Chapter Twenty-Two

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*narrator pov*
Next Friday afternoon...
"There" you smiled proudly. "All done."
Bucky ran his fingers through his hair, as you had just finished cutting it for him.
"You didn't fuck it up, did you?"
"Bucky!" you laughed. "No of course not. You still look perfect baby."
"Thanks doll."
You walked around his chair and sat on his lap. You brushed some hair off his face and shoulders, before kissing him on the lips.  
"You gonna let me cut your hair?" Bucky joked.
"Absolutely not!"
You stood up and walked over to the kitchen cupboards.
"Oh come on doll I was just kidding."
"I know" you smirked.
You grabbed an open packet of crisps and jumped onto the kitchen counter to eat them.
"Don't eat too many" Bucky warned. "Peter will be here soon."
"Right" you remembered.
You were going to the party with Peter tonight, but first you agreed to have dinner with him and his Aunt May, who you'd never met yet but heard a lot about.
"You might wanna get changed" Bucky suggested.
"Probably" you nodded in agreement.
"Sooner rather than later?"
You rolled your eyes and threw a crisp at him, then put the packet on the side and went to change in the bathroom.
You were in there for a while, and Peter arrived in the meantime.
"Hey Mr Barnes" he smiled when Bucky opened the door.
"Hey kid. And for the last time you can call me Bucky."
"Sorry, I- I forgot."
"Y/n's still getting ready. You want a drink?"
"Oh, no thank you. I'm driving."  
"Good answer" Bucky nodded as he sipped his own beer. "She might be a while so you can make yourself comfortable."
Peter nodded awkwardly, and waited for you patiently.
After a while you finally emerged from the bathroom.
"Hey baby, where... oh my god hey Peter!" you hurried over to where he was standing and hugged him.
"Hey y/n! You look... amazing" he remarked and gestured at your dress. It was the silver one you had picked out at the store the week before.
You turned to face Bucky.
"Stunning" he smiled slightly.
"Yeah whatever... where's your jacket?"
"My jacket?"
"Yes. I want your jacket. Your black leather one."
"Because I think it will look good with this dress and so I want to wear it. Where is it?" you enunciated.
Bucky pointed at where his jacket was folded across the back of a chair. 
You put it on over your dress. It was oversized but comfortable, and it smelt just like him.
You smiled gratefully as you slipped your phone into the pocket.  
You gave Bucky a quick kiss then went to hold Peter's hand.
"Bye baby" you waved.
"Don't do anything stupid y/n."
"I'll try."
"You mean you'll try not to?" Peter whispered.
"Yeah. Sure" you giggled as you shut the door after walking out.
Peter drove you back to his apartment, and led you up to his front door.
"Hey Aunt May, we're home" Peter called out.
May came running out the kitchen to greet you.
"Hey! Hi! You must be y/n" she walked over and shook your hand. "I'm May. You are really pretty by the way."   
"Thank you. So are you!" you complimented.
"I hope you like pizza."
"Oh I love pizza" you grinned.
You went to sit down at the table.
There was a knock on the door and Peter went to answer it.
He came back moments later with Ned.
"Ned, this is y/n. Y/n, Ned."
"Hi" Ned smiled.
"Hi" you smiled back. "Nice to finally meet you. I've heard lots about you."
"Likewise" Ned nodded as he sat down at the table next to Peter.
"Really?" you looked questioningly at Peter.
"Ned knows everything" Peter informed.
"Everything?" you raised an eyebrow, slightly mad.
"Sorry y/n."
"I can't believe you don't want everyone to know that you saved the freaking universe!" Ned exclaimed.
You looked down at your plate.
"I'd rather not talk about that."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"No it's fine. Let's just talk about something else."
"So y/n, how's your new apartment?" Peter wondered, changing the subject as requested.
"It's good. Small, but it means I'm closer to Bucky."
"He's the Winter Soldier, right?" Ned asked.
"No" you replied bluntly. "That's not who he is. Not anymore."
The others sat in uncomfortable silence for a little while.
"Could we just... not talk about me, or any of that stuff? What do you guys normally talk about?" you asked.
"Um... do you like Star Wars?" Ned enquired.
"Uh yeah I guess."
"You've only seen a few of them though" Peter laughed. "I watched some with you, remember, but you fell asleep before finishing them. I think you should watch them all before having an opinion."
"We should have a Star Wars marathon!" Ned excitedly suggested.
"Sounds fun" you chuckled.
As you finished off the pizza, you continued to talk about Star Wars, and other movies and TV shows.
"Right" May declared as she stood up. "Shall we go?" 
"Sure" Peter nodded, and you all got up from around the table.
You, May, Ned and Peter left the apartment, got in the car, and May drove to the party.
"What do you guys think of this hat?" Ned wondered as he placed one on top of his head.
"Cool hat" you grinned at him.
"What is it with you and wearing hats at parties?" Peter laughed.
"Like y/n said, it's cool" Ned nodded proudly.
"What time do you guys wanna get picked up?" May wondered.
"Um I'll text you when we're ready to go" Peter suggested.
"Okay. Don't be too late."
"We won't."
May stopped the car and Ned and Peter got out, then Peter turned to help you out the car.
"Wow. What a gentleman" you grinned.
"Bye May!" the three of you called in unison before heading inside.
"Hey Pete, I need to send a message to Tony. Come here so I can take a selfie."
You and Peter smiled for the camera, and you sent it to Tony along with the caption: "which is better, high school or Stark party?"
You then turned off your phone and put it in the pocket of Bucky's jacket just as you stepped into the house.
The music was blasting extremely loud and people were screaming playfully all over the place. It looked way more fun than the elegant parties you were used to.
"What do you guys wanna do first?" Peter asked.
"Drink!" you exclaimed and ran off to find the kitchen.
There was a large punch bowl and some cups, and you filled up a cup to instantly start drinking.
"Hi" a guy came up to you.
You gulped back your mouthful and said "hey" before filling your cup again.
"I don't think we've met. The name's Flash."
Oh god, you thought to yourself. Peter had told you about him, enough to make you dislike him very much.
You visibly rolled your eyes at him.
"Fuck off Flash" you sighed.
"Rude! What have I ever done to you?"
"Y/n!" Peter called before you could answer Flash.
He came walking over with another girl.
"What are- what are you doing?" he asked.
"Sup Penis Parker" Flash laughed at him.
"Shut it dick face" you groaned.
"Woah! Girl with an attitude! She yours Peter?"
"No! God you're such a jerk!"
"Penis Parker you might wanna-" Flash was cut off as you threw the rest of your drink in his face.
"Call him that again and you'll get a different kind of punch in the face" you warned. "Come on Pete."
You picked up another cup from the table, then his hand and dragged him out the kitchen, and the girl he was with followed.
"You were right, Peter. He is an absolute shithead."
"Yeah I know right. Hey y/n I want you to meet someone."
You turned to face the other girl.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! Hi I'm y/n."
"Nice to meet you MJ."
"It's weird I swear I recognise you from somewhere."
"Hm. I don't think we've ever met..."
"I feel like I know you... eh I'll figure it out."
You laughed and took a sip from your cup to hide your concern. You prayed she was mistaken.
"Hey you guys wanna dance?" you suggested.
"I don't dance" MJ said.
You glanced at Peter mischievously.
"No... no y/n I'm not dancing. No no no."
"Yeah! Come on" you dragged his hand to the centre of the room and started dancing. He stood still next to you, chuckling at you moving to the music.
You sighed and grabbed his hands to help him out.
"Shit y/n no!" he cried, but couldn't stop himself from laughing.
Peter twirled you round and you giggled at him.
You continued to dance with him for a while.
Ned was dancing on his own not far away. MJ walked up to him.
"What are you doing?" she frowned.
"Dancing" Ned smiled, still moving around.
"Right. Stop for a minute?"
Ned sighed and stopped to face MJ.
"What's up?" he asked.
"You need to see something."
MJ unlocked her phone and held it out for Ned to see.
Ned looked up worriedly and watched you with Peter through the crowd.

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