Chapter Fourteen

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*narrator pov*
"Y/n?" Tony asked, confused. "Give me the gauntlet."
"I- I-" you mumbled and slowly walked backwards.
"What are you doing?"
"She's making the right choice" Thanos smirked behind him.
"Y/n what is he talking about?" Tony wondered, then yelled. "What did he say to you y/n?!"
You were terrified.
Whatever happened next, someone was going to die.
You thought of something that could work, but too many of the others were too close to you for it to succeed.
So you had to get away.
Tony was still creeping towards you, and you let him put his hand on your shoulder.
You made eye contact with him, tears rolling down your cheek.
You dropped your arms and held the gauntlet by your side.
Tony wrapped his arms around you, and held your head onto his chest.
"It's okay. It's okay" he whispered. One of his hands reached down towards the gauntlet.
You looked over Tony's shoulder at Thanos.
"I'm sorry Tony" you whispered into his ear.
Tony bent down and tried to grab the gauntlet, but you blasted him backwards.
You gulped nervously as your hands glowed with power.
A purple fog type thing emerged from the ground, engulfing all the armies.
Before anyone could get to you, everyone started dropping to the ground, unconscious - and not just Thanos' army.
People dropped out the sky, but you used magic to make sure they landed safely.
Just a moment later, all except Thanos were asleep.
He was groggy, but not yet passing out.
"You really thought that would work?" he groaned tiredly.
You shut your eyes to concentrate, and increase the effect of your power.
A loud thud sounded in front of you, and you opened your eyes to see Thanos on the ground too.
You kneeled down to pick up the gauntlet from in front of your feet.
You started finding a place to hide - you couldn't go too far, because you needed to be close by to undo it.
You tried not to look at the bodies of your friends as you stepped over them.
You walked away to the side of the battlefield, until you found a clear open space where there was no one on the floor.
You sat against a large rock, and looked at the gauntlet in your lap.
This had to work, because if you died, the others would be asleep forever. But you couldn't wake them up until it was on your wrist.
You slipped your fingers into the glove.
It shrunk to fit the shape of your wrist.
You yelled out in pain as the power of the stones surged through your body.
You breathed heavily and slowly until it hurt a little less.
Then, with your other hand, you used your power once again.
Tony groaned and sat up from the floor.
He looked around as everyone else did the same.
Thanos was already standing, so Tony couldn't tell if he had been asleep too. He was just staring at the battlefield.
"Where is she?" Thor ran up to him, hammer in hand. "What the hell did you do to her?"
"I did nothing" Thanos sighed.
"Liar!" Thor cried, and swung his hammer at him.
But Thanos disappeared into dust before he was hit.
Thor looked at the others confused.
"We need to find y/n, now!" Tony cried.
The entire of Thanos' army was turning to dust around them.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y..." Tony spoke to his suit. "Where is she?"
"Working on it."
Tony turned until his suit alerted him - thermal imaging picked up someone sitting against a rock at the edge of the battlefield.
Tony quickly flew over, not waiting for the others, but they were all following anyway.
They hurried over to where you were lying with your eyes closed against a rock.
"No!" Thor cried as he knelt beside you. "Y/n!"
You slowly and ever so slightly opened your eyes.
"Did it work?" you whispered.
"What the hell we're you thinking?" Tony asked as he knelt down on your other side.
"Did it work?" you repeated quietly.
"Yeah it worked" Thor frowned tearfully. "Why would you do that?"
You closed your eyes again and smiled softly.
"I'm gonna see Loki."
"No... no you're not" Thor's voice trembled. "No y/n, come on..."
"I can see Loki again..."
"You're not going to die y/n."
You blinked your eyes open again and faced Thor.
"It's gonna be okay" you smiled. You looked past him and saw Peter hovering by your feet. "Peter..."
He was visibly trying not to cry.
"This counts as something stupid y/n" he tried to joke.
"Hm" you chuckled. "I'm sorry Pete."
Tears leaked from his eyes as he knelt beside to give you a hug.
"WHERE IS SHE?" you heard someone yell.
Bucky ran through the other avengers and stood in front of you.
Tony, Peter and Thor reluctantly moved and Bucky knelt beside you. He held the back of your head and leaned close to you.
"Shit, y/n" he muttered.
"Bucky..." you whispered.
Bucky shook his head in denial.
"Don't do this doll. Come on" he pleaded.
"I love you."
Bucky's eyes watered and he didn't say anything.
"Bucky, please?" you begged for him to say it.
"I love you too" he gave in and let himself cry.
He leaned closer to your face and kissed you gently, until he felt that you were no longer kissing him back.
Your eyes were shut.
"Y/n? No... y/n" Bucky cried over your body, burying his face into the jumper you were wearing.
It was his hoodie.
Thor angrily threw his hammer at another nearby rock, cracking it in two.
Peter turned to Tony, and they embraced each other in a comforting hug as Peter let out his tears.
"She's not dead" Thor denied. "No... she's not. She's stronger than that. I know her."
"Thor-" Bruce tried to console him.
"No! She's not dead! She can't be!" Thor yelled, red in the face as he cried. He stormed towards Bruce angrily. "She is not dead. That should not have killed her."
Bruce looked nervously at the others.
Wanda stepped closer to your body.
"I... still feel her" she remarked.
Peter broke free from Tony's arms and ran towards you.
He crouched, hovering over you slightly.
Bucky was still hugging you, and had not been listening to what the others were saying.
He looked up when he saw Peter join him.
Peter closed his eyes to focus and put a hand on your chest.
There was half a minute of silence, before he let out a large sigh and gasped happily.
Bucky stared at Peter hopefully.
"It's... something" Peter whispered. He could just about pick up a sense of life inside you, but it didn't feel like a heartbeat. Perhaps because you weren't exactly human. But he knew whatever it was meant you weren't dead.
"I was right?" Thor asked with a small, relieved smile.
"Uh, I don't know..." Peter sighed.
"We shouldn't get our hopes up. But we should get her out of here" Tony decided. He then concluded that the only possible option was to return to his home, as the compound was destroyed.
Dr Strange created a portal for them to return through.
Bucky picked you up carefully and stepped through after Tony and Pepper, followed by Peter and Thor.
The others were going to come back later, when everything had been figured out.
The portal closed, and they headed towards the cabin.
Before they got to the door, it swung open and Morgan ran out.
"Mommy! Daddy!" she cried as she ran over.
Tony and Pepper hugged her between them.
"You're okay!" Morgan grinned.
"Hey Morgz, go inside with mommy" Tony told her.
"Okay-" Morgan agreed, but she noticed what Tony wished she hadn't. "Is that y/n?"
"Come on sweetie" Pepper took her hand and pulled her indoors.
"Is she okay? Is she sleeping? What's wrong with her mommy?" Morgan asked as they went inside.
Tony turned back to face Thor, Bucky and Peter.
"You have a kid?" Peter smiled.
"Yeah..." Tony nodded.
"Tony" Bucky said.
"Right. We have a spare room that she can stay in until she wakes up."
"That's it?" Thor asked.
"I'm not sure what else we can do. I'm sorry. We'll have Bruce come over and check up on her..."
"So we just wait?"
"I'm sorry Thor, and I can't believe I'm going to say this, I think you know more than me right now" Tony sighed.
He led the others to the spare room in his cabin, where Bucky lay you down on the bed. 
"I'm gonna stay with her" Bucky declared.
"We don't have any more rooms" Tony stated. "And you're not staying in the same bed as her."
"I'll sleep on the floor."
"Fine" Tony reluctantly agreed, as he thought Bucky perhaps had been through enough. "You should probably meet Morgan then."
Tony took Peter, Thor and Bucky downstairs, and they found Morgan with Pepper.
"Daddy!" Morgan ran up to Tony and hugged his legs. "Is y/n okay?"
"Yeah she's gonna be fine" Tony smiled as he picked her up. "Hey Morgz, I want you to meet everyone."
Tony held Morgan on his side and pointed. "That's Thor, Peter, and that's Bucky."
"Hi!" Morgan waved cutely.
Tony grinned at Bucky as he whispered in Morgan's ear. "He's the one who has to buy you all the toys."
Bucky looked at him, confused.
Morgan's eyes widened.
"You're y/n's prince?!" she squealed excitedly.
"What?" Bucky couldn't help smiling.
"You're the one who y/n said is the true love of her life. Do you love her too?"
"Very much" Bucky nodded, grinning at Morgan.
"Will you buy me all the toys like she said?"
"We'll see."

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