Chapter Two

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*narrator pov*
You had been tossing and turning all night.
Bucky noticed you were agitated, but you never properly woke up.
He stayed up anyway, to make sure you were okay.
He fell asleep briefly, but woke up as your head started moving around. A lot.
"Hey doll. It's okay" Bucky said as he brushed the hair out of your face. You didn't stop moving. Your whole body started to shake vigorously in bed.
"Y/n? Y/n come on wake up."
He sat you up in bed next to him and hugged you tightly. You still weren't waking up, and you were still shaking uncontrollably.
"God. Y/n. Wake up. Y/n please. Wake up y/n. Wake up" Bucky repeated over and over as he rocked back and forth with you in his arms, holding your head to his chest. He was starting to really panic. You'd had nightmares, but you had never been like this.
"Wake up. Please wake up" he whispered nervously into your hair. "Please wake up y/n. Wake up. Wake up. Wake..."
"Bucky..." you gasped suddenly. "Bucky!"
Your hands grabbed onto his shoulders, and reached up behind his neck.
You pulled him close and didn't let go.
Bucky hugged you tightly, stroking your back comfortingly.
"I'm here" he muttered in your ear. "You're okay. I've got you."
"Bucky... Bucky what happened?" you cried.
"You had another nightmare. But it's okay. It's over now."
You focused on Bucky's slow breathing, trying to match it, to calm down.
Bucky refused to let go of you.
"Bucky... I- I gotta go..."
"Go? Go where?"
"I- I have to find my brothers."
At that point, you clutched your necklace in your hand.
Loki had given it to you for your last birthday, and you hadn't taken it off since.
It was your reminder of home, of family. Asgard was gone, along with both your parents. Thor had to protect the people, and Loki went with him. They asked you to join them, but you refused - staying on Earth, living with the avengers.
The necklace was the one thing you had that connected to either of them.
And now, you had to see them.
"I gotta go Bucky" you said, and pulled away from him.
He held your hands.
"Wait. Are you going now?"
"I- I'm sorry. I need to see them. Please don't hate me..."
"No, I don't hate you. If you need to see them, then go. But let me cook you breakfast first? You've had a long night, doll. I wanna know you're okay."
"Okay" you nodded. "I'll go later. Today."
"Mhm. Breakfast in bed?"
"No. I'll come with you."
You got out of bed and went with Bucky to the kitchen.
To cheer you up, he put on a pink apron that read 'kiss the cook' over his shirtless body.
You giggled as he picked you up and spun you round in the air. You 'kissed the cook', then hopped onto the kitchen counter.
Bucky turned on the radio, and danced around the kitchen fetching ingredients.
He was making pancakes, and he decided to sprinkle a small pile of flour onto his hand.
You looked at him, confused.
He walked over to you, holding out his hand.
"Bucky... what are you doing?"
He grinned, then blew the flour in your face.
You squealed and slapped his hand away.
Bucky laughed at your flour-covered face, and you couldn't help laughing too.
He returned to making the pancakes as you tried to dust all the flour off.
After a while, you jumped down from the side and crept over to the fridge.
You took out the squirty cream, then snuck up behind Bucky.
"Hey Buck..." you called innocently.
He turned around, and you sprayed the can at his face.
"Oh my god! Y/n!" he was trying to yell and sound angry, but he was chuckling.
"You got a lil something" you smirked pointing at his face, and you wiped off a small part of the large mess you had made.
"Oh do I now?" he grinned.
"Mhm" you giggled.
"Well maybe I should just..." he said, before pressing his face against yours, kissing your lips, and smearing squirty cream all over you. He grabbed the can off you and made a hat of cream in your hair, without letting go of your lips.
"Bucky!" you squealed.
He ruffled the squirty cream into your hair.
"I hate you!" you cried playfully.
You took the cream back and did the same in his hair.
You were both stood their laughing, when some of the others collectively came into the kitchen.
Unfortunately, you didn't notice them at first, as they waited in the doorway, watching you and Bucky.
"Ugh you're so annoying" you complained, trying to clean your face with your shirt. In actual fact, it was Bucky's shirt that you had borrowed. "I need to shower now!"
"Hm. So do I. How convenient" Bucky smirked at you. "Maybe we should..."
"Alright. I've heard enough!" Tony interrupted.
"Fuck! Tony!" you exclaimed.
"Nice outfit" Sam grinned at Bucky, shirtless in the apron.
"What have you done to my kitchen?" Tony cried.
You and Bucky stood in awkward silence.
"Well?! Clean it up!"
You waved your hand, and a cloth levitated through the air, cleaning all the mess except for what was dripping off you.
"I'm, uh, gonna go shower" you nodded. You grabbed Bucky's hand and pulled him out the room.
"Gross" Peter frowned.
"You have to admit, though. They're perfect for each other" Sam said.
Tony rolled his eyes.
Peter finished off the pancake batter that Bucky had started, and he made breakfast for everyone.
He was finishing up serving when you and Bucky returned, fresh out the shower.
"That was quick for two seperate consecutive showers" Nat winked.
You teasingly put a finger to your lips as you sat down next to her. Bucky sat on your other side.  
"So uh, I'm gonna go find my brothers today" you announced.
"Okay. When are you going?" Pepper asked.
"You're not going until you finish cleaning up the bullets from yesterday" Tony answered for you.
"You know what, I should probably go sooner rather than later" you argued jokingly. "But Peter will take care of it. Wont you Pete?"
He was glaring at you slightly.
"Fine. I'll do it" he begrudgingly agreed.
"See. Problem solved" you nodded at Tony, who in turn rolled his eyes disappointedly at you. "What? I cleaned the mess in the kitchen this morning. Is that not enough?"
"You also made the mess in the kitchen" Tony pointed out.
"We were just having a bit of fun."
"That's fine. As long as you clean up after."
"See but that's not fun."
"Hm. How long are you going to be away? Ie how long do I have a quiet, clean and peaceful compound for?"
"Okay first of all, rude. Second of all, only a couple of days."
"I guess that's enough freedom" Tony sighed as he sipped some juice from his glass. You used your powers to make him spill it in his lap.
"Damn it! Y/n!" Tony exclaimed, and Pepper helped him dry off.
You laughed at him, then helpfully started to clear the table.
You got up and put the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink.
An arm reached around your stomach and spun you round.
You giggled as you held Bucky's cheeks in your hands, and pulled him in to kiss you. 
"Do you have to go?" he muttered.
"I'm sorry baby. I need to see my brothers. But I won't be gone long. I promise." 
You took his hand and said goodbye to the others.
You and Bucky walked outside and stepped onto the lawn.
"Bye doll" Bucky hugged you.
"Bye Buck" you grinned and hugged him back.
You stepped away from him and waved.
You were still waving as the rainbow bridge appeared around you.
Bucky watched as you disappeared from where you once stood.

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