Chapter Nine

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*narrator pov*
Steve was standing outside the compound, staring down at the floor in thought.
Their time travel attempt with Bruce had just failed.
He looked up as a car came drifting down the road.
It drove just past him, then slowly rolled back.
Tony rolled down the window, but didn't say anything.
Steve looked away.
"Why the long face" Tony asked. "Let me guess, he turned into a baby."
"Among other things, yeah. What are you doing here?" Steve wondered.
"It's the EPR paradox" Tony started to explain as he got out the car. "Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang. Its tricky, dangerous. Somebody could've cautioned you against it."
"You did" Steve nodded.
"Oh, did I?" Tony asked, knowing full well he did. "Well thank god I'm here. Regardless, I fixed it."
Tony held up his hand, holding a small device. "A fully functioning time-space GPS. I just want peace."
Tony held two fingers up, making the peace sign, and he stepped back slightly. "Turns out resentment is corrosive, and I hate it."
"Me too."
"We got a shot at getting these stones but I gotta tell you my priorities. Bring back what we lost, I hope, yes. Keep what I found, I have to, at all costs. And maybe not die trying. Would be nice."
"Sounds like a deal" Steve held up his hand.
Tony shook it, then walked to the back of the car.
He took out Steve's shield from the boot.
"Tony, I don't know."
"Why? He made it for you. Plus, honestly, I have to get it out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding."
"Thank you Tony..."
"Bup, bup, bup... I'm not done" Tony said as he walked further round the car. Steve stepped around to watch him as he reached for the car door.
He opened it.
You swung your legs round, and stepped out with your heeled shoes. You stood up straight and pushed your sunglasses to the top of your head.
Steve laughed to himself. "I don't believe it."
"Good to see you too" you smiled.
You kicked the door shut and stepped closer to him.
He scoffed, and you raised an eyebrow at him.
"I thought you were dead."
"Hm. I think everyone does..."
"I missed you y/n."
"Missed you too Capsicle."
Steve put his arm around you as you walked inside.
You saw someone you didn't recognise, next to two people that you did.
"Hey I know you..." Bruce started.
"Y/n?" Nat stared at you.
You smiled wildly, and you hurried across the room to give her a hug.
"Where the hell have you been?! We all thou-"
"Thought I was dead, yeah I know."
You stepped back from your hug to face Bruce.
"Hi Dr Banner" you nodded.
"Call me Bruce... what happened?"
"It's a long story" you chuckled lightly. You turned to face the last man. "Sorry I don't know you..."
"Scott... Lang... Antman..."
"Oh I've heard about you. I'm y/n."
You shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you" he grinned.
"Uhm, is this... everyone?" you wondered.
"No" Steve said.
"We're going to get the others shortly" Nat informed.
"Okay great. Is my room still..."
"Untouched" Steve nodded. "Didn't feel right to move anything around here."
"Fuck... I did not clean it" you laughed. "I'm going to go get changed."
"See you in a bit kid" Tony waved.
You returned to the hallway of your room. It still all felt familiar to you, despite your absence for the past five years.
You got to the door of your room, but did not enter.
You walked past to the room at the end.
You slowly opened the door, and stepped in.
Everything looked the same.
Without any hesitation, you stepped towards his wardrobe and pulled out his sweats. You instantly changed into them.
You sat down on the bed as you pulled his hoodie over your head.
Then you stared blankly at the floor, until Steve came to see you.
"I thought I'd find you in here" he said.
You ignored him, so he sat next to you on the bed.
"We're going to bring him back y/n. We are doing everything we can."
"You're gonna help us, right?"
"Of course."
"Then you might wanna change into something a bit more appropriate for a mission."
"I will. But I want to wear this for a while. It's just been too long."
"That's fair."
Steve put his arm around you and gave you a proper hug.
"You know I think Bruce will be home soon."
"Hm. So?"
"With Thor."
You got up and ran out the room.
You saw Nat again by the Time Machine, and she was with Clint.
"You were quick" you said as you approached them.
"Y/n?! I thou-" Clint started.
"Mhm. Dead. Yeah no. Good to see you Clint" you hugged him.
"You too kid" he smiled.
The door on the other side of the room opened.
You tuned out Nat and Clint as you watched the door closely.
Bruce walked in.
Next to a raccoon.
No one else.
The two of them walked up to you.
"Are you a raccoon?" you asked.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Nothing" you shrugged. "Who are you?"
"The name's Rocket."
"Hi Rocket. I'm y/n."
"Shit... y/n?"
"Yeah... have me met before?"
"As in Thor's sister? The guy with the arm's girlfriend?"
"Uhm I guess so yeah."
"Thor said you were dead."
"Right..." you turned to Bruce. "Did you not find him?"
"No we did" Bruce sighed.
Convenient timing, as the doors burst open again.
Thor had a beer in hand, wearing sunglasses. He walked as though he had not a single care in the world. Until he saw you, and he froze.
You stared at him, not sure exactly what to do.
"No. Nope. I'm dreaming. Someone hit me" Thor said.
"I'll do it!" Rocket exclaimed quickly.
"You look like shit" you whispered, holding back your tears.
"You look like you haven't really been dead for the last five years" he responded.
"Surprise" you sighed sarcastically.
"That's it?"
"Well what am I supposed to say Thor?"
"I don't know, y/n. Apologise for hiding?"
"I'm sorry, were you not doing the exact same thing?"
"That's different."
"I didn't make people think I was dead!"
"Well sorry I almost died! Next time I'll try harder! That what you wanna hear?!"
"For fucks sake, no of course not y/n! I want to hear that you're okay!"
"I am fine! No thanks to you!"
"What did I do?! I did absolutely nothing!"
"That's the fucking problem!"
"And what exactly was I meant to do?!"
"Be a better brother! Give me a fucking hug because I haven't seen you in five years!"
"I can't do that! I made a mess of myself without you!"
"I! Don't! Fucking! Care!" you screamed tearfully.
You marched towards him and buried your face in his chest as he held you tightly into his arms.
"You stink like shit" you mumbled.
"Yeah I know" he sighed.
You turned around to face the others, wiping your cheeks of your tears.
"So this..."
"Is everyone. Yeah" Steve nodded.
Rhodes and Nebula had joined you, so everyone on the team was standing in front of you.
"Well then. Let's plan a time heist" you smirked.
Clint prepared himself on the platform.
"Clint, now you're gonna feel a little discombobulated from the chronoshift. Don't worry about it" Hulk said.
"Hey. If we can go back in time, why don't we just, you know, go find baby Thanos and... fuck him up?"
"That's exactly what I was thinking" Rhodey exclaimed.
"I know it makes sense!"
"First of all, that's horrible..." Bruce objected.
"It's Thanos!" Rhodey argued.
"And secondly, time doesn't work that way. Changing the past doesn't change the future."
"Shame. Beating the shit outta Thanos would've really made my day" you shrugged.
"Wow... violent" Nat laughed.
"I'm just saying."
Bruce sighed and turned to face Clint.
"Alright, Clint. We're going in 3...2...1..."
Clint suddenly disappeared.
"Bye" you said.
He reappeared again quickly, breathing heavily.
"Hey, hey, look at me. You okay?" Nat asked.
Clint was holding a baseball glove, and he tossed it to Tony.
"Yeah, it worked" Clint nodded. "It worked."
"Fuck yeah! Time heist" you grinned and high-fived Scott, standing next to you.

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