Chapter Nineteen

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*narrator pov*
Pepper checked her watch.
"Well I guess it's not untypical for Tony to be late to his own party" she sighed.
At that moment, they heard the floorboards at the top of the stairs creak.
Tony descended quickly, and smiled at the others.
"Now presenting... the beautiful... miss y/n Odinsdottir" Tony grinned, and turned back to face the stairs.
You blushed as you stepped down carefully, trying not to trip in heels.
They were 2 inches and gold, to go with the long red satin slip dress that you were wearing.
Your hair bounced around your shoulders, slightly revealing the gold teardrop earrings that you had borrowed from Pepper.
You got to the bottom of the stairs, and your hand rested on the railing.
"Wow" Morgan exclaimed. "You look like a princess."
You scrunched your nose at her cutely. "So do you."
"You know Tony and I are the hosts... I thought we were meant to be best dressed" Pepper remarked.
"Oh but you are" you smiled at them. "You look wonderful!"
"Thank you" Pepper nodded.
"Yes thank you. Shall we go?" Tony suggested.
"Yeah... wait where's Happy?" you asked.
You turned to see Happy's signature grumpy face staring at you. But his lips twitched into a smile when he saw your face.
"Still babysitting I see" you grinned teasingly.
"It's good to see you y/n" he smiled.
You raised an eyebrow suggestively and he rolled his eyes agreeably.
Your smile widened as you gave him a quick hug.
"You should get going" Happy nodded, and his face had reduced back to his typical frown.
"Yeah. Bye Happy. Bye Morgz!"
"Bye y/n!" Morgan squealed and hugged your legs.
She then ran off into the living room with Happy.
"Right we're already late" Tony stated.
"Yes. Sorry. My fault" you apologised.
"It's fine. But we should get going now" Pepper decided.
She opened the door and marched out, and Tony hurried after her.
You and Bucky were left alone.
You walked across the room to each other, and met in the middle.
You looked up at him as he put an arm around your waist.
He placed his other hand on your cheek as he kissed you softly.
With his lips still close to yours, he whispered "I'm the luckiest guy in the world."
You smiled and was about to kiss him again when the car outside started beeping it's horn.
You giggled and pulled Bucky outside by the hand.
Your eyes widened at the sight of the car.
"Holy shit! A limo!"
You pulled Bucky's hand all the way to the open door and climbed in.
"This is so cool Tony" you grinned, then spotted the alcohol and grabbed a glass. "Even cooler."
You drank half of your glass, then looked at Tony.
"So where exactly is this party?" you wondered.
"Some hotel" he shrugged. "A big one."
You pulled out your phone and started scrolling through contacts.
"Who are you calling?" Pepper asked as your phone began to ring.
"Peter..." you replied. "Peter!" you cried when he answered the phone. "Yeah hi. Where are you?"
"Home" he said.
"Home? What about the party?"
"Oh I'm not coming."
"What? Whyyyyyyyyyyy?" you whined.
"Because there's no one else my age going. I'd just be bored."
"Oh I'm boring now?"
"No, I- no. But I'd be third wheeling with you and Bucky."
"Hm" you huffed into the phone.
"But are you coming to the party next week?" Peter asked.
"Yeah. Okay, Pete, I'll call you tomorrow."
"Bye y/n."
"Bye" you hung up the phone.
You slouched in your seat and finished your glass.
Bucky put his arm around you and you pulled yourself up onto his lap.
You held out your glass and he sighed disappointedly, but filled it up for you regardless.
You drank and exchanged kisses with him until you pulled up in front of the hotel.
You looked out the window, then you glared at Tony.
"What's wrong?" he asked innocently.
"There are reporters" you pointed out. "With cameras."
"Tony, why are there reporters with cameras?"
"Right. I'm not getting out the car."
"What? Why not?"
"Remember what I said last night about not wanting to be the centre of attention..."
"Oh don't worry y/n, I'll totally upstage you" he laughed.
You frowned.
"Okay. Pepper and I will get out, you get out a minute later and no one will notice because all eyes will be on us."
You grinned slightly.
"What?" Tony asked.
"Nothing. Just wondering if there's any way to inflate your ego any more."
"I'm a very important person, y/n" Tony said proudly, and pushed the car door open.
He climbed out and took Pepper's hand to help her out too.
You watched from inside the car as cameras flashed at them, and slowly followed them down a red carpet Tony had had prepared.
"You ready?" Bucky asked.
"I'm so not drunk enough for this."
Bucky passed you a glass and watched you gulp it down.
"Okay. I guess we can't stay in here forever" you moaned.
Bucky smiled and got out the car.
You took his hand and pulled yourself out after him.
You took a deep breath and squeezed Bucky's hand.
The car behind you drove away. No turning back.
Bucky took one step, and some reporters turned back to you.
Bucky tried his best to hide you under his arm as you lowered your head.
The reporters started talking to Bucky, asking about the Winter Soldier, but he ignored them.
"Who's your date?"
"What's her name?"
"Does she have any connections with the other avengers?"
You flinched as a camera snapped close to your face.
Bucky held you tighter and pulled you closer.
"God Damnit Stark" he muttered.
"Excuse us!"
"Move it!"
You heard familiar voices come up behind you, yelling at the reporters.
You smiled weakly as Sam put his arm around you too on your other side, and Clint stood in front of you.
They hurried you inside, past some security guards, and slammed the doors shut behind you.
"Uggghhhh!" you groaned into Bucky's suit.
"It's okay doll. The actually party should be fine; yes there's a bar" Bucky consoled you.
You turned to face away from him, but held tightly onto his hand still.
"Hey, Clint, Sam" you smiled.
"Hi y/n" Clint nodded.
"Looking gorgeous as ever" Sam winked.
"You too" you laughed. "Thank you by the way."
"Yeah you looked like you needed saving."
"I did. I'd very much like to murder Tony right now."
At that moment, Tony came out the doors of the party to the small hallway you were in.
"Run" Clint warned jokingly.
"She's pissed" Sam laughed.
You crossed your arms and glared at Tony as he walked towards you.
"Y/n?" he approached cautiously. "You're pissed? Did I do something?"
'Unbelievable' you thought in your head. 
You waited until he was only a meter away from you, then you slapped him across the face and marched past him.
You swung open the doors to the party and walked in, out of sight from the boys.
"What the hell was that?" Tony asked.
"Told you she's pissed" Sam said.
"Why?" Tony looked at Bucky for answers.
"She doesn't want anyone to know who she is or what she did. Cameras make that difficult" Bucky explained quite angrily, before leaving to go and find you.
"I think he's annoyed too" Clint chuckled. "Great party Tony."
"I'm particularly enjoying the physical abuse" Sam grinned.
"Yeah? You want some?" Tony fake laughed, then frowned and went back into the party. 
He wanted to apologise to you, but he couldn't see you and Pepper dragged him off to greet some people anyway.
You were by the bar, and Bucky found you drink in hand.
He sat next to you and ordered his own drink.
Neither of you spoke to each other, you just sipped your drink.
After a while, a girl stood between you and him, facing him.
She smirked at Bucky.
"Hi" she grinned. "What's your name?"
Bucky looked over her shoulder where you were smirking. You raised your eyebrows as if to say 'go on' to him.
Bucky turned back to the woman.
"Pleasure to meet you James. Can I buy you a drink?"
Bucky gestured to his bottle of beer he'd already started on the bar. He picked it up and drank some of it.
"Oh well then. Why don't you finish that, then we'll skip to making out in the hallway?" she flirtatiously suggested.
"Ha" you let out a laugh as you sat back in your chair, swirling your drink with a straw.
The woman had either not heard you, or chosen to ignore you.
"Not interested" Bucky said.
"Oh come on. Don't be a bore."
You decided to have some fun.
You set your drink down on the bar and walked around to Bucky's side.
You put an arm round him and stroked his shoulder.
"Excuse me" the woman said. "We're in the middle of a conversation here."
"Oh I'm so sorry" you giggled.
"Yeah you should be. Get lost."
"I-" Bucky began to protest. But you interrupted.
"No, no I'll go. Hey why don't you finish that, then we'll..." you made direct eye contact with the girl as you mockingly said the last part: "skip to making out in the hallway."
You looked at Bucky when he didn't say anything.
"No" he shook his head.
"Aha!" the woman exclaimed.
"Excuse me?" you asked.
"No... We can do it here" Bucky said.
You grinned and hopped onto his lap.
You kissed him until the woman left, then you pulled away laughing.
You jumped up and grabbed his hand.
"Come on. They have pool tables. I wanna play."
He sighed and got up to follow, making sure to grab another drink first.
Halfway across the room, you let go of his hand and ran towards someone else.
You tugged Sam's arm.
"Y/n what..."
"We're going to play pool. Come on."
You pulled Sam over to where Bucky was already waiting by the table.
"Y/n now there's three of us" Sam pointed out.
"Yeah I know, I can count. Hey where's Steve?" you asked, looking out for him.
Bucky stood guiltily next to you.
"Bucky? Where's Steve?"

Y/n Odinsdottir 2Where stories live. Discover now