Chapter Four

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*narrator pov*
You heard an explosion.
You sat up straight and stared at Loki.
"What was that?" you asked.
"I don't know" he replied.
He scrambled to his feet and pulled you up by your hands.
You ran out the room together in the direction the sound had come from.
You heard more explosions as you got closer.
You got to a tall and wide hallway, that had a large window.
Outside, a large ship was facing you.
"Loki..." you started.
"NO! LOOK OUT" he screamed and grabbed you.
He pulled you to the floor as something fired through the window, causing the wall opposite to burn up in flames.
He grabbed your hand again and pulled you away.
You ran to the end of the hallway and through a door, which Loki slammed shut behind you.
He pulled you to the other side of the room.
"What's going on?" you asked.
"Y/n I need you to listen to me very carefully. You need to stay here..."
"What? No. I'm going wherever you go."
"Y/n. I'm not arguing with you right now. Stay hidden until I come and find you. If you hear something, get as far away from the noise as possible."
"Why can't I just come with you?"
"Because it's not safe. But trust me, I am going to do whatever it takes to protect you. Everything will be fine."
Loki hugged you tightly.
You flinched as another explosion rang through the air.
He hugged you even tighter.
"It's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay" he muttered.
"You'll be okay too, right? Loki you can't go until you promise me..."
Loki let go of you. He smiled softly at you.
"Everything will be okay. I promise."
You nodded at him, and he left you alone.
You started to pace the room nervously, listening to the sound of the attack not so far away.
What seemed like an eternity later, the noise quietened down.
No more explosions or screaming, still the sound of fire crackling through the walls.
You stepped out the room through the door Loki had left through.
You knew he had told you to wait for him to find you, but it had been too long for you now.
You crept slowly through the ship, until you heard voices coming from the room by which you had left Thor.
You snuck towards the doorway and peered inside.
You raised your hand to your mouth to stop yourself from gasping at the scene.
Bodies of Asgardian's lay sprawled across the floor, all dead.
An alien creature appeared, and walked across them, as though they were just bits of trash left on the floor.
"Hear me, and rejoice" he announced. "You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No...It is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile...For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos."
Across the room, you spotted Loki, standing with some other aliens.
Thor was lying on the floor, with someone standing next to him.
You recognised him instantly - the person from your dream.
You stood in shock, not sure what to do. You decided to watch what happened.
"I know what it's like to lose" the person said. "To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless." He bent down and picked Thor up by the neck. "It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. But I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say...I AM."
He lifted the gauntlet, again which you recognised from your nightmare, and a purple stone on it glowed.
He still had a grip on Thor's head as he sat up.
"You talk to much" Thor said, blood dripping from his mouth.
You held your hand over your face, trying not to make a noise.
"The Tesseract. Or your brothers head. I assume you have a preference."
"Oh I do" you heard Loki say. "Kill away."
"No" you muttered to yourself.
One of the creatures turned around, and you quickly hid behind the doorway.
You heard Thor screaming from inside the room, and you covered your ears. Surely, Loki wasn't about to let this happen.
"All right, stop!" Loki finally yelled.
You peered through the slightly open door once again.
"We don't have the Tesseract" Thor said. "It was destroyed on Asgard."
"Don't lie to me" the man said.
"He's not lying. The Tesseract was destroyed" Loki told him. "We don't have it. But... we do have a Hulk."
Loki dived out the way as the Hulk appeared, attacking Thanos.
Thor turned to Loki.
"Where is she?" he muttered quietly.
"Safe" Loki nodded.
You were still watching quietly from the doorway, scared to move at all.
Thor got up and tried to help the Hulk.
But one of the aliens waved his hand, and he was tied to the ground.
You noticed one of the bodies on the ground move.
Heimdall was still alive.
"Allfathers..." he groaned. "let the dark magic flow through me one last... time."
The Bifrost appeared briefly, and the Hulk was carried away.
"That was a mistake" the man said, as he took a weapon from one of the others. He stabbed it through Heimdall's heart.
"Shit" you whispered.
"NO!" Thor yelled. "You're going to die for that!"
The alien raised his finger to his lips as he looked at Thor, and he shut Thor's mouth.
The man looked at Loki, who was now standing at the side of the room.
"Where is my stone?" he asked.
"I don't have it" Loki replied innocently.
"But you know where it is."
The man was getting closer to Loki, but he was not doing anything. The man still had the weapon in his hand, and was slowly raising it.
You stepped closer, to see more clearly.
But the door creaked as it opened slowly.
You quickly stepped back, out of sight, but one of them had heard you again.
"Father, we are not alone" they said, and looked suggestively at the door.
You were leaning against the wall outside, breathing heavily. You shut your eyes to try and process everything. You hoped desperately Loki had a plan.
You heard footsteps from inside the room, and froze as you realised they were getting closer to you.
You held your breath.
A moment of silence.
You still didn't move.
Suddenly, a spear tore through the wall, millimetres from your head.
"FUCK!" you screamed and ran away from the wall.
The door swung open and you saw the group of aliens staring at you.
"Y/n!" Loki yelled from behind them.
You quickly raised your hand and shot a blast of energy at them.
One of them through some sort of weapon at you, but you used your power to spin it round in the air and throw it back at them.
Another lunged at you, but you stepped out the way quickly, causing it to crash into the wall.
You sprinted past into the room and ran towards Loki.
The aliens went to stop you, but the purple guy raised a hand to stop them.
He let you reach Loki, and you hugged him tightly.
"Shit y/n. What are you doing here?" he cried. "I told you to stay hidden."
"I'm sorry" you muttered.
"I forgot about you... the last child of Odin" the man smiled as he spoke from behind you.
You spun round to face him, but Loki held onto you.
"Don't touch her" he spat.
Your hands glowed from by your sides, ready to shoot again. You raised them warily.
But suddenly a piece of metal flung at you, and before you could stop it, it wrapped itself around your wrists. You couldn't move your hands as they were bound tightly together.
Loki stepped in front of you.
"If I give you the stone, will you leave her alone?"
"Loki don't do it. Please don't do this" you begged.
"Sounds like a fair deal" the man agreed.
Loki turned back to face you.
He put his hands on your shoulders.
"I told you. I am going to do whatever it takes to protect you" he nodded.
His hands reached up behind your neck, and he undid the clasp of your necklace.
It dropped down and he caught it in his hand.
"He must trust you a lot to leave something that valuable with you" the man said.
Loki slowly turned to face him.
He slowly held out his hand, and offered up the necklace.
The man took it in his palm, and studied it closely.
He closed his fist, and you heard something break.
When he opened his hand again, a glowing blue stone shone out.
He held it up.
"NO!" you yelled. You had no idea what it was, but you knew if you let him have it, something very bad would happen.
You tore apart the metal around your hands and pointed your fingers at the man.
You quickly shot blasts of energy, causing him to drop the stone, and stumble back slightly.
"Y/n don't!" Loki called, but you had already lunged yourself at him, with a ball of energy in your hand.
He caught you by the neck before you could lay a finger.
You weren't choking, but you struggled to get out of his grasp. He moved his hand over your mouth and held you in his arm to face your brothers.
"NO" you heard Thor's muffled cry.
"Y/n!" Loki cried. "Y/n no! Let her go! You said you would leave her alone!"
He didn't let go, and you continued to struggle.
"She's quite the fighter" he smiled at Loki.
"Let her go" Loki pleaded.
"The stone."
"NO!" you tried to yell. The hand covering your mouth prevented you from being understood.
You shook your head violently and glared at Loki.
Loki looked back apologetically, and he bent over to pick up the stone.
He looked at you, as he held out the stone.
The man threw you aside, and you landed near Thor.
Before you could get up, your hands were tied down to the ground so you couldn't move again.
Loki looked at you worriedly, but didn't approach you.
He turned to face the purple man once more.
"And now... May I suggest a peace offering?" Loki proposed. "Almighty Thanos. I, Loki, Prince of Asgard... Odinson... The rightful King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief, do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity."
Your eyes widened as you saw Loki conjure a dagger in his hand. He threw his hand up at Thanos' face, but was stopped immediately.
Lokis arm was stuck suspended in mid air.
"Undying. You should choose your words more carefully" Thanos frowned at him, and grabbed his neck.
"NO!" you screamed. "NO! NO! PLEASE!"
Thanos looked at you and his grip tightened.
"NOOOO!" you sobbed with tears rolling down your cheeks.
Next to you, Thor's cries were muffled as he still had something over his mouth.
"Y/n..." Loki tried to face you.
You heard bones crack.
You screamed deafeningly.
Thanos smiled slightly as he chucked the lifeless body in your direction.
"No resurrections this time" he said.
He, and the rest of the aliens, teleported away, and you were suddenly free from your ties.
You collapsed over Loki's body.
Thor knelt next to you, and put a hand on your back.
Tears rolled slowly down the sides of his face.
You had your arms wrapped around Loki and you were crying uncontrollably.
"Y/n..." Thor whispered, and tried to slowly pull you away.
You shrugged him off and held onto Loki.
"Y/n, we have to go."
"No. No I can't" you cried.
"This ship is going to explode and we will both die if we don't go right now."
"I can't just leave him."
"He's gone. We lost him. Please y/n, I can't lose you too."
"I can't leave him!" you screamed in Thor's face.
"Y/n I'm sorry" Thor sighed tearfully. He grabbed you from behind and forced you away from Loki.
You tried to get away from him, but his arms were strong around your chest as he dragged you back.
He pulled you back until the lifeless body was out of sight. Thor turned you round and hugged you tightly. He knew it was too late.
The ship around you exploded.
You were torn apart from each other.
Thor tried to grab your hand, but just missed your fingers as you were blasted away from him.
Your eyes were shut, your body motionless.
Thor watched you with tears in his eyes, until he slowly fell unconscious and drifted out into space.

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