Chapter Twenty-Six

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*narrator pov*
About 4 months later...
"What can I get y'a?" you smiled at the customer sitting on the other side of the bar.
"I'll have a margarita" they answered.
"Coming right up."
You turned to get their drink, and glanced over your shoulder and smiled as the door opened.
"Hey baby" you grinned at Bucky as he sat down.
You leaned over the bar and gave him a kiss, then you handed the margarita to the other guy.
"I'll have a kiss too if you're giving them out" he laughed.
"Oh yeah? How much money you got?" you joked.
"That's not funny" Bucky frowned.
"I was only joking" you turned back to him. "What's got you in a mood?"
"Who says I'm in a mood?"
"Your face. What's up?"
"I need a drink."
"Okay. Then you tell me what's up" you sighed and grabbed Bucky a beer.
He took it and drank some before speaking.
"Sam gave up the shield."
"What? When?"
"Two days ago. He handed it over to the museum."
"Yeah like the governments gonna leave it in a museum."
"Hey!" someone from the other side of the room gestured at you, and you rolled your eyes.
"Excuse me for a minute" you sighed.
Bucky watched you take their order, make it, then hand it to them.
Another customer interrupted before you could get back to him, then another.
Three more later and you caught up with Bucky again.
"Hey if you're busy I can go" Bucky said.
"No it's fine. So... what were we talking about?"
"Sam being stupid."
"Yes, right. That decision was crap."
"So how was your session this morning?"
"Fine. I told her about Senator Atwood."
"Aha that was fun." - you had been sat in the parking lot, eating popcorn while Bucky 'apologised'.
"It wasn't supposed to be. I didn't tell her you were there."
"You never tell her about me."
"She doesn't know you exist. She thinks I'm lonely."
"You kinda are."
"I have you."
"How cute."
"You're lonely too doll."
"Oh but I have you" you mocked him.
"Whatever. I'm not telling her about you."
"Aw, are you ashamed of me baby?"
"I don't want her to know about you yet."
"Fair enough. To be honest, I don't want to ever meet her, so I'm fine with you not mentioning me."
"Good, because I wasn't planning on it."
"Did you tell her about your nightmares?"
Bucky paused for a moment.
"What do you want for dinner tonight?"
"I'll take that as a no."
"She didn't need to know."
"I think she does."
"She knew I was lying anyway."
"They always do. Somehow."
You went off to serve some more drinks, and when you came back, Bucky wasn't alone.
"Hey Yori" you smiled. "How've you been?"
"Good evening y/n. I've been good. What about you?"
"Good. What can I get for you?"
"The usual please."
"Of course."
You prepared his usual meal and drink as he spoke to Bucky.
"When was the last time you took her out?" Yori asked.
"I don't know. I'm out with her now" Bucky replied.
"She's working. It doesn't count."
"Sure it does."
"No. You need to take her on a proper romantic date."
"Are you trying to give me relationship advice?"
"God knows you need it" you walked back over to them, handing Bucky another beer.
Yori shook his head at you, then looked at Bucky.
"This is seriously the best you can do?" Yori sighed.
"Excuse me" you laughed.
"No, no. I'm talking to you" Yori clarified, then faced you again. "You can do better than him."
Your grin widened and you glanced at Bucky.
"Nu uh" you smiled. "Not possible."
You leaned over the bar once more to kiss him again.
"You two need to go on a real date" Yori recommended.
"Ew" you giggled. "That sounds like effort. What's wrong with hanging out here?"
"You work here, so it doesn't count. You should go out and play Bingo, or pinochle."
"Pinochle?" you laughed.
"Anything, anywhere but here."
"Oh but I like it here."
"Convince her to go to dinner" Yori pointed at Bucky. "She is stubborn. My..."
Yori trailed off and a look of mourning came over his face.
"Yori? Are you okay?" you asked.
He smiled softly as he remembered.
"My son..." he continued. "He was stubborn. You remind me of him."
You touched his hand comfortingly and looked at him pitifully.
"Excuse me. I need to use the bathroom quickly."
Yori stood up and left.
"He's such a sweet old man" you sighed. "I feel so sorry for him."
"I know. Me too."
"When are you going to tell him?"
"I don't know."
"It's going to break his little old heart."
"That's not helpful."
"I'm sorry."
"I wish it never happened."
"I know. Why don't you walk him home?"
"Okay. When does your shift finish?"
"In like half an hour."
"I'll come back and pick you up."
"You don't have to."
"Right. But I'm going to."
Yori returned to the table.
"Hey Yori, you okay?" you asked.
"Yes, thank you" he nodded.
"Come on. I'll take you home" Bucky offered.
"Thank you" Yori smiled at Bucky weakly, then faced you. "I enjoy the company. And thank you for dinner."
"No problem. Bye Yori" you waved.
You watched as Bucky escorted the old man away from the bar and out the door.
"Hey lady! Miss Bartender!" someone hollered at you.
You groaned, then turned to face them with a fake smile.
When your shift finished, you looked around the bar.
Bucky was sitting at a table by the window, looking out of it.
"Hey" you smiled. "I'm done."
"Finally" he said as he stood up and kissed you.
"I did tell you that you could've just gone home."
"I have nothing to do at home."
"Oh so I'm just here to pass the time with?" you pretended to be annoyed.
"You gotta be problematic?" Bucky complained.
"Sorry" you grinned as he put his arm around you.
You walked out onto the street together.
"When are you working tomorrow?"
"Was thinking about taking you to dinner."
"Oh, so Yori finally talked you into it."
"Maybe. Do you want to?"
"Sure why not. I'm working in the morning, so dinner won't be a problem."
"Good. Any preference where we go?"
"No. Surprise me!"
"But don't take us to a crappy restaurant."
"What counts as a crappy restaurant."
"A restaurant that is crap."
"Right. Of course. So I gotta find a place thats up to your standards?"
"Up to the challenge?"
"I wouldn't take you anywhere any less than perfect."
"You are cringeworthy James."
"But you're sweet. It's a shame no one else knows it."
"Mhm. Whatever."
"Stop saying that?"
"Whatever" Bucky smirked teasingly.
He kissed the top of your head as you continued walking home.
The next day, you arrived back at your apartment around midday.
"Bucky?" you called out. "Buck? I'm home!"
No one was around, but the TV was on.
You went to turn it off, when you saw what was on the screen.
"Oh... fuck no!"

Y/n Odinsdottir 2Where stories live. Discover now