up slowly in the bed.
"You're awake."
You jumped slightly at the sound of Karli's voice next to you.
"I didn't mean to startle you."
"A-are you Karli?" you muttered.
"Yes. But I want to talk about you."
"Why? Karli, I'm a nobody."
"You don't need to pretend. I know who you are. Y/n Odinsdottir."
"I don't know what you're talking about..."
"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. I don't need to."
"Why am I here?"
"Well it wasn't my initial plan, but it's going to work out all the same."
"I don't understand..."
"You're close to Bucky."
"He would do anything to protect you, right?"
"Not if it was to help you."
"Well for your sake, and his, you better hope that's not true. You see, I can't have him interfering with my business."
"I don't see where I come into this."
"I'm sure I could get Bucky to agree to leave me to do what I want, to do what's right, in exchange for the promise of your safety."
"Like I said, he wouldn't do that. Because what you're doing is wrong."
"No. I'm doing the right thing. After the blip, when everyone came back, do you realise how many people were forced out of their homes? These places like the GRC are just sitting on the supplies that could easily feed entire camps. Yet they chose not to. I'm doing what the government is too scared to do."
"And thanks to your boyfriend, these innocent helpless people are being arrested because they support what is right. You see how that's wrong?"
You sat in bed, staring at Karli. She had a point. The government were making a crap decision. She just wanted to help, even if she was going about it the wrong way.
"Whatever" you rolled over, turning your back on her.
"You should be grateful."
"Yeah? Thanks so much for kidnapping me and using me to threaten Bucky."
"We saved you."
"From what exactly?"
"The Power Broker." 
You rolled back over to face Karli.
"How did you know about that?"
"When it comes to the Power Broker, y/n, you and I are on the same side. An enemy of an enemy is a friend. And I know you think what I'm doing is right."
"I think if you just joined me, it would make things so much easier."
"I can't do that..."
"Fine. It's your choice" she stood up to go. "But you know I'm right."
She left you alone in the room. She shut the door behind her, and you heard a lock click.
Of course.
You lie down in the bed.
The hours dragged by slowly.
Until the hours became days.
For which you slept for most of.
Karli came with food and drink occasionally.
Other than that, you were undisturbed, until a few days later.
It was late at night; you knew as you could the dark sky see out a small window.
Someone started to struggle with the door handle.
"Hello?" you called out. You had no idea why you did that, and didn't really expect a response.
After a minute of failing to force open the door by the handle, there was a loud thud as whoever was outside attempted to kick it down.
They succeeded after just a couple of tries.
You were leaning back against the wall nervously, but when you saw who came through the door, your face dropped to disappointment.
"Sharon?" you groaned.
"Thought you'd be happier that I came to save your ass" she frowned.
"You know, I almost want to stay here."
"Fine" she shrugged.
"Wait, no! I said almost. Don't leave without me bitch!"
She rolled her eyes and grabbed your arm to pull you out the bed.
You followed her out the room.
"So, um, what happened to Karli? And all the super soldiers that were here?" you asked.
"I got past them. And it would help if you were quiet so I could do it again" she whispered.
"Sorry" you apologised, and followed her the rest of the way out the building in silence. No one seemed the be there.
She opened the back door of her car.
"Okay get in."
You nodded and got in the back seat, as she got in the front and started driving.
"So how did you know where I was?" you wondered.
"Bucky asked me to look for you" she replied, looking back in the rear-view mirror.
"Where is he?"
"With Sam."
"Right. And where's Sam?"
"With Bucky" Sharon smirked.
"You're not funny."
"What a shame."
"Can I have your phone?"
"To call him." 
"We're driving to him now. Be patient."
The car ride was silent for the next ten minutes.
"I just have to make a quick stop. Wait here."
Sharon pulled over and got out the car without another word.
"Wh- seriously?!" you slouched back in your seat, waiting impatiently for her to return.
A couple of minutes later, however, you heard people fighting outside.
"Sharon?" you called, and tried to open the back car door. It was locked.
You climbed into the front and got out.
But just as you stepped out the car, someone grabbed you.
You cried out as a bag was thrown over your head and you were kicked down to your knees.
Someone was holding the handles of the bag tight around your neck, as someone else punched your face.
You felt... you were... slowly suffocating.
It was physically getting harder to breathe, and you could feel blood trickling down your face from where you had been repeatedly hit.
It finally stopped.
But you heard the sound of a gun click.
It fired. Nothing hit you. Instead, the person that was holding the bag over your head let go, and you pulled it off just as you fell to the floor.
You lay down on your back and took deep breaths as you listened to the sound of people fighting around you.
You wiped your face, and pulled your hand back to see it covered in your own blood.
As you held it up in front of you, someone grabbed it and pulled you to stand up.
It was Karli.
"I'm trying to help you" she interrupted. "Let's go."
She started to drag you away.
"No..." you objected. "Why..."
"Those people worked for the Power Broker... I told you that we're on the same side against him. And I can't let you die. Yet."
"Gee thanks" you groaned sarcastically as Karli pushed you into a car.
She got in the front seat.
"What happened to Sharon?"
"Sharon, she was driving the car..."
"There was no one else there. Only the two men."
A minute or two later, someone came and got in the drivers seat, and two others sat on either side of you.
"Cosy" you frowned. But inside your head, you grew terrified.
As the car drove, you started to play around with your power, hoping to get at least a little spark.
You knew you couldn't use them without hurting yourself, but you wanted to see how much you could do.
You clenched your teeth and opened your palm in your lap.
As soon as you felt a little something, you cried out in pain.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Karli warned from the front of the car. "You're only hurting yourself."
You rolled your eyes and slouched in your seat.
The car stopped in a parking lot, and you were greeted by a whole group of people, presumably super soldiers.
When you got out the car, you were handcuffed behind your back, and an additional chain was tied around your chest, holding your arms in place.
Lastly, your ankles were held loosely together.
"Don't you think you're overdoing it? Just a little bit?" you asked, chuckling nervously.
"I'm not having anything ruin my plans" Karli shook her head, then addressed someone else. "Put her in one of the trucks."
You were lifted up, and carried onto a black van.
You were forcefully sat down and bound to one of the seats, and a gag was tied around your mouth.
Just before they left, the super soldier hit you to knock you unconscious.
Your head dropped forward, unsupported.
The door to the van was slammed shut, and you were left alone.

Y/n Odinsdottir 2Where stories live. Discover now