Chapter Twenty-One

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*narrator pov*
You had been 'waiting' in the car for just over half an hour.
A small knock sounded on the window.
"Mr Barnes" the driver called through the closed door. "Mr Stark is on his way." 
There was no response from inside the car. 
"Mr Barnes?"
Bucky stopped kissing you and sighed.
"Miss y/n? Did you-"
"Yeah we heard!" you yelled in annoyance.
Bucky grinned at the cute little angry face you were making, but to his disappointment you couldn't help smiling back at him.
You gave him a long desperate kiss as he sat up, and you sat up next to him.
Your lips parted and Bucky bent down to pick your dress up off the floor.
"Bucky wait!" you cried.
"Why? What's wrong?"
"I love you."
"I love you too doll" he smiled softly.
You sat for a moment staring into each other's eyes.
"Clothes!" you suddenly remembered, and laughed as you slipped back into your dress.
You sat down on Bucky's lap when he had pulled up his trousers, and ran a finger down his shirtless body.
Bucky put his arms in the sleeves of his shirt, and you buttoned it up for him.
As he put on his jacket, your eyebrows knitted together as you looked around the backseat of the car.
"Bucky have you seen my- Tony!" you exclaimed when the car door suddenly opened.
You inelegantly slid off Bucky's lap onto the seat next to him as Tony and Pepper got in the car.
"You have fun tonight?" Tony asked.
"Yeah. It was a great party guys" you grinned widely.
You tucked your hair behind your ears, and took your earrings out. You rested your head on Bucky's shoulder and he put his arm around you.
The car had barely been driving for five minutes when Tony started fidgeting uncomfortably.
"Are you okay?" Pepper asked.
"What am I sitting on..." he explored down the back of his seat to find what was creating a lump in the chair.
He pulled out your pair of underwear. 
He held them up with the very end of his finger, looking extremely disgusted.
You froze and your eyes widened.
Pepper chuckled slightly.
You were about to quickly snatch them off him, when Bucky shrugged and took them first. Without thinking about it, he carelessly slipped them into his jacket pocket, then put his arm back around your shoulders.
"Sorry" you mumbled, trying not to laugh.
"That's disgusting" Tony frowned. 
"Yeah? Don't tell me you didn't used to do it in more public places" you smugly reminded him.
"I- don't change the subject!"
"Tony, she has a point" Pepper smirked.
You grinned proudly as Tony had nothing to say. 
On the way home, Tony and Pepper talked quietly between themselves as you spoke to Bucky.
"In just 24 hours we'll be going to bed in our own place" he reminded you.
"I know. I can't wait."
"We're gonna need to go shopping at some point to buy some furniture and stuff."
"I'm sure we'll manage."
You kicked your legs up onto the empty seat next to you and made yourself comfortable, settling your head in Bucky's lap.
As the car drove on, you eventually fell asleep.
Bucky stroked gently through your hair as you slept, smiling as you snored softly.
When the car finally pulled up in front of the Stark cabin, you awoke again and sat up groggily.
Bucky took your hand and helped you out the car then back inside.
You made sure to be quiet as Morgan was already asleep.
You tiredly waved goodbye to Happy and muttered goodnight to Tony and Pepper, before heading up the stairs.
You sat in your bed and watched Bucky change into some pyjamas. 
He raised an eyebrow at you when you didn't do the same.
"Getting changed doll?"
You pulled back the covers next to you suggestively.
Bucky rolled his eyes and grabbed one of his T-shirts out the wardrobe before joining you in bed.
You rolled over and kissed him.
He carefully undressed you and dropped the dress on the floor next to the bed.
"Bup bup bup" he stopped you before you could kiss him. "Come here."
Confused, you sat up and faced him. 
He kissed your forehead, before pulling his T-shirt down over you head.
You groaned at him and lay down, rolling over to face away from him.
"So boring baby..." you muttered, but you were already drifting off to sleep as you could barely keep your eyes open.
"You'll thank me tomorrow" he smiled as he cuddled you from behind.
By the time he had gotten comfortable, you had completely passed out. 
"Love you y/n" he whispered into your ear, even though he knew you couldn't hear.
The next afternoon was Sunday afternoon, the day you were planning to leave the Stark cabin indefinitely.
"Okay!" you declared as you ran down the stairs. "I have packed a total of one bag full of about only ten things 'cause that's all I own."
"So you're ready?" Bucky asked.
"Pretty much. Just gotta say goodbye. Have you seen Morgan?"
"No, sorry."
"Ugh I promised her I wouldn't leave until I said goodbye" you groaned.
"You promised you wouldn't leave?" Pepper laughed.
"Well then I believe you unwillingly signed up for a game of hide and seek" Tony said.
"Oh it's on" you smirked. "Coming to find you Morgz!"
You ran straight up to her room because you knew that's where she'd be.
You opened the door and grinned at the toes poking out from underneath the bed.
You grabbed her feet and pulled her out, turned her onto her back, and tickled her stomach.
"I found you!" you cried as she giggled at you. "Come on, let's go downstairs."
Morgan stopped laughing and frowned.
"I don't want to."
"Why not?"
"Because then you'll leave. And I don't want you too."
"Oh Morgan, I've got to go."
"No you don't!"
"Yeah... I'm gonna go live with Bucky."
"What's wrong with living here?"
"Nothings wrong with living here..."
"Then stay!"
You smiled softly at her.
"Im gonna miss you Morgz" you admitted and picked her up to carry her on your side.
She hugged you tightly as you took her downstairs.
"You found her" Tony grinned.
"Mhm" you nodded and sat her down on the bottom steps.  
"Daddy!" Morgan whined. "Tell her she needs to stay!"
"Oh I can't tell her that. But I can make her promise that she's going to call every night and come for dinner once a week" Tony suggested.
"No, I'll call once a week, and dinner once a month."
"Call four times a week, dinner once a fortnight."
"Dinner once a fortnight... I'll call twice a week and message you every other day" you promised. "Deal?"
"Gonna miss you Tony" you smiled as you embraced him in a hug.
"I'll miss you too. Be safe?"
"Of course. I'll miss you too Pepper" you hugged her too.
"I hope you guys have fun" Pepper nodded.
"Oh we will."
"Y/n! Small child in the room!" Tony exclaimed.
You turned to Morgan and bent down, reaching out your arms.
She crossed her arms grumpily and looked away.
"Aw I don't get a hug?"
Morgan didn't move.
"Fine" you stood up again. "Bye little miss."
She continued to ignore you.
"Bye guys" you waved at Pepper and Tony.
"Bye" Bucky said.
You took his hand and he picked up the last bag, and you headed out for the car.
"Y/n wait!"
Morgan ran out when you were halfway to the car.
You grinned and bent down as she wrapped her arms around you.
"Bye Morgz. Be good for your mommy and daddy, okay?"
"Okay. Bye y/n."
You smiled and kissed her cheek.
Tony came and held her hand as you went to get in the car.
You rolled down the window, and you and Morgan waved at each other until the cabin was out of sight.
You sat back in your chair as the car window shut next to you. You smiled up at Bucky.
"I love you baby" you said softly.
"I love you too" he said without taking his eyes off the road, but his lips formed a smile across his face.

Y/n Odinsdottir 2Where stories live. Discover now